super agent

Chapter 161 Xu Qing's Question

Chapter 161 Xu Qing's Question

Yang Manying was taken aback for a moment, glanced at Ye Fei, then walked to the bed, handed over the contract she had prepared long ago to Qian Songyi, and said with a smile: "Miss Qian Songyi, look at the contract..."

"No, I'll sign directly, trust you!"

Qian Songyi waved her hand and smiled at Yang Manying and asked, "Do you have a pen?"

"Yes, of course there is!"

Yang Manying immediately took out her bag, took out a pen and handed it to Qian Songyi, but still reminded: "Miss Qian Songyi, you should read more, if there is anything wrong, we can still negotiate!"

"No, just sign."

Qian Songyi smiled at Yang Manying, then blinked at Ye Fei, took the pen and signed.

"Okay... okay."

Yang Manying glanced at Liu Na and Ye Fei, and immediately took out her own document and signed it with a pen.

After signing, Qian Songyi exchanged the lottery with Yang Manying.

After everything was finished, Yang Manying put away the documents and said to Qian Songyi: "Miss Qian Songyi, then we won't disturb your rest, and invite you and Miss Liu Na to have dinner tonight to celebrate."

"Oh Well!"

Qian Songyi returned the pen to Yang Manying, nodded and smiled.

"Well, then we won't disturb your rest."

Immediately, Yang Manying said politely, then winked at Ye Fei, and took the lead to leave outside.

Ye Fei nodded, then blinked with Qian Songyi and Liu Na, and immediately followed Yang Manying to the outside.

The two walked out of Room 007.

"You and them..."

When Yang Manying walked out of the room and was about to ask Ye Fei and Qian Songyi about their relationship, the phone rang.

Seeing this, Ye Fei rubbed his nose and stared at Yang Manying curiously.

Yang Manying took out her mobile phone and looked at the display. Her face gradually turned cold. After some hesitation, she still connected the phone, "Hello——"

Immediately, Yang Manying turned sideways to answer the phone, and suddenly said: "The charity party? Well, I will go tonight."

Immediately, Yang Manying hung up and put the phone in her bag.

"Who called? You look unhappy!"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and asked.

"My aunt."

Yang Manying replied with a cold face.

"Your aunt? Why is she calling?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Yang Manying and asked.

"She called and said that there is a charity gala tonight, and she needs to attend..." Yang Manying replied with a cold face: "Because, almost everyone in the upper class in Zhonghai City will attend today, and this is a good way to increase your popularity." .”

"Okay, then you go to increase your popularity at night, and I'll sleep in the hotel." Ye Fei shrugged and said.

"You want to go too!"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes and spoke.

"I'm going too? Why? That activity is too boring, formal engineering!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and refused.

"You must go."

Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei and continued: "Although the news about our certification is relatively closed, it shouldn't be difficult for interested people to check it out. So in this case, I will attend alone. What do others think? And when the time comes What if my aunt and uncle use this matter to talk nonsense outside? Didn’t I marry you just to let you act as a shield for me!”

Ye Fei's expression froze immediately. Using the word Yang Manying made Ye Fei feel a little bit pained. To be precise, Ye Fei rolled his eyes and said with displeasure: "Is it really impossible not to go?"

"you try……"

Yang Manying pouted, blushing slightly, "If you promise to listen to me in the future, then we'll live together..."

Speaking of this, Yang Manying's glamorous and pretty face turned crimson. She really has nothing to do with Ye Fei now. It is definitely impossible to be tough, she can only be soft, and since the last time she had an ambiguous relationship with Ye Fei After the episode, she also recognized Ye Fei, and the two of them really did the fake show.

"Cohabitation? Haven't we lived together a long time ago?"

Ye Fei didn't feel sorry, and looked at Yang Manying with a puzzled expression.

"Asshole, that means we are a real couple!"

Yang Manying's face was as red as a monkey's butt, she spat at Ye Fei, and left shyly.

"Huh? To be a real couple?"

Ye Fei was stunned for three seconds, and immediately reacted and rushed to Yang Manying, who was walking towards the elevator, and said, "Okay, my wife, come down to the hotel and find me!"

Yang Manying stretched out her hand at a faster pace, made an OK gesture without looking back, and then walked into the elevator.


Looking at Yang Manying's graceful and plump body, Ye Fei couldn't help feeling obsessed, but when he thought of Yang Manying's mysterious and yin body, he was speechless. It's a pity that such a beauty can only look at but not do anything.

"Fortunately, if you live together, you can still touch her!"

Ye Fei thought optimistically, and then walked to the hotel where he was staying. He also needs to take a good rest now.

"My god, what the hell is going on?"

As soon as Ye Fei opened the door, he saw that his room was in a mess. It was like being burglarized, but who the hell is sick? He stole something and came to the hotel?
"Forget it, don't care, it's not my house anyway, so let's mess it up, I'm sleepy."

Looking at the scene in front of him, he didn't bother to care about it anymore. Someone must have found out his address and wanted to touch him. Unfortunately, he went out last night, which made the group's trip useless.

"Could it be... the person sent by the Taoist priest? This guy probably sent someone to kill me while I was being cast by him. Damn, don't let me find you, or I will have to kill you!" Ye Fei The idea is clear, and I guess 90.00% of it is that Taoist priest.

However, people are in the dark, and he is in the light. We can only wait for that guy to appear.

Immediately, he tidied up and got out of bed casually, and then began to rest.


"It's already 12:30 noon!"

Ye Fei woke up feeling a little hungry, so he got up and put on his clothes immediately.

beep ring...

At this moment, the phone rang. Ye Fei took out his cell phone from his pants and looked at the caller ID. It was Xu Qing's call.

"Hey, officer Xu called at noon, what's the matter?"

Ye Fei answered the phone and asked with a lazy smile.

"An accident happened in the military region yesterday!"

Xu Qing spoke flatly.


Ye Fei responded lightly.

"Someone broke into the military area, and there were several groups of people. Among them, the Nine Lives Demon was the identified person, and the other group was you, right?" Xu Qing asked with a more serious tone after hearing Ye Fei's calm tone.


Ye Fei flatly denied it.

"Don't talk about it, I don't know you yet. Yesterday Feng Yuan ran to the military area to take refuge, but he died in the end, but he was not captured and killed by the Nine Lives Demon, and he still quibbles?" Xu Qing said a hundred times. A disbelief said: "Don't worry, I'm not from the military area after all, and I don't care if you break into the military area, but I'm curious. I heard from the military area that you are also very powerful, and you seem to be fighting against the Nine Lives Demon It's..."


PS: I’m sorry everyone, Xiao Zeng may have to break his promise today. I don’t think he can get Chapter 3. He was still sick yesterday, so he went to the hospital to drink a few bottles. He just came back at night. Today there may only be Chapter [-]. Well, Chapter [-] , Xiao Zeng continues to struggle, I hope everyone will understand!

(End of this chapter)

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