super agent

Chapter 140 The Nine-Life Demon Comes

Chapter 140 The Nine Lives Demon Comes (Part [-])

Da da da……

After Lei Ge and the others realized the movement below, they rushed down quickly, but they were still half a step too late. Ye Fei has always done things neatly, so there will be time for them.

"damn it!"

Lei Ge's eyes were filled with anger, and he watched Ye Fei drive away, and disappeared before his eyes in less than three seconds.

"Brother Lei, chase after me?"

A man in a suit with a gun in the back looked at Lei Ge and asked.

"People are gone, so what are you chasing after!"

Lei Ge glanced at the man in the suit next to him in a deep voice and said, immediately threw the submachine gun in his hand to the ground, and took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Have you caught it?"

Feng Yuan's voice sounded from Lei Ge's cell phone.

"Feng Dong, was... was run away by that guy." Lei Ge said with a face full of frustration.

"What? He ran away so many of you? What about Leng Kun? You can't handle him with a tow bottle?" Feng Yuan shouted angrily. If Ye Fei and the others escaped like this, then he It's a little dangerous.

"That... that guy is a bit scary!" Lei Ge said while holding the phone.

"I don't want to listen to you now. That guy probably found some evidence. I don't want the evidence to be obtained by the police, otherwise I will be finished, and you will be finished if I am finished. Do you understand?" Feng Yuan shouted furiously, I thought it would be easy to dispatch so many people this time, but I didn't expect that they all failed. How could this make him not angry?

"Okay, okay, I'm going to find a way to catch up with that guy now."

Lei Ge quickly nodded yes, then hung up the phone, he threw the phone behind him, continued to pick up the submachine gun, turned around and said to the people behind him with a cold expression: "Now everyone will chase and kill that guy with me, no matter what Get him into the police station."

After speaking, Lei Ge went to the first car, and the people behind immediately followed.


At this moment, in the chairman's office of Zhonghai Far East Trading Company, Feng Yuan was sitting on his desk, staring at the front with ecstasy, and tapped the desk lightly with his fingers.

"Ye Fei, do you really think that you can destroy me like this?"

Feng Yuan stared at the front with a sneer, immediately took out his mobile phone, dialed the number, and then his demeanor became somewhat respectful.


Not long after, a thick male voice rang through Feng Yuan's phone.

"Mr. Yan, the mission failed today, and something was taken away from Leng Kun's house by that Ye Fei."

Feng Yuan hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

"The mission failed? Who did you send to go? You can't handle it alone, and let him take away some secrets from Leng Kun's house. Do you know what secrets are in Leng Kun's hands?" Mr. Yan's man asked in a cold voice.

"I don't know what Leng Kun has against me, but when I first asked him to do something, I always missed something, so..." Feng Yuan frowned and said.

"You are too careless."

Mr. Yan scolded, and then said: "Is Leng Kun dead?"

"Not dead, but I told my people to continue chasing and killing him." Feng Yuan replied.

"Don't go chasing after him. The Nine Lives Demon has gone to Zhonghai City. It is expected to arrive tonight. You should go to the military area to hide later. There are people from the 'Guardian of Yanhuang' there, or you will die." Mr. Yan He opened his mouth and explained.

"What? No way, why did the Nine-Life Demon suddenly come to Zhonghai City? He couldn't possibly be here to rescue Leng Kun!" Feng Yuan was shocked immediately, and he didn't have the previous expression of Mount Tai collapsing in front of him without changing his face. expression, the whole person stood up in fright.

The Nine-Life Demon is a terrifying existence. Anyone who knows him knows how terrifying he is, and Feng Yuan naturally knows the Nine-Life Demon. Hearing that he is coming, Feng Yuan is not scared to death.

After all, he had just chased and killed Leng Kun. Although Leng Kun was just the dog of the Nine-Life Demon, it was up to the owner to beat the dog. He could not provoke the Nine-Life Demon.

"Of course he didn't come to save Feng Yuan. The Nine-Life Demon doesn't have that much leisure time to save a useless person. According to reports, he seems to have gotten some rumors that something very important has appeared in Zhonghai City. I don't know what it is exactly. , anyway, the 'Guardian of Yanhuang' has already sent people there, and the person he met when he arrived in Zhonghai City must be Leng Kun, if he finds out that you are chasing and killing Leng Kun, you will be finished under the wrath of the Nine Lives Demon, it is best now The best way is to go to the military area to avoid it, and I will go to greet you later." Mr. Yan continued to explain.

"Okay, okay, I'll go to the military area right away, but that Ye Fei has already rushed to the police station." Feng Yuan nodded quickly, otherwise, when the Nine Lives Demon came, he would definitely move his head.

"I will call the director of Zhonghai City and tell him not to accept this case." Mr. Yan said, if there was no Ye Fei, why would he need to be so troublesome? It has been so many years, and Ye Fei unexpectedly turned over Get out the old account.

"Well, then I'll call my men."

Feng Yuan nodded and hung up the phone, then looked at the front with a bitter face, and said to himself: "Nine Lives Demon can't come at any time, but he will come at this time."

Originally, the Nine Lives Demon rarely came to Zhonghai City once a year, but he didn't expect to come here suddenly.

Immediately, Feng Yuan called Lei Ge.

"Hey, Feng Dong, we took a small path to catch up to Ye Fei, this time we..." Lei Ge assured Feng Yuan, but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"Stop chasing and killing."

Feng Yuan directly opened his mouth to order Lei Ge, and with an unquestionable tone.

"Don't...don't chase after him? But Ye Fei...are they going to the police station?"

Lei Ge suddenly asked with a face full of astonishment, didn't they say that Ye Fei ran away, they were all finished, why didn't he let him go after him now, isn't this cheating him?

"Let him go, someone above will handle this matter, so don't worry about it, bring your people back quickly, and we will go to the military area to hide immediately." Feng Yuan also explained in a helpless tone.

"Go to the military area to hide? Director Feng, what do you mean by that? How can I be confused?" Lei Ge suddenly couldn't figure out the north, south, east, west, and north. Military region to hide?What is the situation?

"The Nine Lives Demon is coming, do you understand now?"

Feng Yuan didn't bother to show off, so he spoke directly.

Lei Ge listened to Feng Yuan's words on the other end of the phone, but he didn't realize it all at once, but he was stunned immediately, "Nine... Nine Lives Demon is coming?"

"Yeah, come back soon. If you want to die, I won't stop you. If you haven't come back in 10 minutes, I'll go to the military area first."

Feng Yuan said in a cold voice, and immediately hung up the phone.

At this time, Lei Ge, who was chasing Ye Fei and was already approaching the urban area, dropped the phone on the seat. He glanced at Ye Fei's car a hundred meters ahead, and said in a low voice: "Turn...Turn around, Go back, don't...don't chase."


PS: I saw that many readers voted today, Xiao Zeng is very pleased, there are so many readers supporting me, continue to call, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, rewards!
 Seeing that many readers voted today, Xiao Zeng is very pleased, there are so many readers supporting me, continue to call, monthly tickets, recommendation tickets, rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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