super agent

Chapter 159 Feng Yuan's Death

Chapter 159 Feng Yuan's Death

When Yang Manying looked at Feng Yuan, Feng Yuan also stared at Yang Manying, with guilt, nostalgia, and a faint unspeakable love.

Yang Manying's gaze gradually turned cold, and her eye sockets became moist. The person in front of her, who no longer looked like a human being or a ghost, was the elder she respected the most during her adulthood. He cared, cared, and took care of her. herself, but the ending now makes her a little unbelievable.

"why why why?……"

Yang Manying walked towards Feng Yuan in the car step by step with heavy steps, tears rolled down her pretty and glamorous face.

"Xiaoying, you... you're here!"

At this moment, Feng Yuan looked like a rotten tree. When facing Yang Manying, he felt indescribably bitter and guilty, and suddenly seemed to be much older.

"I'm here, I have to come, I want to see why you, a deranged bastard, did such an unreasonable thing." Yang Manying stood condescendingly in front of Feng Yuan, and asked angrily, "I Mom and Dad regard you as a confidant, as your best friend, but you actually killed them, why did you do it?"

"Hehe, Xiaoying, I know that you are in great pain, and I also know that it's too late to say anything now. I just want to say sorry to you." Feng Yuan smiled sadly, and there were tears streaming down his hideous face. , people will only reveal the truth in their hearts at the last moment, Feng Yuan stared at Yang Manying and continued: "I'm sorry for your mother too, I really don't want her to die, I only want to kill your father, because he Relying on my prominent family background, I forcibly took your mother away from me. I hate him and wish I could kill him immediately. Finally, one day the opportunity came. The big shot in Yanjing wanted your father’s life. I agreed without saying a word. , but...but I really didn't want to hurt your mother that time..."

Feng Yuan's eyes were full of remorse, but he couldn't go back, he could only sigh, with a bit of elder love in his eyes, and said: "Xiaoying, let this matter pass after I die, Yan That big man in Beijing is not something you can provoke, he is so powerful, it is easier to deal with a local entrepreneur like you than to crush an ant, so listen to Uncle Feng in the end, don't think about it It's over."


Yang Manying stared at Feng Yuan, not knowing what to say for a while!

"Xiaoying, I have just transferred all the properties under my ownership to you. It can be regarded as a small compensation for my irreparable mistakes." Feng Yuan did not give Yang Manying a chance to speak, and glanced at Ye Fei, Then said: "Give her a gun, let me get rid of it early."

At this moment, Feng Yuan had completely turned his back on him. He knew that with Ye Fei around, even if Yang Manying was merciful, it would be useless. This time, he was really doomed.

Ye Fei, who stood by and watched for a long time, threw away the cigarette butt, took out a gun from his waist, handed it to Yang Manying, glanced at Feng Yuan and said indifferently: "He killed your parents, the greatest hatred in the world is this, Although you have never killed anyone, but now you have the opportunity to kill your enemy, do it."


Yang Manying subconsciously took the heavy and cold pistol, her whole face showed fear, she looked at the gun in her hand, and then at Feng Yuan, she really wanted to kill Feng Yuan, she quickly shook her head, and put the pistol in her hand with a frightened expression. Throwing it back to Ye Fei, he said incoherently: "I... I can't do it, and... and killing people is illegal, why don't we hand him over to the police?"

"Give it to the police? Are you too naive?"

Ye Fei took the gun thrown by Yang Manying, sneered at Yang Manying, and said, "Honey, since you can't do it, then let me do it. I think my father-in-law and mother-in-law will be pleased when they see that they are killing enemies with their own hands." .”

"You... you really want to kill someone?"

Yang Manying's beautiful eyes widened, and she asked with a look of horror.

"Kill? It's not like I haven't killed before. Why are you so nervous?"

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and said with a natural expression. Indeed, killing people is nothing to him. Immediately, he waved at Yang Manying and said, "Go over and wait. I'll go over after I finish solving him."

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying glanced at Feng Yuan who looked miserable, and couldn't bear it, and said, "Why don't we hand him over to the police, so that he can get the punishment he deserves, and really don't do murder. !"

After Ye Fei heard Yang Manying's words, he immediately rolled his eyes and said, "Aren't you so naive, didn't you hear that the big man behind him is so powerful? Send him to the police station, why don't you drive him home now, okay?" Now, don’t worry about this matter, he must die today, not to mention his father-in-law and mother-in-law, as for me, he is also chasing and killing him in various ways, how can I tolerate him?"


It is a woman's nature to be soft-hearted, especially a woman like Yang Manying who grew up under a good influence is very feudal, and she must be extremely resistant to such illegal behavior.

"You won't go? Then I'll kill him in front of you."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Manying. He knew that she couldn't bear it and wanted her to go away, but she didn't listen, so Ye Fei didn't do it. He worked hard to bring this guy out of the military area , it is impossible to release.

Feng Yuan is a ticking time bomb, so naturally it must be eliminated.

"Okay, I... I'll go..."

Looking at Ye Fei's face at this moment, Yang Manying was too frightened to say no more. After looking at Feng Yuan in disappointment, she walked towards her car.

bang, bang...

Just as Yang Manying turned and walked towards the car, two gunshots rang out.

Immediately, Ye Fei stretched out his hand to test the nose of the dead Feng Yuan, then felt the pulse of his neck, and immediately threw the gun in his hand at Feng Yuan's body, then turned around and walked towards Yang Manying. go.

At this moment, Yang Manying walked to the side of the car, she didn't dare to look back, when she heard the gunshot, she knew that Feng Yuan had completely left this world, and now she couldn't see the Uncle Feng who cared for her before.

Suddenly, Yang Manying felt that the world became more lonely. She had experienced this feeling when she heard the news of the death of her parents. Thinking of this, she shed tears unconsciously, wondering why her fate was so tragic.

"very sad?"

Ye Fei came over to hold Yang Manying's fragrant shoulders, and asked softly.


Yang Manying turned around and lay on Ye Fei's shoulder, and another person who loved her left. Although Feng Yuan killed her parents, she really felt that Feng Yuan cared about herself from the bottom of her heart these years.

"Cry, it will be better if you cry, but you have to remember that you are no longer alone, and I will always be with you and protect you."

Ye Fei patted Yang Manying's back to comfort her.


PS: After coming back from the hospital, I was very tired and wanted to sleep, but today was indeed a little less, so Xiao Zeng could only resist the drowsiness and exhaustion. I am writing a chapter. Today is only three chapters. Let’s recover tomorrow, hope Please be considerate and support Xiao Zeng a lot at the same time, I beg you!

 Today is just these three chapters, resume tomorrow, I hope everyone will understand, and at the same time, you can support Xiao Zeng a lot, please!

(End of this chapter)

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