super agent

Chapter 152 Capture Feng Yuan

Chapter 152 Capture Feng Yuan (seeking a reward)

As soon as Ye Fei said that, everyone present looked at Feng Yuan.

Feng Yuan, who was sitting upright, could not sit calmly. He frowned and stood up, staring coldly at Ye Fei. He always felt that his figure looked somewhat familiar, but he couldn't tell exactly how familiar he was. He glanced at the poisonous scorpion, Then he stared at Ye Fei and said, "Are you from Nine Lives Demon?"

"A subordinate of the Nine Lives Demon?"

Hearing Feng Yuan's words, the poisonous scorpion reacted immediately, and immediately raised his eyebrows and said indifferently: "It's uncertain whether the Nine-Life Demon will be able to escape completely today, but you still dare to come here. Do you really think you can fish in troubled waters?"

"You are the guardian of Yanhuang? But it seems that your strength is mediocre."

Ye Fei looked at the poisonous scorpion. This person's temperament was much more terrifying than that of ordinary soldiers. He was obviously the so-called Guardian of Yanhuang. However, Ye Fei didn't feel any threat from this person. Human strength is relatively weak.

"Oh? My strength is average?"

The poisonous scorpion glanced at Ye Fei expressionlessly, then suddenly moved, a black pistol appeared in his hand at some point, the black pistol appeared, twirled around in his hand, and then shot at Ye Fei.

Bang, bang!


Ye Fei snorted coldly, and when the bullet flew towards him, he dodged the bullet with a slight deflection, and he rushed towards the poisonous scorpion without hesitation.

As soon as the poisonous scorpion closed his eyes, he knew that he had met his opponent, so he fired a few more shots without saying a word, but at this time Ye Fei had already rushed in front of him, he didn't care about that, he threw the gun in his hand, and punched Ye Fei with fists .

At this moment, there was a layer of dark green light floating on the poisonous scorpion's fist, with a bit of corrosive power, it went straight to Ye Fei's face.

"Oh? Sure enough, it's beyond ordinary people."

Seeing this, Ye Fei raised his brows slightly, clenched his fist with his right hand, and with a white light blooming, he had a direct confrontation with the poisonous scorpion.

The two fists intersected, and a terrifying power spread out immediately. The people who were already standing far away were knocked back one meter by this wave, and their faces were filled with astonishment.

And when everyone saw the terrifying power erupting, they saw a figure flying backwards like a sandbag before it persisted for two seconds, and then slammed into an iron pillar heavily, knocking the iron pillar to pieces. It was only when the pillar bent that it stopped its figure and fell to the ground.

"I told you that your strength is mediocre, but I still don't believe it. Let's crawl on the ground and eat shit." Immediately, Ye Fei withdrew his fist and cast a playful look at the poisonous scorpion lying on the ground like a dead dog. Then he walked towards Feng Feng. Far.

"You... who are you?"

Feng Yuan subconsciously took out the gun from his pocket, held the gun with trembling hands, looked at the poisonous scorpion lying on the ground in horror, and then asked Ye Fei in a deep voice.

Damn, the protector Yan Jun called for was lying on the ground and unable to get up, so he is not dead. Feng Yuan could clearly see the scene just now, and the people in front of him could dodge bullets , and there are terrible attacks.

Seeing this, the others also took out their guns and aimed at the terrifying mysterious man with his face covered in front of them.

"Seeing the scene just now, do you think that thing still threatens me?"

Ye Fei smiled mockingly, and walked towards Feng Yuan step by step, not paying attention to the guns in front of him.

"You...don't come here..."

Feng Yuan's face changed drastically, and he looked at Ye Fei who was getting closer and closer with horror in his eyes. He couldn't hold the gun, but he still threatened with harsh words: "We will all shoot when we come here!" .”

Feng Yuan knew that there was nothing he could do now. Jun Yan had just left, and no one could save him. At this time, he could only save himself, but it was futile.

The younger brothers around him also pointed their guns at Ye Fei tremblingly.

"Let's go, let you know what despair is!"

Ye Fei smiled lightly, and continued walking towards Feng Yuan without stopping.


Feng Yuan's eyes hardened, and he shot at Ye Fei.

Following Feng Yuan's order, the others also shot at Ye Fei.

Bang, bang, bang...

Bullets rushed towards Ye Fei like a torrential rain, such a scene would make anyone despair.

"Ha ha!"

But Ye Fei just smiled lightly, and when he raised his right hand, white light flickered endlessly, and then he stretched his right hand forward, and a milky white mask suddenly appeared.

Immediately, an astonishing scene appeared. After the bullets hit the light curtain, they froze on the light curtain one after another. No matter how the bullets impacted, it was useless. Bullet casings fell to the ground.

"This this……"

Feng Yuan's eyes suddenly showed an unbelievable expression, his face was full of despair, he shot at Ye Fei relentlessly, and he didn't powerlessly throw the gun away until there was no more bullets in the gun .

For him, the enemy in front of him was simply not something he could fight against. How could he fight against a terrifying person who could not be hit by bullets?
"Are you out of bullets? Those who don't want to die can step aside, and I don't want to kill too many people, as long as he dies!"

Ye Fei opened his mouth with a faint smile, retracted the light curtain in front of him, and changed into that calm expression again, and continued to walk towards Feng Yuan.

Seeing this scene, the brothers standing behind Feng Yuan stepped back subconsciously, because the boss in front of them couldn't protect them anymore, on the contrary, if they were still loyal, they would only die faster.

"You... who are you, why do I feel familiar when I look at you?" Feng Yuan knelt down on his knees, looked at Ye Fei with despair and asked.

"I'll give you a chance to know who I am!" Ye Fei said in a hoarse and indifferent voice, and then he kicked Feng Yuan on the shoulder.

Although Feng Yuan usually exercises, no matter how much he exercises, he is not as good as the one who has actually practiced. He was kicked away by Ye Fei, and after sliding heavily on the ground for a certain distance, he stopped his figure and fell to the ground. Howling in pain.

"Nobody move until I leave."

Ye Fei glanced at Feng Yuan's little brothers beside him, and then walked slowly towards Feng Yuan who was lying on the ground. His goal today was Feng Yuan, so he didn't intend to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Ye Fei came in front of Feng Yuan, seeing him looking miserable at the moment, he immediately felt a little happy.

"Let... let me go, I... I can money, it doesn't matter how much..." At this moment, Feng Yuan was hit on the head, his face was covered with blood, and he looked miserable. But still don't forget to beg for mercy.

"Forgive me? It's too late."

Ye Fei sneered, then grabbed Feng Yuan's neck with one hand, pinched Feng Yuan like he grabbed Leng Kun, let his legs drag on the ground, and walked straight outside.

Seeing Ye Fei's ferocious scene, the others moved out of the way one after another, with terrified expressions on their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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