super agent

Chapter 142 Solving by force

Chapter 142 Solving by force (fifth watch)
Hearing Yang Manying's eager voice, Ye Fei was silent for three seconds, then forced a smile and said, "Yes, we have found the evidence."

"The murderer... the murderer is 100% Feng Yuan?"

When Yang Manying asked here, her words became a little trembling.


Ye Fei nodded and responded lightly, and continued: "But..."

"Is it really him?!"

When Yang Manying heard the news, she felt a little lost. Unexpectedly, Uncle Feng, who had been kind to her since she was a child, turned out to be the real culprit who killed her parents. Fei still had something to say, and quickly asked, "But what?"

Ye Fei pondered for ten seconds before taking a deep breath and confessing: "However, Feng Yuan is not the real murderer behind the scenes. The real culprit is someone else. Feng Yuan is just running errands."

" there anyone else?"

Yang Manying suddenly asked suspiciously, "Who?"

"A very powerful man, Yan Han!"

Ye Fei opened his mouth to explain.

"Yan Han?"

Yang Manying murmured the name softly, and immediately said in surprise: " could it be him? Is it a mistake? How could someone like him murder my parents?"

"It's confirmed that he is behind the scenes." Ye Fei said with certainty.

"Then...then what should we do, Yan Han is a big shot, how should we fight against him?" Yang Manying said in a weak tone, saying the name Yan Han, I believe that ordinary people can't bear half a child. The heart of blasphemy.

"Forget about that, I have the evidence of Feng Yuan here, do you want to take a look?" Ye Fei also said helplessly.

"Yes, I want to see."

Yang Manying replied firmly.

"Okay, are you in the company or where?"

Ye Fei nodded and asked.

"I'm at home. I just came back to get something. Come home. I'll wait for you."

Yang Manying replied.

"I'll be right back."

Ye Fei responded, then hung up the phone, started the car, and rushed home.

Four 10 minutes later.

Ye Fei drove home, just as he was coming back to change clothes and take a shower.

At this time, Yang Manying was already waiting at the door for Ye Fei's return. When she saw Ye Fei driving into the villa, she rushed to meet him.

"You are in a hurry!"

Ye Fei slowly drove the car and looked at Yang Manying with a light smile.

"Of course, I'm eager to know the truth now, why did this happen, why did they do that." Yang Manying walked beside Ye Feiche, with a serious expression and slightly red eyes.

Ye Fei stopped the car, opened the door and got out of the car, walked to Yang Manying's side and said, "Let's talk in the room first, right, where is Wang Ma?"

"She was dismissed by me, I told her to go out and buy something." Yang Manying nodded and followed Ye Fei into the house, explaining as she walked.


Ye Fei nodded, Yang Manying was indeed very measured in her work.

After the two entered the room, Ye Fei took out the USB flash drive to look at Yang Manying and said, "Are you going to my room or yours?"

"Your room."

Yang Manying stared at the USB flash drive in Ye Fei's hand, her pretty face was slightly dimmed, and she spoke with complicated eyes.

"it is good."

Ye Fei nodded, and the two entered Ye Fei's room.

Yang Manying entered Ye Fei's room and took a casual look. Although it was her first time seeing Ye Fei's room as messy, she was not in the mood to scold him at this time.

After Ye Fei entered his room, he turned on the computer, and after a few tens of seconds, the computer turned on. He plugged in the USB flash drive, and then said to Yang Manying, "These are some text messages and videos that Feng Yuan asked Leng Kun to do. You can watch them yourself. , I'll take a shower first."

Yang Manying nodded, watching Ye Fei enter the bathroom, her beautiful eyes flickered, she stretched out her trembling hand and gently clicked on the first video file, and then the video screen of Feng Yuan ordering Leng Kun to do something appeared.

Looking at the picture on the computer screen, Yang Manying's face became more and more gloomy, but there were tears dripping from those bright and beautiful eyes.

Looking at the messages and videos of Feng Yuan one by one, her heart really hurts. She was a minor at that time and didn't know so many things. She didn't expect the truth to come out now. Her parents were murdered by a traitor. , and both of them died, how could she feel at ease.

After reading it for a while, she no longer had the courage to look at those things. Every text message would be extremely painful for her. Yang Manying turned off the computer sobbing, and fell on Ye Fei's bed sobbing, her eyes were a little empty He stared at the ceiling, tears streaming down his face.

5 minute later.

Ye Fei took a shower, changed into a set of casual clothes and came out. He was wiping his wet hair with a scarf when he saw Yang Manying lying on the bed crying.

Ye Fei threw the scarf aside, shook his head and walked to Yang Manying's side, leaning over to comfort him: "Those things are over, what we can do now is to find a way to seek justice for them."


When Yang Manying heard Ye Fei's words, she quickly got up and looked at Ye Fei, blinking her moist eyes, "Didn't you call the police? Why don't you go and arrest Feng Yuan, this insane beast?"

Even though she was once a good uncle who cared for her, after Yang Manying knew that her parents were killed by Feng Yuan, how could she still be the same as before?

She can already guess why Feng Yuan has been treating her like this, there must be ulterior motives.

"Called the police, but...but the police station will not accept it!"

Ye Fei shook his head and explained this matter to Yang Manying helplessly.

"No... not accepted? Why? They killed my parents, and the police don't care? They still have the law..." Yang Manying's mood changed drastically when she heard the news, and she grabbed Ye Fei like crazy hands.

"Because the real murderer behind the scenes is too powerful to fight against him. The emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people. If this is the case, it is just a casual talk. The reality is so cruel, so don't blame the police. , It’s true that Yan Han can’t be shaken at all.” Ye Fei sighed, it’s really good that there are people above him, and Yan Han’s power status is not one level higher, but a level that cannot be competed at all.

"Then...then let the murderer go free, let Feng Yuan, the murderer, not be punished at all, and still live so comfortably?"

Yang Manying shook her head desperately, unable to accept this fact, she now has the urge to fight Feng Yuan directly.

"No, you believe me, they will all get what they deserve." Ye Fei supported Yang Manying's fragrant shoulders, and assured Yang Manying with his eyes fixed on her.

"The police don't care, what can we do with us? Feng Yuan has Yan Han's support behind him, and I can't do it even if I want to destroy his company!" Yang Manying cried so hard.

"If Wang Fa is useless, then I will use force to solve it."

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying, and said indifferently, with a faint killing intent in his eyes!

PS: It’s the fifth watch, and I’m very tired, but Xiao Zeng is very pleased today. I saw a few readers who tipped me, and I’m grateful to the two readers of ‘I want to love’ and ‘Long Jinxian’ for their rewards. Your support is appreciated Agent best endorsement, thank you!
 It’s the fifth watch and I’m very tired, but Xiao Zeng is very pleased today. I saw a few readers who gave rewards. I thank the two readers of "I want to love" and "Long Jinxian" for their rewards. Your support is the best for the agents. Nice endorsement, thanks!
(End of this chapter)

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