super agent

Chapter 148 Gathering

Chapter 148 Gathering (Part [-])
Immediately, Ye Fei, Qian Songyi, and Liu Na hid in the grass and waited quietly. When the shift change time came, it was time for them to act.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na have long held the rope with flying claws tightly in their hands, staring at the watch in their hands tightly, ready at any time.

Ye Fei, on the other hand, stood on the side with a leisurely look, scanning left and right, and by the way felt whether there was any threat in the military area.

"Okay, shift change."

Ten minutes later, Cheon Song Yi, who was staring at his watch, suddenly glanced at the two of them and said.

"Well, be careful."

Liu Na nodded and gave Cheon Song Yi a warning.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time."

Qian Songyi took out a dagger from his waist, put it in his mouth, and quickly rushed towards the protective net holding the rope.

Immediately, Ye Fei and Liu Na stood behind and observed quietly.

In less than 30 seconds, Qian Songyi ran under the protective net. After running under the protective net, Qian Songyi shook the rope with flying claws in her hand without hesitation, and soon she pushed hard towards the protective net. Fang flicked.


There was a crisp sound of metal rubbing, and Qian Songyi tentatively pulled it hard. After confirming that the rope was stable, she turned her head and glanced at the two people behind.

Immediately, Qian Songyi quickly climbed up, the speed was as fast as a monkey.

The bright, blinding searchlights shot at Qian Songyi's body, and immediately saw that thin and weak body, trying to climb up, at an extremely fast speed, within a minute. Almost to the top.

"I'm going too. Remember that there's not much time. Climb quickly, there are still about 4 minutes." Seeing that Qian Songyi has almost climbed to the top, Liu Na glanced at her watch and explained to Ye Fei , also quickly ran to the protective net.

Then, when Liu Na ran under the protective net, Qian Songyi had already climbed to the top of the protective net, and jumped in without saying a word. After squatting down and looking around for a few seconds, she stood up quickly and looked around. Come around.

At this time, Liu Na had already started to climb the rope, and her speed was quite fast, she climbed to the top in the blink of an eye.

"These two women are really good at climbing."

Seeing this, Ye Fei also quickly ran towards the protective net, and when he came under the protective net, he pulled the rope.

He brewed for a while, then suddenly kicked his feet, held the rope with one hand, stepped on the protective net a few times, and then saw that after a few steps, the whole person had reached the top of the protective net.

When he came to the top, he brought the rope with him, turned the flying claw in one direction, threw the rope in, and jumped into the military area.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na, who were originally alert to the surrounding situation, opened their mouths wide and stared at Ye Fei like a monster when they saw Ye Fei's smooth movements.

Ye Fei jumped down, patted the dirt on his body, then grinned and whispered to the two girls: "I also had this as a compulsory course back then."

"Hmm, we're still trying to figure out whether to remind you to turn Flying Claw around."

Qian Songyi nodded at Ye Fei.

"Khan, even if I'm stupid, I know I'll go back later."

Ye Feibai glanced at Qian Songyi, then at the rope and said, "That one is hanging, won't it be discovered?"

"No, this rope will overlap with the light, and the searchlight will be assimilated when it shines on it, so those soldiers can't see it from such a distance."

Cheon Song Yi waved his hand and explained.

"Quick, find cover, the shift is over, and the searchlights are here."

At this moment, Liu Na, who was always on guard, let out a low cry.

Immediately, Ye Fei and Qian Songyi looked at each other, and hurriedly ran towards a military vehicle next to them. The two hid behind the military vehicle and observed quietly.

After a few seconds, the searchlight left.

Ye Fei, Qian Songyi and Liu Na got together again to discuss.

"What are you going to do?"

Qian Songyi looked at Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei glanced at the two of them, and said, "Since we're all here, let's go our separate ways. Anyway, my purpose is different from yours."


After hearing Ye Fei's words, Qian Songyi tilted her head to look at Liu Na with a slight hesitation on her pretty face.

"Hehe, are you still worried that I will hold you back?"

Ye Fei could see the two people's thoughts at a glance, and continued with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I haven't made any noise before you make a noise."

"Then... well, let's split up."

Qian Songyi glanced at Liu Na, then nodded at Ye Fei.

"Then I wish you success."

Ye Fei smiled at the two of them, and before the searchlight came, he turned and walked into the darkness.

"Is this guy reliable?"

Looking at Ye Fei's leaving back, Liu Na frowned and asked.

"Whether he is reliable or not, he has already left, let's act quickly, and hope this time we can succeed."

Cheon Song Yi waved his hand and said.

"Well, let's act quickly, too."

Liu Na nodded.

Immediately, the two also took advantage of the fact that the searchlights were not shining, and quickly walked into the darkness.

At this time, Ye Fei was wandering in the military area, avoiding the searchlights, thinking about where to find Feng Yuan.

Searching aimlessly in the military area would only waste time, and he would definitely have to ask someone, but he wouldn't be so stupid as to rush into the military dormitory, which would be tantamount to self-declaration.

"Ask a dozing sentry soldier."

Ye Fei took out the dagger from his waist, looked left and right, then walked along the military vehicles parked all the way to the depths of the military area.

When Qian Songyi and Liu Na came here, they were familiar with the road, and rushed straight to the officer's residence. Their purpose was naturally to find the painting.

In the unusually quiet military camp, no one would have expected that yesterday, a person who was not afraid of death would come to the military area, and he would come again today.

What's even more abnormal is that the one who was not afraid of death yesterday came here alive and kicking again.

The sentry soldiers also looked around lazily, and then dozed off with half-closed eyes. After all, they just came yesterday. Could it be that they came again today?

Is it possible that these people are really sick? They go to places like the military area every day, and they really treat them like their own back garden!
But the world is unpredictable, tonight is destined to be extraordinary, and it is completely beyond the expectations of the soldiers of the Central Navy District. More than one group of people will visit the Military District tonight.

Under the silent and dark night sky, a tall and majestic figure floated from a distance, and the destination was obviously also the Zhonghai District.

This man was wearing a mask with nine bloodlines, and his hair was flying all over, making him look a little scary.

After all, if such a masked person with loose hair appears in the silent night, it is estimated that anyone will be frightened.

At the same time, this guy is not stepping on the ground, but stepping on the air, walking in the air, his real feet do not touch the ground, and he walks floatingly, and every time he takes a step, he appears two or three meters away , the pace seems to be erratic.

The Nine Lives Demon has really come to the Zhonghai District! ! !


PS: Last night, thanks to the support of the two students 'in memory, love you' and 'playing hard to get rid of @', applause! !

 Last night, I would like to thank the two students of 'In Memories, Love You' and 'Playing hard to get rid of you@' for their support, applause! !

(End of this chapter)

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