super agent

Chapter 153 Found

Chapter 153 Found (seeking a monthly pass)

PS: Monthly tickets, rewards, recommendation tickets, come to the bowl quickly!

Ye Fei carried the limp Feng Yuan towards the outside of the VIP's residence, and today's goal was considered accomplished.

Of course, such a smooth success is actually thanks to the Nine-Life Demon. Without him, the old guy Yan Jun would not be lured away, and he felt that Yan Jun was very strong. Under the protection of a group of Yanhuang guardians, It was difficult for him to take Feng Yuan away.

"It's time to go and see Qian Songyi and the others, won't they fail like this?"

Ye Fei looked up at the officer's residence while walking. At this time, the entire military region was in chaos. It should not be difficult for Qian Songyi and the others to fish in troubled waters. If they can find what they are looking for, then they should not come here in the future. The military area.

But at this moment, above the residence of the military area, two groups of bright lights are colliding violently, and violent waves of terror are released. One point, for fear of being affected by the terrifying energy above.

And in the two clusters of light, it is clear that there are two figures wrapped inside. Inside the bloody light cluster, a tall figure in black is holding its claws and unleashing a terrifying attack. Looking carefully, this person is clearly the 'Nine Lives Demon'.

In another black light group, there is also a burly and vigorous figure. He clenched his fists and punched the Nine Lives Demon in front of him. The fist light the size of a millstone collided with the huge blood-colored paw prints, bursting out a wave of terrifying power. can.

The scene in front of me completely overturned the cognition of everyone present, of course, except for the guardians of Yanhuang, what was happening in mid-air at this moment was like a battle between gods and immortals in a TV series, it was extremely terrifying.

"The strength of the Nine Lives Demon is really terrifying, and it can even compete with Yan Lao." Below, among the guardians of Yanhuang who looked up at the battle above, the man with a mustache narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, Mr. Yan is the deputy commander of our 'Xuan Group'!"

The other guardian of Yanhuang beside him also responded.

The officers of the Zhonghai District on the side, listening to the conversation of several Yanhuang Guardians, felt a little confused, but they all knew that the two men fighting above were very terrifying.

The movement here completely attracted the attention of all the eyes of the military region.

On the other side, Qian Songyi and Liu Na, who were about to jump over the protective net and escape, stopped under the protective net, looking at the direction they came from just now with puzzled eyes.

"What's going on over there? Master Tian didn't bring anyone to chase after him?" Liu Na raised her eyebrows and looked in the direction of the officer's residence with terrifying energy fluctuations.

"It seems to be fighting fiercely? Could it be Ye Fei?"

Qian Songyi looked in that direction with the same beautiful eyes twinkling and hesitated.

"No way? The person who made the sound just now is obviously not Ye Fei."

Liu Na shook her head and denied.

"However, it looks chaotic over there, don't we..."

Qian Songyi blinked her beautiful eyes, looked at Liu Na and said.

"You said we used to fish in troubled waters?"

Liu Na asked with a slightly changed face.

"Yes, this time is an opportunity. We have been here many times. Mr. Tian must be aware of it soon. Maybe he will be aware of it by then, so..." Qian Songyi hesitated to speak, obviously intending to fight a handful.

"Okay, let's go back and fish in troubled waters. It's so chaotic over there now, I don't think they will notice it." Liu Na nodded after pondering for three seconds.

"Well, it's not too late."

Immediately, the two moved their bodies and returned to the direction of the military area. After walking a few hundred meters, they saw the place where the officers lived, surrounded by soldiers, and many soldiers were taken to the training ground. At this moment The situation is simply not something that ordinary people can handle.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na sneaked into the officer's residence and looked at the soldiers who were surrounded tightly and looked up at the sky. They were suddenly happy. Qian Songyi whispered: "Fortunately, the place where the two fought is far away from Mr. Tian's room. , otherwise you won’t be able to fish in troubled waters.”

Liu Na glanced at the sky with flickering eyes, her face was full of astonishment, but she immediately came back to her senses, now it's important to do business, she immediately looked at Qian Songyi and said, "Let's hurry up, if we wait for the sky to If the two finish fighting, it's over."

"Yes, but those two people in the sky are still human?"

Qian Songyi also looked at the two people who were fighting in mid-air with palpitations and said.

"Forget about that, let's go."

Immediately, the two of them sneaked to Master Tian's room again. At this moment, Teacher Tian was also watching the battle. He never dreamed that under such circumstances, those two women who had suffered thousands of knives would dare to run to him. Room to search for things.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na sneaked to Mr. Tian's door and found no one inside, they immediately opened the door to enter the room, and then closed the door.

"Search separately, this time we can search Fantian."

After entering the room, Qian Songyi glanced at the room with a smile, and then spoke to Liu Na.


Liu Na nodded, and then walked to another room in the room.

And Qian Songyi went straight to Mr. Tian's bedroom. Anyway, there is no one now, so you can search as you want, but Mr. Tian's room is big enough.

Qian Songyi came to Mr. Tian's bedroom, looked up and down, and immediately locked on the bookshelf. However, besides some books, there were many antiques there, but those antiques were not what she was looking for.

"Let's go through the cabinet first."

It is rare to have such an opportunity to enter Mr. Tian's room this time, and Qian Songyi will naturally not let go of any clues to find things.

When she came to Mr. Tian's closet, Qian Songyi opened the closet, and then began to search. Every piece of clothing was taken out of the closet by Qian Songyi and thrown on the ground. She didn't care about it now, anyway, she left after finding it. , but also afraid of wool.

Soon, Qian Songyi went through the whole closet, and the closet was empty, but there was nothing she was looking for.

"not here."

Qian Songyi glanced at the closet, turned around to look at other places, and immediately saw a box specially for soldiers, she immediately walked over, and then began to search the box.

A veritable rummage!

But it's a pity that Qian Songyi still didn't find that thing. Immediately, she stood in Mr. Tian's room with an ugly face, looking left and right.

"Am I wrong?"

Qian Songyi thought with a gloomy face, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became, and she kicked Mr. Tian's bed in anger.

There was a clanging sound, and Qian Songyi kicked it so lightly that it broke through?

"Huh? Why was it broken so easily?"

Qian Songyi's expression froze for a moment, feeling something was wrong, and he quickly bent down curiously.

I saw a hidden compartment in this bed, and there was a small space inside the wooden board kicked away by Qian Songyi. At this time, in that small space, there was an old picture scroll with a bit of corrosion, probably It's about one meter long.

"This... this..."

Qian Songyi stared at the scroll in the dark frame, her beautiful eyes were shining, and her pretty face was full of excitement and joy.

 Monthly tickets, rewards, recommendation tickets, come to the bowl quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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