super agent

Chapter 147 Plan

Chapter 147 Plan (Part [-])
Immediately, the three of them got out of the car one after another. After all, they were not far from the military area, so they could only walk there, otherwise they would definitely be discovered.

"We'll walk there next."

After Qian Songyi got out of the car, she opened her backpack and took out a pair of dark red glasses to put on.

And Liu Na in the driver's seat had already put on the same dark red glasses and stepped out.

"I didn't bring extra night vision goggles, so..."

Qian Songyi glanced at Ye Fei beside him and said.

"It looks very high-end, but I don't need it."

Ye Fei glanced curiously at the glasses on Qian Songyi's eyes, then shook his head and said.


Cheon Song Yi nodded.

"Let's go."

Liu Na took a look at Ye Fei, she wanted to see what kind of supernatural power Ye Fei had today.

Immediately, Qian Songyi and Ye Fei followed Liu Na to the Zhonghai District.

At this time, because of the early morning, the military area is close to the sea, so only the sound of the waves crashing can be heard, and the surrounding area is quiet, only the bright searchlight ahead can be seen, slowly turning and scanning.


While walking forward, Ye Fei suddenly let out a low cry, and then saw him clutching his chest with a painful expression on his face.

Qian Songyi who ran a little ahead quickly stopped, turned to look at Ye Fei and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

But at this moment, Liu Na who was running at the front noticed the situation behind her, so she also frowned and stopped, turned around and walked over.

"It seems that the Taoist priest is causing trouble again, damn it."

Ye Fei clutched his chest, white light gradually flashed out of his right hand, and the strange energy slowly merged into his body, and soon the heart-piercing pain gradually disappeared.

"You...why do your hands glow?"

Qian Songyi took off the night vision goggles, stared at Ye Fei's glowing right hand with his mouth wide open in surprise.

"A little special ability."

Ye Fei looked up at Qian Songyi and grinned.

"What do you mean by that Taoist priest?" Liu Na stepped forward and asked curiously at Ye Fei with a frown.

"It's just a guy who knows magic. Wait a minute, I'll be fine soon." Immediately, Ye Fei clasped his hands together, white light surged all over his body, and a strange power surged from him.

In this scene, the beautiful eyes of Qian Songyi and Liu Na who were watching next to them flickered, as if they had discovered a new world, their faces were full of curiosity.

At this moment, a group of people appeared outside the Joy Lizun Hotel, each with cold faces and murderous intent, and the one walking in the front had a hideous scar on his face, which was the Li family's dog, the evil scar.

A group of people, after arriving at the hotel, went straight upstairs.

Not long after, he nodded and came to the 23rd floor. Under the leadership of Eba, he came to the door of room 007 with ease. Obviously, Eba had investigated this before.

"Break the door open, this guy is probably tossing and turning in the room now."

Eba sneered and ordered to the person next to him, but in fact he was hiding behind, he was just bluffing, he really didn't dare to face Ye Fei, unless he saw Ye Fei really lying on the ground , He couldn't get up anymore, maybe he dared.

After all, Ye Fei also left an indelible memory in Eba's heart.

boom! boom! boom!
Immediately, a burly man in a suit nodded and hit the door with his shoulder. Obviously, this guy didn't know how terrible Ye Fei was. Otherwise, if he knew that there was a terrifying existence inside, he wouldn't dare to be so upright.

After banging for half a minute, the door of Ye Fei's room was knocked open.

"Come on, if you see anyone, shoot them to death."

As soon as the door opened, Eba immediately winked at the person next to him.

Immediately, other people took out their guns and rushed inside.

Eba stood outside and hesitated for three seconds, but found no movement inside, frowned slightly, and followed him in. When he came into the room, he glanced around, but there was no one there.

"Damn, where did that guy die? Wasn't he still there just now?"

Eba walked into the toilet angrily, and soon came out with a puzzled expression on his face.

Immediately, he took out his mobile phone and dialed: "Hey, Mr. Li, that guy is not in the hotel."

After calling and explaining, Eba said to everyone with a cold face: "Withdraw."

After speaking, he took the lead and walked outside.

But at this time, Ye Fei, who was on his way to the military area, didn't know that when he came to the military area, someone dared to run into his room to assassinate him.

Just when he was about to use his true energy to suppress the evil pain, the heart-piercing pain suddenly disappeared.

"My dear sister, that guy is sick, why did he suddenly stop?" Immediately, Ye Fei restrained the light emitted from his body, and cursed angrily, this is a fucking waste of his time, it seems If I don't do anything tomorrow, it's important to find that Taoist priest first, otherwise I will be visited by this guy every day, although it won't kill him, but people will be annoyed to death.

"How is it? Are you all right?"

Qian Songyi, who had been staring at Ye Fei with wide eyes, asked with concern after Ye Fei returned to 'normal'.

"Can't die."

Ye Fei waved his hand and said, "Let's continue to the military area, don't waste time."

"Are you sure you're all right?"

Liu Na also stared at Ye Fei and asked.

"It's okay, he's strong enough to kill a cow." Ye Fei grinned.

"Let's go then."

Liu Na gave Ye Fei a white look, and continued to run forward.


Qian Songyi also stared at Ye Fei speechlessly.

"it is good."

Ye Fei followed immediately.

Ten minutes later, the three of them had arrived in the grass not far from the military area. Obviously, they could not have walked through the main entrance, but came to the side entrance.

"The protective net in front is at least six or seven meters high, and the searchlights keep shooting, how do you get in?"

Ye Fei followed Qian Songyi and Liu Na to hide in the grass. He looked at the surrounding geographical environment and saw Qian Songyi analyzed: "Besides, since you were here yesterday, the protection should be strengthened a lot, but it is only It's just a superficial effort, I think people in the military region will definitely not think that we will come today."

"Well, this is indeed a loophole. They wouldn't have thought that we would come today." Qian Songyi said while wearing night vision goggles and looking at the environment ahead.

"There are still 10 minutes to change the guard. Then we have 5 minutes to climb over the protective net." Liu Na glanced at the multi-functional watch in her hand and said.

"Well, prepare well in these 10 minutes. I will rush in first and look around."

Cheon Song Yi also glanced at the watch in his hand and nodded.

"What do you mean? Get over this protective net? Have you all calculated the time?" Ye Fei was stunned and asked curiously.

"Don't worry, we have learned about the situation here many times, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

Qian Songyi explained to Ye Fei.

"Then just climb. It seems that I haven't climbed such a protective net for a long time. I don't know if I can still climb."

Ye Fei stretched his waist, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, and his eyes stared at the protective net in front of him with flickering eyes.


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 As soon as the update arrives, students come and support us!
(End of this chapter)

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