super agent

Chapter 143 Cooperation

Chapter 143 Cooperation (Part [-])
Immediately, Ye Fei and Yang Manying went out together and rushed towards the company.

In less than an hour, Ye Fei sent Yang Manying to the company, and then he drove to Joy Lizun Hotel, parked the car and walked upstairs.

After he went upstairs, he went to see Qian Songyi, and saw that she was still recovering from her injuries, so he went back to his room. Next, he had to think about how to deal with Feng Yuan.

However, before killing Feng Yuan, he still had to be strict, after all, he didn't want to make things difficult for Liu Feng and Xu Qing.

Thinking about it, he thought it would be better for Susan to send someone to investigate.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone to call Susan, and the phone was connected.

"Hey, you heartless man, you haven't come to see anyone for so long, and you haven't even made a phone call."

As soon as the phone was connected, Susan's soft voice sounded resentful like a boudoir.

"Uh, I've been busy recently, so I don't have much time."

Ye Fei was enraged by Susan's soft and charming voice. He had already suppressed his anger today, but fortunately Susan is not in front of him now, otherwise he would really do something to punish Susan. Who told you Seduce me.

"Come on, what's the matter? You are a heartless man, every time you call you have something to do, and you never said you really called me to express your condolences." Susan continued to ask in a mournful voice.

"Hehe, next time I go to your place, I will definitely accompany you." Ye Fei chuckled lightly, then stepped into the topic and said, "I have something I want to ask you to investigate."

"You promised to come and accompany me, so you have to go through fire and water!"

Susan nodded.

"Help me find out which places Feng Yuan usually goes to and out of."

Ye Fei said solemnly.

"Investigate Feng Yuan?"

Susan murmured.

"Yes, investigate him, I have very important things to do." Ye Fei said affirmatively.

"There's no need to investigate. You investigated him once before, so I kept people watching Feng Yuan." Susan replied.

"Then his situation is clear?"

Ye Fei asked eagerly.

"Well, are you in a hurry?"

Susan asked a little confused.

"Well, I'm going to kill him!"

Ye Fei said with a murderous look on his face.

"Are you going to kill him? Then I guess we'll have to wait."

Susan didn't feel too surprised when she heard Ye Fei say that she wanted to kill Feng Yuan. She knew that this day might come.

"Wait? What do you mean?"

Ye Fei was stunned immediately, he was a little confused by what he said.

"According to the report of my younger brother, Feng Yuan hurried to the military area this afternoon." Susan explained.

"Going to the military area? What's the situation? Is he planning to find someone from the army to deal with me?" Ye Fei immediately asked in confusion.

"It shouldn't be. How can people from the army come to the urban area to do something casually? This is a violation of discipline. After all, the police are in charge of this area." Susan shook her head and explained.

"Well, let's wait for a while, you are going to observe, call me back tonight, I will prepare, if this guy is in the military area, I will kill him too." Ye Fei nodded, for the people in the military area He didn't care at all, he wanted to kill people, and those people in the military region might not be able to stop him.

" don't plan to go to the military area to kill people, do you? It's too dangerous, and the impact is too great, and the higher authorities will investigate this matter thoroughly!" Susan immediately said in amazement, full of worry persuaded.

"It's okay, let's see what's going on with Feng Yuan first. If he will come out today, it will save a lot of trouble, but if he doesn't come out, then I can only rush into the military area."

Ye Fei said calmly.

"Okay, I'll write you back in the evening." Susan nodded helplessly, she knew that she would definitely not be able to stop Ye Fei from doing anything.


Immediately, Ye Fei hung up the phone, and after sitting in his room meditating for a few minutes, he got up and opened the door.

Walking out of his room, he went straight to room 007, came to the door, and knocked.

Soon, the door opened, and Liu Na frowned at Ye Fei and asked, "What's the matter?"

"It's very important, let me go in and talk about it." Ye Fei stared at Liu Na solemnly and said.

After staring at Ye Fei for five seconds, Liu Na nodded and opened the door: "Come in."

Ye Fei nodded and walked into Room 007. He saw Qian Songyi lying on the bed recuperating at a glance. He immediately walked over and asked with a smile, "How is the injury?"

"It's almost done. I just woke up from my lunch break. Didn't you come here to ask questions just now?" Qian Songyi blinked her beautiful eyes at Ye Fei.

"Hehe, meet and greet, this is the most basic quality of us Chinese people." Ye Fei walked to Qian Songyi's bed and sat down with a chuckle.

"Your qualities don't seem to be very high. A girl's bed is always on the bed." Qian Songyi looked at Ye Fei who was sitting by the bed, and teased angrily.

"I didn't go up, I just sat down." Ye Fei said, rolling his eyes.

"Heck~~~ Then you're still on my bed!"

Cheon Song Yi continued jokingly.


Ye Fei was speechless for a moment, this Korean woman is also so eloquent.

"Okay, looking at your expression, it seems that you are looking for something?" Qian Songyi looked at Ye Fei with a restrained smile and asked.

And Liu Na sat on the other side of the bed and looked at Ye Fei.

"It's so easy to talk to a shrewd woman. You can see through my mind at a glance." Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi with a smile, and then went straight to the topic: "I may plan to go to the military area at night tonight, and you plan to go together Is it?"

"Are you breaking into the military zone tonight?"

Qian Songyi opened her beautiful eyes, looked at Ye Fei in surprise, and asked in confusion, "Why are you going to the military area?"

"Kill a person, and you can do your own work. At most, I will help you when the time comes." Ye Fei said frankly.

"Kill a certain officer?" Liu Na who was beside her also asked curiously.

"No, an enemy, don't worry about this, anyway, we are just going to the military area together, and then we will do our own things, can we go in one word?" Ye Fei shook his head and glanced at the two of them and explained.

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Qian Songyi and Liu Na fell silent, and they looked at each other, unable to make a decision for a while.

"Go, we'll go with you."

After hesitating for more than ten seconds, Qian Songyi finally gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement. She was looking forward to cooperating with Ye Fei once, because she didn't know how good Ye Fei was, but she could clearly understand that Ye Fei It's definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. If nothing else, just take it that he cured himself of such a serious injury today. Based on this alone, she also believes in Ye Fei!
"You trust me so much? Are you not afraid of being tricked by me?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Qian Songyi with a smile and asked.

"Not afraid."

Qian Songyi shook his head and smiled.

"Well, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Ye Fei nodded, and hit it off with Qian Songyi immediately.

 keep it up!
(End of this chapter)

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