super agent

Chapter 156 Call it a day

Chapter 156 Call it a day

Hidden mystery?

Immediately, everyone present stared at the sheepskin cloth that was floating down to the ground. It was placed in this scroll so secretly, obviously this was the most important thing, and other people naturally wouldn't pay attention to the scroll.

"this is?"

After stepping back a few meters, Ye Fei stopped his figure, looked at the sheepskin cloth floating down from the sky, and quickly put away half of the scroll in his hand.

On the other hand, the Nine Lives Demon was stunned for three seconds, and then showed excitement. Not surprisingly, this sheepskin cloth was what he really wanted.

Immediately, the Nine Lives Demon threw away the scroll in his hand without even thinking about it, and with a flash of his body, he rushed towards the sheepskin cloth.


At this time, Yan Jun was far away, and it was obviously impossible to surpass the Nine Lives Demon soon.

But Ye Fei couldn't let the Nine Lives Demon succeed in vain. He was already close, so he immediately stuffed half of the picture scroll into the waistband of his trousers, and rushed towards the sheepskin cloth.

"got it!"

A few seconds later, Nine Lives Demon grabbed the sheepskin cloth excitedly, and when he was about to withdraw his hand, he suddenly encountered a slight obstacle.

"Do you want it? Then continue to be half alone."

Ye Fei didn't know when he appeared, he also grabbed the sheepskin cloth, and laughed at the Nine Lives Demon in a mocking tone.


The sheepskin cloth, which was originally quite flexible, was immediately split into two halves when Ye Fei pulled it vigorously.

"Damn it, I remember your eyes."

The Nine Lives Demon immediately put away half of the sheepskin cloth, shouted at Ye Fei with violent eyes, and then fled towards the outside of the military area.

At this moment, the Nine Lives Demon didn't dare to stay longer, because he was injured among the three of them. If he continued to fight, he might be in danger today, so after he said a harsh word, he didn't stay any longer Run away towards the outside.

Of course, it was impossible for the Nine Lives Demon to run in Ye Fei's direction, but in the opposite direction.

"Hey, so what if you remember me? I'm afraid you won't succeed?"

Ye Fei chuckled, and fell directly to the ground, put away half of the scroll left on the ground, and ran away in the direction he came from without any hesitation.

For a moment, Ye Fei and Jiu Ming Yao ran away in different directions, and Yan Jun, who was about to make a move, was stunned.

"Who is Mr. Yan chasing after?"

The man with a mustache below asked anxiously, one of the two was heading east and the other was going west, making them not sure who to chase.

Of course, the important reason is that no one dares to chase anyone without Yan Jun. After all, there is a gap in strength. Without Yan Jun as the main force, when they face the Nine Lives Demon, they will be defeated in a few rounds. Kill.

"Chasing the Nine Lives Demon!"

Yan Jun looked left and right, his eyes flickering, but he still gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of Jiuming Yao's departure, and then quickly flew in the direction of Jiuming Yao, if he couldn't catch up, then today would be a waste of work.

And the reason why he chose to pursue the Nine-Life Demon was because the Nine-Life Demon was their real target, and secondly, because the Nine-Life Demon was injured, relatively speaking, the hope of chasing him might be higher.

Immediately, the other guardians of Yanhuang followed in the direction where the Nine-Life Demon was fleeing, and they didn't bother to talk to Ye Fei for a while.

And Ye Fei jumped over the protective net with agility, stopped for a while, turned his head to look behind him, and found that no one came to chase him, and they all went after the Nine Lives Demon, and immediately he laughed: "Nine Lives!" Monster? It’s the first time we fight, it looks like this guy has been messed up a bit!”

With that said, Ye Fei took out the half sheepskin cloth in his pocket and took a look. With this in his hands, he would not be afraid that the Nine Lives Demon would not come to his door. He thought there would be many opportunities to fight in the future.

For Ye Fei, it is rare to meet an opponent, and it will look exciting in the future!
Thinking, he jumped off the protective net of the military area, looked left and right, and found that Qian Songyi and the others were not there, presumably they should have gone to the place where the car was parked.

Immediately, he took the two halves of the scrolls in his hand, and quickly ran towards the place he came from just now. At this time, his speed was simply inhuman, and he saw only a black shadow running in the dark night.

But at this time, Qian Songyi and Liu Na were waiting anxiously at the place where the car was parked when they arrived just now.

"Why haven't you come yet? It's already past four o'clock, and it will be dawn in a while."

Qian Songyi paced back and forth, looking in the direction of the military area from time to time.

"I don't know, this guy doesn't look like a short-lived ghost, does he?" Liu Na frowned and shook her head, answering uncertainly.

"Damn it, who are those people? They're all like monsters." Qian Songyi's pretty face condensed slightly. If they hadn't met Nine Lives Demon suddenly today, they would have successfully completed the mission and returned to the The hotel is closed.

However, she ignored it. If it wasn't for the Nine Lives Demon to attract the attention of those in the military region, how could she have a chance of success!

"I think they should be the rumored 'supernatural power practitioners'. We also have many such people in Korea, but we haven't seen them before." Liu Na thought for a while and said.

"Well, it is estimated that such a person is not something ordinary people like us can compete with."

Qian Songyi lowered his head slightly, and murmured in an angry voice: "I haven't met this kind of people in the past few times, but I didn't expect to meet them suddenly this time, and they are a group of people."

"Don't talk, there seems to be movement over there!"

At this time, Liu Na, who was leaning against the car, suddenly frowned, and focused her gaze on a bush in front of her.


Qian Songyi came to her senses and stared closely at that place, only to see the tall grass over there was swaying.

"Haha, I'm back."

Just when Qian Songyi and Liu Na were fully alert, a hearty laugh sounded, and then Ye Fei was seen rushing out from the grass.

"Huh, it's you!"

When Qian Songyi saw that it was Ye Fei, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew the hand that was originally on her waist.

"It's not me, is there anyone else? If you come to someone else, you will be finished."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and glanced at Qian Songyi, then threw the scroll in his hand to the ground, showing a tired expression.

"What did you bring back?"

Liu Na on the side stared at the things Ye Fei threw on the ground in confusion. Because of the darkness, even with the headlights on, she couldn't see clearly.

"The task you want to complete is that painting."

Ye Fei said casually.


Liu Na was speechless for a moment. The painting they had worked so hard to obtain was tossed like this by Ye Fei, and then it was thrown in front of them like trash.

"What? The painting we want? Why is everything like this?"

Qian Songyi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the picture scroll in front of him in amazement, and stepped forward to observe it in disbelief.


PS: It’s the fifth shift today, I’m so tired, I’m asking for a monthly ticket, and a reward for support, come to the bowl quickly!

 It’s the fifth shift today, I’m so tired, I’m asking for a monthly ticket, and a reward for support, come to the bowl quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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