super agent

Chapter 150 Exposed?

Chapter 150 Exposed? (four more)
Hearing Hao Bing's words, Ye Fei became silent. Didn't it mean that Qian Songyi broke into the barracks once? It's justifiable to send a Yanhuang Guardian here. You can send a group, and there is an old guy who is 50 years old. It doesn't look like a good deal!

"Is there any other reason why it doesn't work?"

Ye Fei frowned and muttered, then looked at Hao Bing and asked, "Where is the guest's residence?"

"Go straight along the aisle in front, turn right at the intersection, and then you will arrive. As for which room it is in, you have to find it yourself." Hao Bing pointed to the aisle next to him and explained.

"Oh fine."

Ye Fei nodded, then glanced at Hao Bing and said, "Turn around!"

"it is good."

Hao Bing nodded, but before turning around, he did not forget to say: "Be gentle."


Ye Fei chuckled, and immediately tapped Hao Bing on the neck, and then saw Hao Bing lying down softly.

After knocking Hao Bing unconscious, Ye Fei was not in a hurry to hide this guy, and looked at this guy tentatively, fearing that this guy pretended to be unconscious on purpose, this guy is really too wise, even Ye Fei had to admit .

After a few trials, I found that this guy really passed out this time, so I was relieved.

Immediately, Ye Fei put Hao Bing on the wheel next to the wall, and let the guy continue to sleep.

After doing this, Ye Fei clapped his hands, stood up and walked towards the aisle, but just two steps away, he turned around and came back, stripped off Hao Bing's clothes, and then hid behind the car to change.

"This time, it seems that we have to fish in troubled waters to kill Feng Yuan. I hope Qian Songyi will make a noise soon, otherwise it will be really difficult!"

Ye Fei changed into Hao Bing's clothes, found a place to hide his clothes, and then walked towards the aisle talking to himself.

According to what Hao Bing said, Ye Fei walked slowly all the way towards the VIP residence in the barracks. After turning right, he saw a sign of VIP residence. Next to the sign was a big iron gate, and a soldier stood on each side of the iron gate. Military men with submachine guns, but they were leaning against the iron gate, sleeping soundly with their eyes closed.

"Crossing through this iron gate is the VIP residence, but there are fucking guards, and the Yanhuang Guardian group is also inside. If I rush in rashly, I will probably be found."

Ye Fei hid by the wall and silently observed the situation ahead. He didn't rush over directly, but waited quietly.

After all, there are dragons and crouching tigers hidden in Huaxia Kingdom, and he is not too clear about the strength of the guardians of Yanhuang. Feng Yuan can be killed.

Immediately, Ye Fei waited for half an hour——

A high-pitched gunshot broke the silence of the Zhonghai District.

The military district's alarm was sounded, and the entire Zhonghai District became extremely lively, and the soldiers who were still sleeping rushed out with their guns.

"Hey, it seems that they have been discovered."

Ye Fei hid by the wall and gloated and said with a low smile, he was not worried about Qian Songyi and the others being arrested, after all, it was not the first time for them to come to the military area, and they had enough experience.

At this time, in one of the relatively luxurious rooms in the officer's residence in the military region.

"Damn it, why was that guy discovered so quickly?"

In the living room of the officer's room, two figures were squatting together and flipping through something, but when they heard gunshots suddenly, they cursed angrily.

"What should we do now?"

Yoo Na stared at Cheon Song Yi in front of her and asked.

"What else can I do? Just go in and find Mr. Tian directly."

Qian Songyi said angrily, she cooperated perfectly with Liu Na today, and entered the officer's room without anyone noticing, but just before they were looking for that thing, there was a buzzing sound. There was a gunshot, and they almost subconsciously thought it was Ye Fei.

"But that Mr. Tian's skill is not easy, can we do it?"

Liu Na frowned and said.

While they were discussing, the light in the living room was turned on, and a burly middle-aged man rushed out wearing a uniform with military emblems on his body, holding a submachine gun in his hand, with the aura of a tough guy, As soon as the tiger's eyes opened, he saw Qian Songyi and Liu Na who had just got up in the living room.


Qian Songyi was helpless, she wanted to intimidate the officer at first, but she was discovered in advance, so without saying a word, she raised her hand and shot at the officer who rushed out.

After Qian Songyi fired a shot, Liu Na rushed towards the door with sharp eyesight and quick hands. She knew that there was no other way but to run away.

"You guys come to the military area again and again, you really think this is a vegetable market!"

An angry howl sounded, and Mr. Tian shot at Qian Songyi and Liu Na with a submachine gun.

Da da da……

The bullets rushed towards Qian Songyi and Liu Na like a torrential rain, and the two of them also moved swiftly. Just when Master Tian dodged away, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the living room and rushed out immediately.

"If you come today, don't even think about going back."

Mr. Tian rushed out with a face full of anger, and his whole body became depressed. Didn't the person who looked like the figure just got injured just yesterday?Why did he come again today, and he was still alive and kicking, which made him wonder if he really got hit yesterday?
Before he had time to think about it, he didn't plan to let the two of them go today, and rushed out angrily with a submachine gun in his hand.

What's frustrating is that Ye Fei thought it was Qian Songyi and the others who found out, but it wasn't.

At the same time, Qian Songyi and the others also thought that Ye Fei was discovered, but it was also not the case, and someone else was actually discovered.

"I have nothing else to do in the military region, as long as you hand over Feng Yuan."

Then, over the noisy military area, a man's voice sounded thick and somewhat hoarse.

The sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the entire military area. It was unimaginable that there were still people who made such a loud sound without using a loudspeaker.

"What's the situation? Isn't this voice Ye Fei's? Could it be that he wasn't found?"

Qian Songyi, who was running desperately, was stunned when she heard the voice, and then looked at Liu Na next to her.

Liu Na said as she ran, "It seems that there are other people who came to the military area today."

"Well, let's forget about it, the one behind is not easy, both fighting and marksmanship are very scary."

Qian Songyi waved her hand and continued to run forward. Fortunately, the place where they came at this time was the officer's residence, and the other officers hadn't reacted yet, so they were not surrounded by people.

At this time, Ye Fei who was hiding by the dark wall was also stunned, who was that voice just now?
He even came to look for Feng Yuan, but he knew that the exposed people were definitely not Qian Songyi and the others.

"My god, who is here? So arrogant, you actually shouted directly in the military area?"

With a speechless expression, Ye Fei raised his head to look in the direction of the voice just now.

(End of this chapter)

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