super agent

Chapter 160 Signing a contract

Chapter 160 Signing a contract (seeking monthly ticket)

Yang Manying leaned on Ye Fei's shoulder and wept bitterly for a while, then gradually looked away and took out a tissue to wipe it off.

"Huh? Why is it so dirty?"

Yang Manying wiped her tear-stained pretty face, and was about to throw away the paper towel when she suddenly found that the paper towel was covered with mud!

Ye Fei didn't notice it at first, but when he saw Yang Manying's pretty and glamorous face covered with plaster, he immediately reacted, took a look at his clothes, and laughed wildly.

It's hard to imagine that this beautiful, noble and glamorous goddess president will have such a day. Seeing Yang Manying's appearance at this moment, Ye Fei immediately felt very happy.

"You bastard, why are you wearing such dirty clothes..."

Yang Manying punched Ye Fei angrily, and quickly took out a tissue to wipe her face, but after seeing Ye Fei's strange behavior, she even exclaimed in surprise: "You...what are you doing?"

"My wife is so cute, of course I want to take a picture of it as a souvenir."

Ye Fei took out his phone and laughed, about to take a picture of Yang Manying.

"How dare you, bastard!"

Yang Manying's pretty face was furious, but seeing Ye Fei still looked like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water, she quickly dodged and ran towards the car.

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Yang Manying running away, Ye Fei chuckled, glanced at the stolen car behind him, then walked to the driver's seat of Yang Manying's car, opened the door and got in the car.

"You don't want the car behind?"

Yang Manying sat on the passenger seat and wiped her face, glanced at Ye Fei and asked.

"Stolen car, why do you drive it back? Let the police come to the house directly?"

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying, then started the car.


Yang Manying rolled her eyes speechlessly, stared at Ye Fei's clothes and continued to ask, "Why are you wearing someone else's military clothes?"

"Pretend to know, right? It's impossible to just let me rush into the military area swaggeringly, right?" Ye Fei drove and looked ahead and replied.

Yang Manying nodded slightly, and stared at Ye Fei with complicated beautiful eyes. For her, Ye Fei even dared to break into a military area such as the military area. For a while, she felt mixed feelings.

After all, she is not cold-blooded, and Ye Fei has done so many things for her, and she has seen it all.

"By the way, what's going on with the company? Have new products been produced?" Ye Fei asked while watching Yang Manying bored while driving.

"Soon, it's expected to be settled this week. Later, you can accompany me to find Miss Qian Songyi to finalize the contract."

Yang Manying wiped her face and looked in the mirror and replied.

"Okay, but I have to go back and change my clothes first."

Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

"Well, I want to wash it too!"

Yang Manying curled her lips and glared at Ye Fei.

Immediately, the two drove home, and this time it was considered to be a time bomb. Next, how Ye Fei planned to deal with Yan Han.

An hour later, Ye Fei drove home, washed up, had breakfast at home with Yang Manying, and then went straight to the company.

Ye Fei first sent Yang Manying to the company to get some contract documents, and then he and Ye Fei rushed towards Joy Lizun Hotel.

"Don't worry, they all eat ours and use ours, so they dare not sign a contract with us?" After the two got out of the car and entered the hotel, Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying, who had regained his glamorous and noble appearance, and comforted him. road.


Yang Manying smiled slightly. After so many things happened, she found that she didn't hate him so much.

Immediately, the two took the elevator upstairs, and soon the elevator door opened, and they rushed straight to room 007.

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying and knocked on the door.

After a while, I vaguely heard footsteps, and the door opened. Liu Na opened the door sleepily and saw Ye Fei first. Seeing the person coming, Ye Fei said with a tired face: "You are back, come in."


Ye Fei turned his head to look at Yang Manying in astonishment, and immediately coughed twice, "Our President Yang said that he wants to talk to Ms. Qian Songyi about signing a contract."


Liu Na paused immediately, rubbed her eyes, looked to the side, and said with a quick smile, "Hehe, so President Yang is here to talk about signing a contract? Then...then come in."

Immediately, Liu Na glanced at Ye Fei, and then opened the door.

Ye Fei and Yang Manying walked into the room immediately, but Yang Manying felt that Ye Fei and this Liu Na seemed to have an unclear relationship, thinking she looked at Ye Fei, but she didn't bother to ask, it was important to get down to business first.

At this time, Qian Songyi was lying on the bed and fell asleep because she was really tired yesterday.

"Uh, Miss Qian Songyi is still resting? Then let's not bother you for now."

Yang Manying naturally knows how to assess the situation and will not do such mindless things.

"Let's settle the matter today, so you won't have to run around."

Ye Fei quickly grabbed Yang Manying, and said to Liu Na with a domineering face, "Wake her up, it's not easy for her to run around."

Liu Na stared at Ye Fei, then glanced at Yang Manying, nodded helplessly, "Okay."

Ye Fei made a very deep impression on them, that kind of strength made them unable to resist at all.

Immediately, Yoo Na went to the bed and called Cheon Song Yi.

"This...isn't that bad?"

Yang Manying looked at Liu Na with an unnatural expression and said, after all, it's very impolite to disturb someone's rest.

"It's okay, don't worry about it, just wait for the signing."

Ye Fei waved his hand and explained to Yang Manying.


At this time, Qian Songyi had already been woken up by Liu Na, she opened her eyes tiredly, looked at Liu Na and asked, "What is Nana doing?"

"Ye Fei and President Yang are here."

Liu Na glanced at Ye Fei and Yang Manying beside the bed and replied.

Immediately, Qian Songyi sat up, and because she was too sleepy, she didn't pay much attention to her chest. At this time, she only put on a black lace cover, and under the squeeze of the quilt, the groove became more 'deep' .

The other people present were stunned immediately, Yang Manying and Liu Na only had weird eyes, but Ye Fei was a hot-blooded man, seeing such a stunner, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Cough cough~~~"

Seeing her husband staring at other women's 'career lines', Yang Manying naturally turned pale, and immediately coughed twice.

"Ha ha."

Liu Na smiled awkwardly, and pulled up the quilt for Qian Songyi.


Qian Songyi's pretty face was even redder, and she looked at Yang Manying with twinkling eyes, then changed the subject and asked, "Is President Yang here so early for something?"

"Miss Qian Songyi is really sorry for disturbing your rest so early." Yang Manying immediately looked at Qian Songyi with apologetic expression and said, "If you want to rest, let's leave first and come later."

"Hehe, it's okay, it's okay, President Yang, if you have anything to say, just tell me." Qian Songyi said to Yang Manying with a chuckle, but when she spoke, she didn't forget to glance at Ye Fei from time to time.

"I want to talk to you about signing a contract!"

Yang Manying stared at Qian Songyi, then nodded and said.

"Sign the contract? Okay, come here, I'll sign it right away."

Qian Songyi said without thinking.


PS: Today's Chapter 1, there will be five chapters without accident, I hope everyone will support it, Xiao Zeng is really tired of writing, and it is useless for everyone to keep the monthly pass during the month, so let's vote here.

 Today's Chapter 1, there will be five chapters without accident, hope everyone will support
(End of this chapter)

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