super agent

Chapter 137 Ruthless and Spicy

Chapter 137 Ruthless (fourth update)
Ye Fei drove Leng Kun away from the police station. Along the way, he looked in the rearview mirror from time to time. He knew that there must be someone watching here, but fortunately, those people did not intend to act in a hurry.

Being idle and bored, Ye Fei glanced at the road ahead, then turned his head to look at Leng Kun, and said with a smile: "Why are you so nervous? Do you want to do something?"


Cold sweat broke out on Leng Kun's back. In fact, after he came out of the police station, he had been thinking about whether to do something or not.

The success rate of holding a gun in his hand is supposed to be very high, even if he has only one hand left, he is confident in his marksmanship, but thinking of Ye Fei's fierceness and fearlessness, he has new fears.

Ye Fei dared to give him the gun directly, is he really stupid?Definitely not, it obviously shows that Ye Fei doesn't care about giving him a gun at all.

But this is the only chance for revenge, and Leng Kun is really in pain, he hesitates for a while, not knowing how to choose.

"I'm glad you didn't do anything stupid just now, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting so comfortably now."

Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun with a faint smile, then looked at the front of the car and said, "I'm sure I'm not an idiot, I can't give you a gun to kill myself, so your choice is very wise."

"Hehe, I'm just a little nervous."

Leng Kun looked plain on the surface, but in fact his back was sweating profusely, and his grip on the gun suddenly loosened. After hearing Ye Fei's words, he really couldn't bring himself to feel anything wrong.

Obviously, as Ye Fei said, he is not an idiot, otherwise how could he give himself the gun for no reason?

"What are you worried about? Your wife seems to have gone to the Giant Whale Gang, and there is no one at home." Ye Fei said.

"Those people are expected to come, but I don't know whether they intend to kill me or save me..." Leng Kun stared forward with far-reaching eyes.

"There are Nine Lives Monster behind you, will they really kill you?" Ye Fei asked curiously.

"Not sure, there is a force behind them, they are not afraid of the Nine-Life Monster, and the Nine-Life Monster may not necessarily do things for me, because there is a terrible force guarding Huaxia Kingdom, the Nine-Life Monster When facing this force, you have to walk on thin ice." Leng Kun shook his head and explained.

"Yan Huang Guardian?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and asked, this was the second time he heard this word, it seems that this force is extraordinary.

"Well, it seems that I didn't have much contact with them, and I was just doing things at first." Leng Kun nodded.

"Well, it's pointless to think too much. Let's wait for the development of the matter." Ye Fei shrugged and continued to drive, glanced at the rearview mirror and said with a sneer: "We are indeed being targeted."

When Leng Kun heard this, he quickly glanced at the rearview mirror, then turned his head to look behind.

At this time, in a luxurious hotel, Feng Yuan was holding a glass of red wine in his left hand, swaying gently, while his right hand was holding a phone——

"Leng Kun has been taken out of the police station, but the person who brought him out was Ye Fei, so it's a bit difficult."

Feng Yuan took a sip of his wine, then frowned and said, "At the same time, I have sent someone to keep an eye on it, what should I do?"

"Is that Ye Fei really powerful?"

A thick male voice came from Feng Yuan's phone, with the tone of a superior questioning his subordinates.

"Well, after fighting a few times, this man is not simple. It is far from the information he left in the secret service base. He is so powerful." Feng Yuan nodded and explained.

"In this case……"

After hearing Feng Yuan's words, the owner of the manly voice was silent for a moment, and suddenly said indifferently: "If you can save it, save it, if you can't, let Leng Kun go."

"Kill Leng Kun?"

Feng Yuan was taken aback for a moment. Although he knew that there might be such a result, what he couldn't figure out was that the person above was so decisive. Thinking of him, he frowned and said worriedly: "But Leng Kun is a Nine-Life Demon after all!"

"Nine Lives Demon? I will negotiate with him here. He just wants someone to take care of his business in Zhonghai City. Will there be fewer people like Leng Kun in this city?" the host with a thick voice He continued in an indifferent tone: "Just let go and do it, and kill that agent named Ye Fei at the same time. This guy popped up out of nowhere, and he went to find the old account. He really doesn't know what to do."

"Well, okay, with your words, then I'll let go."

Feng Yuan nodded, and immediately hung up the phone.

Then, Feng Yuan stared at the front with the mobile phone in his hand and thought to himself, "Old Leng, don't blame me, this matter is related to the higher authorities, and we can only sacrifice you."

After speaking, he opened the phone's address book again and dialed the number. After the call was connected, Feng Yuan thought for a while and said: "If you can save it, save it. If you can't save it...then kill it!"


At this time, Ye Fei took Leng Kun around for a few circles, then temporarily shook off the 'tail' behind him, and then rushed straight to the Bayside Garden District.

Ye Fei drove to the Haiwan Bieyuan District, drove the car to the door of Leng Kun's house, and found that his tail hadn't caught up, so he quickly got off the car with Leng Kun.

"Quickly open the door and go in and find the evidence."

When Ye Fei got out of the car, he looked left and right and urged Leng Kun to say.


Leng Kun nodded, hurried to the door of the house, and kicked the door open forcefully. Since he was arrested, his wife is now in the giant whale gang, so he has no scruples for the time being.

After kicking twice, the door lock was kicked open, when Leng Kun saw this and was about to rush inside——

"Remember, don't play tricks in front of me. I don't have anything in my hand. You still can't do me any harm. On the contrary, you have seen my methods." Ye Fei followed Leng Kun, and suddenly said indifferently warned.

Leng Kun's body trembled, thinking of Ye Fei's horror, he nodded quickly and said: "Okay, I won't mess around."

"go in."

Ye Fei nodded, glanced outside and winked at Leng Kun.

Immediately, Leng Kun and Ye Fei walked into the room together. The room was clean and undamaged. It seemed that the people in the dark were very confident. Even if there was evidence in the room, Leng Kun would not let Leng Kun take it away easily. If it is not destroyed, then there is still a strategy to invite you into the urn.

Under the leadership of Leng Kun, Ye Fei ran straight upstairs.

Because it was his own home, Leng Kun was even more familiar with the road. When he came to his room, he found that his room had not been touched by anyone.

"Those records are in the computer. I'll take a USB first and download the evidence later."

Leng Kun walked into his study room, immediately sat on the computer desk, turned on the computer, and took out a USB flash drive from the small drawer of the computer desk.

"Very well, you are sensible, hurry up and find the record."

Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction.


Leng Kun was very cooperative in operating the computer, searching for the original evidence records.


PS: I'm a bit busy today, so it's a bit late. I'll have today's Chapter 5 later. I hope you like it. At the same time, don't stop voting in your hands. Let's vote for Xiao Zeng!Continue to write Chapter 5.

 Asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a reward, asking for a recommendation ticket, Xiao Zeng urgently needs it! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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