super agent

Chapter 157

Chapter 157 Trouble in getting it back (seeking a monthly ticket)
Seeing this, Ye Fei took out a cigarette, and said slowly, "I was snatched away by the Nine Lives Demon before, so it would be great if I could bring the painting back."

"What? Is that person the Nine Lives Demon?"

Liu Na looked at Ye Fei with a shocked expression on her face.

"Otherwise, who do you think it is?"

Ye Fei asked back, smoking a cigarette and lighting the fire.

"No wonder it's so powerful, it turned out to be that guy!"

Qian Songyi picked up the picture scroll that was divided into two halves on the ground, and said with a depressed face.

"It's not bad, it's just separated in half, just stick something together."

Ye Fei shrugged and said.

"That's the only way to go. Take this painting back when the time comes. I don't know if this mission is complete." Qian Songyi picked up the scroll on the ground and received it together.

"By the way, you were able to snatch something from the hands of the Nine Lives Demon?"

At this time, Liu Na who had been staring at Ye Fei suddenly asked.

"There are people out there, don't think too complicated." Ye Fei answered casually, seeing Liu Na's curious expression, he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, where is the person I asked you to bring?"

"In the car."

Qian Songyi glanced at Ye Fei and replied.

Ye Fei hurriedly took a look inside the car, and saw Feng Yuan lying on the back seat with blood on his face, moaning and wailing weakly.

"Let's leave quickly, it's already past four o'clock, and it won't be long before dawn." Liu Na looked at Ye Fei and shook her head, obviously she also knew that Ye Fei couldn't tell her secret.

"Well, that's right, let's go back quickly."

Qian Songyi nodded, took the painting and walked towards the driver's seat, came to Ye Fei and asked, "Are you here to save this man?"

"Save him? Then do I need to beat him up like this?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and glanced at Qian Songyi, threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and said to Qian Songyi and Liu Na: "Maybe I have to requisition the car temporarily, you can find a way to go back by yourself."

"What do you mean?"

Liu Na walked over to look at Ye Fei and asked with a frown.

"I still have something to do."

Ye Fei replied.

"But this is within the military area, where is there a car passing by?"

Qian Songyi stared at Ye Fei puzzled and said.

"Okay, I'll take you to the main road, and then you can find a car. After all, you can look behind, can you drive back like this?"

Ye Fei nodded and opened the door to get in the car.

Qian Songyi and Liu Na glanced at each other, and walked towards the passenger seat together. Now there is no other way, the two of them can only squeeze into one seat.

Immediately, Ye Fei sent Qian Songyi and Liu Na to the road, let them get off the car, and then drove to the nearby forest.

Next, Ye Fei drove to a relatively remote mountain forest, parked the car at the intersection, and started smoking. All he can do now is wait until dawn.

At this time, the military region must not be able to stop after being disturbed by Ye Fei and others. If you take some action, the military area will really become a vegetable market, and you can come whenever you want.

An hour later, Yan Jun returned to the military area with the members of the Yanhuang Guardian with gloomy faces. Looking at the dejected and angry faces of each of them, he knew that they must have failed to hunt down the Nine Lives Demon this time.

Just as they walked to the VIP residence, a young military officer happened to come out of it. As soon as the officer walked to the door, he saw Yan Jun and others, and immediately saluted: "Mr. Yan!"

"What's going on inside?"

Yan Jun frowned, and just finished speaking, he saw several soldiers carrying the poisonous scorpion out on a stretcher.

"Report sir, the VIP residence was also broken into, and that Mr. Feng Yuan was taken away."

The young officer hurriedly opened his mouth to report.

"damn it!"

Yan Jun suddenly felt very aggrieved. Today can be said to be a waste of work. He didn't get anything, but he lost his troops. He coldly glanced at the poisonous scorpion lying on the stretcher and said: "The whole city is under martial law, go search for me. People, keep an eye on the Giant Whale Gang at the same time, and report to me immediately if there is any situation."

"Yes, sir."

The young officer saluted.


Immediately, Yan Jun walked into the room, and the other guardians of Yanhuang immediately followed.

At this time, in a quiet and dim dilapidated factory building, a majestic figure was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the factory building, holding a torn sheepskin cloth in his hand.

"This must be the 'secret' map of that place in the legend. It looks like it's in a desert area. If I can get the things in the secret, my strength will definitely improve..." Nine Lives Demon stared at the map in his hand with flickering eyes. sheepskin cloth, and then he said in a cold tone: "Damn it, where did that guy come from? Without him, I would definitely be able to get the complete 'Secret Collection' map today. Now I only get half of it. It seems that I I’m not in a hurry to go back, I have to find the second half.”

"Forget it, don't worry about that, let's recover from the injury."

Immediately, Jiuming Yao put away the sheepskin cloth in his hand and began to recover from his injuries. Unexpectedly, Jiuming Yao was injured this time. Of course, he can only blame Ye Fei for being too strong, which is equal to him. Focus on Ye Fei, otherwise he may suffer even more injuries today.


At this moment, Ye Fei was smoking a cigarette in a remote mountain forest beside the road, and he was also holding the half sheepskin cloth in his hand. He didn't tell Qian Songyi and the others about this, after all, all they wanted was the painting That's all.

At the same time, this piece of sheepskin cloth was highly valued by the Nine Lives Demon, and it obviously had a special meaning there. After a closer look, he found that this sheepskin cloth was actually a map with many routes and red dots recorded on it.

The map that is valued by the Nine Lives Demon, could it be that there are treasures in the places guided by the map?

Therefore, he put away the sheepskin cloth without hesitation, and he was not stupid enough to give this thing away for nothing.

However, he was very puzzled, the map of mountains, rivers and communities is also the culture of China, why did Qian Songyi and the others come to look for this thing? Could it be that they actually knew some clues and sent these two people here? ?

Then, if Qian Songyi and the others brought back the scroll, if it was just two halves of waste paper, would they definitely send more powerful people?

"Hey, it seems that the next days will not be comfortable!"

Ye Fei looked at the sheepskin cloth in his hand, and sighed helplessly, not to mention others, the Nine Lives Demon would definitely find it. After all, this guy seems to take this very seriously, but he has nothing to worry about, the Nine Lives Demon He has figured out the reality of the situation, and the only thing he is worried about is that the Nine Life Demon will attack the woman next to him, so he will be a little bit cautious.


At this time, there was a soft hum from the back seat, Feng Yuan raised his head slowly, and saw Ye Fei who was smoking at a glance, and suddenly realized, why did he feel so familiar!
 Monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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