super agent

Chapter 154 Fighting the 'Nine Fate Demon'

Chapter 154 Fighting the 'Nine Lives Demon' (ask for a monthly ticket)
At this time, Qian Songyi was filled with indescribable joy. She has been in China for so long, and has been to the military area several times in a row. Today, she finally found the mission item.

Immediately, Qian Songyi took out her mobile phone and opened the photo album, then took out the picture scrolls in the hidden compartment for comparison, and said with a smile, "Finally I found it."

Immediately, Qian Songyi pulled the sheet off Mr. Tian's bed, wrapped the scroll, and walked outside excitedly.

"Nana, let's go, don't look for it."

Qian Songyi came to the living room and shouted at Liu Na who was in the side hall of the room.

"what happened?"

Liu Na, who was squatting down to search, walked to the living room immediately, looked at Cheon Song Yi with a frown and asked.

"found it."

Qian Songyi patted the picture scroll wrapped in a fine blanket in her hand, and said with a smile.

"found it?"

Liu Na's eyes lit up, and she hurried forward.

Qian Songyi gently pushed aside the thin blanket, revealing a corner of the picture scroll.

After seeing it, Liu Na nodded quickly: "I really found it, then let's leave quickly, it seems that the fight outside is almost over, and the movement is not as intense as before."

"Well, let's go."

Immediately, the two left from Mr. Tian's room.

But at this time, in the sky not far away, it was no longer the Nine Lives Demon fighting Yan Jun alone.

Several other guardians of Yanhuang also joined the battle. It is true that at this point in the battle, Yan Jun is obviously starting to be a little lacking in support. It's scary to hold on for that long.

Of course, the strength of the other Guardians of Yanhuang is much weaker, and they are only going up to distract the Nine Lives Demon, and the main force still depends on Lord Yan.

"Yan Jun, if you continue to fight, you will be defeated. Hand over Feng Yuan, and I will retreat immediately." Nine Lives Demon's thick voice sounded, with a strong warning. It was obvious that he was fighting against a group of Yanhuang Guardians alone. have the upper hand.

"Nine Lives Demon, you are too naive. Come to our Huaxia National Military Region and arrest whoever you want. Who do you think you are? I admit that your strength is very strong, but if our commander takes action, you will undoubtedly die !" Yan Jun's majestic face gradually showed fatigue, but he still fought bravely with the Nine Lives Monster. If he really retreated, it would not be his face alone, but the face of the entire Huaxia Kingdom.

"Hmph, then let's fight!"

The Nine Lives Demon snorted coldly, it has already cost too much today, I never expected to meet the old guy Yan Jun in the Zhonghai District, after spending so much effort on him, he couldn't find that thing, and suddenly he became a little bit Go berserk.

At this moment, the soldiers standing below began to get anxious. From the conversation between Jiuming Yao and Yan Jun just now, it can be heard that Jiuming Yao occupies the absolute top.

And at this time, Ye Fei slowly brought Feng Yuan outside the officer's residence, but now he is not pinching Feng Yuan's neck, but supporting Feng Yuan with his hands, giving the soldiers next to him the feeling that he is helping the wounded To rest, but his direction is completely opposite.

However, who cares about the current situation, the soldiers are in chaos, and the officers are mobilizing heavy weapons. If Yan Jun and the others are defeated, maybe the heavy weapons will still be useful.

"Does Nine Lives Demon look quite strong?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and glanced at the group fighting in mid-air, and he could tell at a glance that Yan Jun and the others were at a disadvantage. Immediately, he walked leisurely and said: "However, fortunately, the Nine Lives Demon came today, otherwise, the I will also be tied down, and I will not be able to do anything at that time."


At this moment, Ye Fei's keen consciousness noticed the direction behind everyone.

Two slender figures were sneaking towards the protective net in the distance. Looking at the movements of the two and the things in Qian Songyi's hands, Ye Fei immediately smiled and said, "Did you succeed in fishing in troubled waters?"

But at this moment, when Ye Fei was about to run towards Qian Songyi and the others, a blood-colored sharp claw came out and grabbed Qian Songyi.


Ye Fei's expression changed suddenly, he quickly covered his face, and rushed towards Qian Songyi with the half-dead Feng Yuan.

The person who took the shot was Jiuming Yao. When Ye Fei noticed the movement of Qian Songyi and the two of them, Jiuming Yao also noticed the movement of the two of them.

Especially when he saw the things in Qian Songyi's hands, he was even more excited, because seeing the cautious and cautious appearance of the two, and the shape wrapped in a thin blanket, he could feel that it seemed to be exactly what he was looking for this time. thing.

Seeing that the distance was too far, Ye Fei didn't care about other things. He waved his right hand forward, and an illusory palm with a white halo slapped towards the bloody sharp claw.


The palms and claws intersected, and the terrifying energy fluctuations immediately vented.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na who were closest were blown away by this shock wave, and the scroll in Qian Songyi's hand also flew up.


Nine Lives Demon, who was fighting with Yan Jun and others, let out a light snort. He didn't care to find out the person who made the palm. With a sway, he rushed towards the picture scroll thrown out of Qian Songyi.

At this time, Qian Songyi and Liu Na also stood up immediately after being rushed. After all, they were only blown away by the aftermath. Ordinary people might be injured, but they have practiced before, so they rolled on the spot and restarted. stand up.

However, at this time, Qian Songyi's face was extremely ugly, and the scroll in her hand just flew off, this is their task this time!
"You go first, I'll get that thing back for you." Just when Qian Songyi and Liu Na were desperate, a familiar voice came, and a thin man in military uniform suddenly appeared in front of them.

"You... are you?"

Qian Songyi looked at the person in front of her with a puzzled face, immediately recognized Ye Feilai, and exclaimed, " are you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, take this man away for me and wait for me outside."

Immediately, Ye Fei threw Feng Yuan in his hand in front of Qian Songyi, and explained impatiently: "Let's go, I will do the next thing, and I will try my best to help you take that thing back."

" can do it?"

Qian Songyi's beautiful eyes glowed, and she looked at Ye Fei and asked hesitantly.

"No, do I dare to stand in front of you now? Hurry up, or I won't be able to leave later."

Ye Fei waved his hand and explained eagerly.

"Can you really do it?"

Liu Na also came forward and asked suspiciously. She also guessed who Ye Fei was when he spoke.

"Don't worry about that, just go."

After Ye Fei explained, he kicked his feet and rushed towards the Nine Lives Demon.

"Oh? You were the one who made the move just now? It seems that the Zhonghai District is quite lively today?"

Nine Lives Demon played with the scroll in his hand and looked at Ye Fei in a good mood.

"It's very lively. The famous Nine Lives Demon is here. I have admired you for a long time, and I have wanted to fight you for a long time."

Ye Fei walked to the front of the Nine Lives Demon, and laughed hoarsely.


PS: The double monthly pass has already started, brothers, hurry up and see if there is a monthly pass in the background, please vote, Xiao Zeng is very grateful!

(End of this chapter)

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