super agent

Chapter 151 The time has come

Chapter 151 The time has come (fifth watch)
The soldiers in the entire Zhonghai District looked up at the place where the sound came from.

At this time, a group of people came out from the courtyard where the VIP lived. Among them was a middle-aged man with a hulking back and a majestic face in a Chinese tunic suit. From his serious and unsmiling face, he looked as if he was only 40 or 56 years old. Already [-] years old, this person is the leader of the Yanhuang Guardian who came to the Zhonghai District this time - Yan Jun!
"Old Yan, it looks like the Nine Lives Demon is here."

A young man in a white cloth shirt walked by. He looked to be in his thirties and had a thick mustache. He frowned and looked up at another part of the military area, where the officers lived.

"He is here. I have fought against him once before." Yan Jun nodded, looking sharply at the place where the voice came from.

"Old Yan, what is he doing in the Zhonghai District?"

Another cold-hearted youth in camouflage uniform asked next to him.

"I don't know the details. The higher-ups didn't find out. They only found out what the Nine-Life Demon wanted to do when he came to Zhonghai City. But don't worry about it. Let's go there first, otherwise that guy might start killing people."

Yan Jun shook his head and said that when he was about to rush to the Nine Lives Demon, he caught a glimpse of a few figures out of the corner of his eyes, it was Feng Yuan and his subordinates with extremely ugly faces.

After all, the Nine Lives Demon was looking for him just now, so he became a little worried for no reason, and hurried out, looking at the few 'big shots' beside him with hopeful expressions on his face.

"Your name is Feng Yuan?"

Yan Jun stopped, glanced at Feng Yuan and asked.

"Yes, I am Feng Yuan."

Feng Yuan, who was stunned, nodded excitedly when he heard Yan Jun calling him.

"Well, my cousin Yan Han asked me to take care of you. Don't do anything now, just stay here. Don't worry about Nine Lives Demon. How can our Huaxia Kingdom be threatened by his cancer?" Yan Jun rushed to Feng Yuan After exhorting, he said to the ruthless man in the camouflage suit next to him, "Poison Scorpion, protect him."

The ruthless man in the camouflage uniform cast a gloomy glance at Feng Yuan, nodded immediately, and said in a sharp voice, "Okay."

"Well, let's go there quickly."

Immediately, Yan Jun didn't stop there, and speeded up to the place where the Nine Lives Demon made the sound.

"Hello, hello, what should I call you?"

Seeing this, Feng Yuan quickly courted the poisonous scorpion politely, and at the same time he did not forget to wink at the people behind him, who immediately understood and took out the cigarette, Feng Yuan took the cigarette and handed it to the poisonous scorpion.

"I don't smoke, just sit there and wait."

The poisonous scorpion glanced at Feng Yuan indifferently, then walked towards the round tiled table next to him.

Feng Yuan put away his cigarette in embarrassment, and immediately followed.

At this time, Ye Fei was quietly observing outside the VIP's residence. He needed to wait. The members of the Yanhuang Guardian inside would definitely go to investigate if such a thing happened.

At the same time, Ye Fei could feel that the person who made the sound just now seemed to be quite powerful, even a bit threatening to him.

"Mr. Yan, is the Nine Lives Demon here?"

At this time, at the gate of the VIP's residence, an officer in military uniform with many military badges met Yan Jun and others as soon as he walked to the gate.

"Yes, we will go there immediately."

Yan Jun said.

Immediately, a group of people hurried towards the officer's residence.

"Nine Lives Demon? Why did that guy come to the military area too? Just now he asked Feng Yuan by name, so maybe he came to avenge Leng Kun? It's unscientific, Leng Kun is nothing more than a dog he raised .”

Ye Fei, who was hiding in the dark, shook his body when he heard the conversation of the few people just now, because he heard a very interesting name - Nine Lives Demon.

"However, the officer Yan who was walking in front just now seemed to be a bit powerful, but unexpectedly brought an aura similar to that of the Nine Lives Demon. It seems that the guy's strength should be good."

Ye Fei stared closely at the direction in which the group of people left. The Huaxia Kingdom is really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Finally, he met this kind of people. Suddenly he realized something, and said to himself: "Wait, this The old guy is also surnamed Yan, does it have something to do with Yan Han?"

Ye Fei pondered for a moment, then shook his head: "Don't worry about it, now that everyone is going to Jiuming Yao, it's time for me to act. Without the officer surnamed Yan, there should be no powerful people."

Thinking about it, he swaggered towards the guest's residence. Anyway, he was wearing a military uniform now, and the Central Navy area was in chaos at this time, who would care about him.

The soldiers guarding the gate had already followed, so for Ye Fei, it was unimpeded, but before entering the gate, he continued to take a piece of cloth to cover his face, not because he was afraid of exposing himself, but because he was too kind , I just don't want to kill too many people, otherwise everyone who sees his face will probably die!
Ye Fei walked straight into the courtyard in front of the VIP residence, and saw a group of people standing, and then two people sitting upright, one of them was Feng Yuan.


Sensing that someone was coming in, Feng Yuan and the others cast their gazes towards the door, and then saw a man in a short-sleeved military uniform come in with his face covered. Seeing this scene, everyone, even if they were fools, understood that it was clearly the person who came. Not good, otherwise why are you still hiding it?
"Don't come here, or I'll shoot..."

At this time, the person standing at the front immediately took out his gun and pointed at Ye Fei to warn him.

But before he could finish speaking, a white light flashed, and then he saw the man fall straight to the ground clutching his neck.

After hesitating for three seconds, everyone came to their senses. When they looked at the younger brother who had spoken just now, they saw that a dagger had already been inserted into his neck, and blood was gushing out desperately, which looked horrifying.

ka ka ka-

Immediately, other people took out their pistols one after another and stared at the man who appeared suddenly. This guy was so cruel that he would kill someone with a knife without saying a word.

"Put down the guns!"

Sitting on the tiled table, the poisonous scorpion tapping his fingers on the table narrowed his pupils and glanced at the dead man on the ground, then stood up and spoke to everyone.

"Put the gun down!"

Feng Yuan was trembling all of a sudden, the poisonous scorpion in front of him was his life-saving straw, because he knew that the person who dared to charge in so single-handedly must have something to rely on.

Immediately, Feng Yuan's men put down their guns one after another, staring warily at the masked man who suddenly appeared.

"who are you?"

The poisonous scorpion stood up and looked at Ye Fei with cold eyes, and said sharply, "What are you doing here?"

"Other irrelevant people, if you don't want to die, stand aside, I only look for him."

Ye Fei lowered his voice, spoke hoarsely, and pointed at Feng Yuan.


PS: Next month, Xiao Zeng plans to work hard to save many readers from saying that I write slowly every day, but this requires everyone's support, and specific rules will be formulated for how to break out. Please subscribe readers and join the group!
VIP agent: 159529220, readers who like agents must add it, it is very important!

 Next month, Xiao Zeng plans to work hard to save many readers from saying that I write slowly every day, but this requires everyone's support, and specific rules will be formulated for how to break out. Please subscribe readers and join the group!
  VIP agent: 159529220, readers who like agents must add it, it is very important!

(End of this chapter)

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