super agent

Chapter 141 Yanjing 'Ye Family'

Chapter 141 Yanjing 'Ye Family' ([-]rd watch)

The person driving next to him saw Ye Fei's car in front of him, his face was full of excitement, thinking that he was going to make a contribution today, but who knew that Lei Ge's sudden words made him stunned.

"Turn around!"

Lei Ge came back to his senses and waved at the man driving next to him, saying, "Don't you understand what I'm saying?"

"Okay, okay, turn around."

The driving man nodded quickly and turned the steering wheel.

"Go all back."

After seeing the man driving the steering wheel, Lei Ge poked his head out, yelled at the car behind him, and gestured.

Immediately, I saw Lei Ge and others who had come here in a rage, driving back in a hurry.

"Huh? They didn't come after me?"

Leng Kun, who was sitting in the car, was frightened when Lei Ge and others were about to catch up. He was afraid that Lei Ge would catch up behind him. Now that he saw those people leaving, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's true that I didn't chase after it."

Ye Fei tilted his head and glanced at the rearview mirror. Sure enough, Lei Ge and the others were not chasing after him. Seeing this situation, he was also a little puzzled, but he was not so cheap as to ask others to chase him down.

Immediately, Ye Fei looked at the driving ahead seriously. Now that the evidence is in hand, he naturally wants to rush to the police station, but now that no one is chasing him, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called Xu Qing: "Hey, the evidence is in hand." .”

After explaining to Xu Qing, Ye Fei put the phone aside and glanced at Leng Kun. Seeing that Leng Kun was looking at him at this time, the expression of hatred before was no longer there. Although he knew that Leng Kun hated himself, But when he faced himself, he didn't dare to show it.

Just as Ye Fei thought, the expression Leng Kun looked at Ye Fei at this moment was more of fear. What kind of man is this, who can still talk and laugh happily in the hail of bullets, and finally takes him, a half-useless person, to escape? out.

For ordinary people, this is simply unimaginable. Such a feat can only be achieved by a mysterious and terrifying person like the Nine Lives Demon.

Of course, what Ye Fei is doing now is not enough for Leng Kun to compare him with Nine Lives Demon.

"You are quite cooperative. Next, if you cooperate well, there should be no death penalty."

Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun boredly while driving and said.

"Meeting you, I can't help it."

Leng Kun shook his head and smiled wryly. Originally, he was a stubborn person. After so many years of being around, he had long put life and death aside, but at his age, his children and wives have become his biggest bondage. He has also seen Ye Fei's ruthlessness. This guy is not a policeman, he can do anything, he can only compromise for his son and wife.

"You're just running errands. The people I want to mess with are those guys in the back." Ye Fei glanced at Leng Kun and said.

"I just hope my family is okay." Leng Kun said with a haggard face, he is almost useless now, and finally understands that sentence, he always has to pay back if he comes out to mess around.

"Don't worry, I won't touch your family."

Ye Fei shrugged and said, "As for others, it has nothing to do with me."


Leng Kun nodded, as long as Ye Fei didn't make a move, then he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Next, Ye Fei carefully watched the car ahead, and after ten minutes, he arrived at the gate of the police station.

Since Ye Fei had greeted Xu Qing in advance, Xu Qing had been waiting eagerly at the gate of the police station.

Ye Fei drove to the gate of the police station, parked the car in front of Xu Qing, opened the door and got out of the car.

"got it?"

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei excitedly with beautiful eyes and asked.

"Of course, you don't look at who's going to do it."

Ye Fei got out of the car, holding the USB flash drive between his fingers, and smiled proudly at Xu Qing.

"Cut, go in quickly, Team Liu will come over later, and then we will appeal this matter again." Xu Qing urged with her mouth curled.


Ye Fei nodded, then looked at Leng Kun and said, "What should he do next?"

"Of course it's temporarily locked up. I'll watch it then." Xu Qing glanced at Leng Kun and said, "You go in with me first, and then I'll ask someone to take you into custody temporarily."


Leng Kun nodded.

Immediately, Ye Fei, Xu Qing and Leng Kun walked into the police hall together, while Xu Qing called a policeman to take Leng Kun down, while she and Ye Fei walked into a multimedia room of the police station.

After entering the room, Xu Qing skillfully turned on the electricity in the room, then turned on the computer, the computer turned on, and took the USB flash drive from Ye Fei.

"I want to burn a copy for my wife." Ye Fei handed the USB flash drive to Xu Qing, and then said.

Xu Qing looked at Ye Fei, hesitated for three seconds and nodded, "I'll fix it for you."

Immediately, Xu Qing took out a USB flash drive from the drawer on the computer desk.

Next, Xu Qing and Ye Fei watched the contents of the USB flash drive together.

5 minute later.

"It's perfect. With this evidence, then Feng Yuan will definitely not be able to quibble anymore, and he will be able to pay Yang Hong justice." Xu Qing snapped her fingers and handed over another copy of the recorded USB flash drive with a smile. To Ye Fei, but he immediately asked in doubt: "By the way, it seems that the real murderer behind the scenes is that Mr. Yan, who is he, do you know from Leng Kun?"

"Yan Han, do you know?"

Ye Fei put away the USB flash drive and looked at Xu Qing and said.

"Who are you talking about?"

Xu Qingmei's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe that the name she just heard could be related to this case.

"Yan Han."

Ye Fei continued to speak, and he also knew that Yan Han's status was unusual, but since he was involved in this matter, he should never pretend that nothing happened.

"The one you're talking about, shouldn't it be the one from Yanjing?"

Xu Qing stared at Ye Fei closely and asked.

"it's him."

Ye Fei said calmly.

"Of course not. There are seven major families in Yanjing. These seven major families are about the same." Xu Qing waved her hands and continued to explain: "The Qin family and the Ye family are the most economically important families in Yanjing, followed by the Xu family, Yan family, The Cheng family and the Qian family."

"Wait a minute, is there the Ye family among the seven major families in Yanjing?"

Hearing the word Ye, Ye Fei's body trembled, and he quickly looked at Xu Qing and asked.

"Yeah, the Ye family is very powerful in Yanjing, and only the Qin family can compete with the Ye family." Xu Qing nodded indifferently, and suddenly realized something, her beautiful eyes flashed and she quickly stared at Ye Fei and asked: "Your surname is Ye, and you are still an orphan? Could it be that you have a connection with Yanjing Ye's family?"


PS: Thank you brothers for your support and support. Xiao Zeng is very pleased. Really, I feel that the writing is getting smoother and smoother, because of everyone’s support!

 Thank you brothers for your rewards and recommendation votes. Xiao Zeng is very pleased. Really, I feel that the writing is getting smoother and smoother, because of everyone’s support!

(End of this chapter)

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