super agent

Chapter 162 Preparations Before the Party

Chapter 162 Preparations Before the Party
When Ye Fei heard Xu Qing's words, he laughed immediately. It's okay not to mention this matter, but he doesn't know what to say when it is mentioned!

"Is your police station really sure you want to catch the Nine Lives Demon?"

Ye Fei asked in a low voice.

"What do you mean by that?" Xu Qing asked inexplicably.

Ye Fei said with a speechless expression: "Do you know how powerful the Nine Lives Demon is? You know the Guardian of Yanhuang, right?"

"Guardian of Yanhuang? I know!"

Xu Qing hesitated to speak. Although the Guardian of Yanhuang is a high-level secret, but her background is not simple, she still has heard of this kind of secret.

"Well, do you know a man named Yan Jun?"

Ye Fei continued to ask Xu Qing.

"Yan Jun? The Yan family in Yanjing, Yan Han's cousin, joined the army since he was a child, and later joined the Guardians of Yanhuang. I heard that he is now a high-level figure in the Guardians of Yanhuang." Xu Qing explained logically.

"It really is from the Yan family."

Ye Fei whispered to himself, and then said: "Then you also know that Yan Jun is a high-level figure of Yanhuang Guardian, and his strength must be very powerful, but he is not the opponent of Nine Lives Demon. I really can't imagine that you want to To deal with the Nine Lives Demon, I really don't know how to write the word dead!"


Xu Qing was stunned for a moment, and asked falteringly, "Nine... Is the Nine-Life Monster really that scary? How did we know before? The news about the Nine-Fate Monster was blocked, and he's always in a hurry..."

"Wuyu, I can at most draw with him. It's too difficult to catch him, unless I wait until my strength becomes stronger, but as my strength becomes stronger, his strength also becomes stronger!" Ye Fei opened his mouth and said, the meaning sounded obvious.

"Then...then you don't intend to..."

Xu Qing asked a little timidly, after hearing Ye Fei say that the Nine Lives Demon is so powerful, she also knew that it would be impossible to arrest him.

"Nonsense, you still want to arrest him, let's talk about it later, that guy will definitely come back to me." Ye Fei replied angrily.

"OK then!"

Xu Qing nodded and said: "That's it, hang up first."

Immediately, Xu Qing hung up the phone.

Ye Fei shrugged, it seemed that his tone was a little heavy just now, then he threw the phone aside and went into the bathroom to wash up.

In less than 3 minutes, Ye Fei came out wiping his hair, put on his clothes, and then opened the door to find Qian Songyi and the others for dinner.

Walking to the door of 007, Ye Fei knocked on the door.

This time it was Qian Songyi who opened the door, she yawned and looked at Ye Fei, and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Eat, don't you eat after completing the task?"

Ye Fei looked at Qian Songyi and spoke.

"Mission, you still dare to ask us a task, you go and see that painting, it's broken in half, how do you tell us to complete the task?" Qian Songyi was so angry that her pretty face flushed, and she wished that Ye Fei Live split.

"Haha, I was able to snatch this painting from the Nine-Life Demon intact. Do you think it's easy? It's not like you didn't see how ferocious the Nine-Life Demon is."

Ye Fei rolled his eyes and looked at Qian Song Yidao.

"Okay, but first, let's talk about your glorious history. You are so perverted at such a young age, and your strength is so strong..." Qian Songyi nodded, and then stared at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes, and there was a smile on her pretty face. With an idiot-like expression, he wanted to reach out and pull Ye Fei into the room.

"Uh, I think I'd better go and eat by myself, if you are hungry, go and eat by yourself."

Immediately, Ye Fei ignored Qian Songyi and hurried towards the elevator.

"You bastard!"

Seeing Ye Fei being so disrespectful, Qian Songyi raised her brows, stomped her jade feet lightly, and closed the door.

And Ye Fei went downstairs alone, ate something casually, walked outside, looked at the 'scenery', and then went back to the hotel.

After returning to the room, Ye Fei sat in front of the computer desk, but instead of playing with the computer, he was researching the sheepskin cloth that was divided into two from the Nine Lives Demon.

"There are so many routes and red dots on this map, it seems to be a treasure map somewhere, but there is only half of it, I don't know how to look at it, and it doesn't mark a place name or anything, it's a pain in the ass!" Ye Fei stared at the sheepskin cloth in front of him, and also immediately decided that this sheepskin cloth was a treasure map, and it seemed that he had to find a treasure in the future.

Of course, before that, he still needs to fight against the Nine Lives Demon.

After all, he only has half a card in his hand, and he believes that the Nine Lives Demon will definitely not stop there.

Otherwise, all the efforts of the Nine Lives Demon will be in vain, and holding the half sheepskin cloth will be of no use to him, only the combination of two sheets is valuable, otherwise it is a waste product.

Seeing that the research was fruitless, Ye Fei had no choice but to put it away, and then he started playing computer games when he was bored.

Around three in the afternoon.

Ye Fei's phone rang. He went to the bed and picked up the phone to see that it was Yang Manying calling. He answered, "Hey, why are you calling at this time?"

"Go to the party!"

Yang Manying answered on the phone.

"The party? Didn't it start at night?" Ye Fei was taken aback, staring at the computer screen and asked.

"It's right to start at night, but for such a large party, don't you think you need to make some preparations? For example, change into higher-end clothes..." Yang Manying whispered.

"Okay, so are you downstairs now?" Ye Fei got up and picked up the car keys and asked.

"Yes, come down quickly."

After Yang Manying finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Immediately, Ye Fei put away his mobile phone, opened the door and walked downstairs. It took less than 2 minutes to take the elevator to the first floor.

As soon as I came downstairs, I saw a red Mercedes-Benz sports car parked by Zhang Yang at the entrance of the hotel. The noble and glamorous Yang Manying was sitting in the driver's seat, with a pair of black sunglasses on her pretty face, she was staring at the hotel with her head tilted. in the hall.

Seeing this, Ye Fei quickened his pace. To have such a woman as his wife, he would probably be hated by countless men.

Obviously, Ye Fei was treated like this at this time. The men who came in and out of the hotel looked sideways at Yang Manying, but Ye Fei, a spoiled person, walked towards Yang Manying with a very intimate appearance. How could this not make them jealous? ?
"My dear, it's too early now, isn't it? How hot do you think it is now?"

Ye Fei walked to the car and complained helplessly, but he still opened the door and got in the car.

"Now we have to prepare. Look at you. Are you going to the party in sportswear?" Yang Manying took off her glasses and said, staring at Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes speechless.

Ye Fei took a look at his clothes. It was more comfortable to wear sportswear, so he usually likes to wear it like this.

"Then shall we go home and change now?"

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying and asked.

"The two sets in your room are no good. They're too vulgar. It's embarrassing to wear them out. These days, people always look at the brand first. If you don't have one or two pieces of international famous brand clothes, you don't dare to marry and go to the party!"

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei and explained, then started the car and said, "So, now let's go buy you a high-end suit, so that you won't be ashamed to attend the party."

"Well, you have the final say, anyway, the party is to increase your popularity!"

Ye Fei touched his nose and nodded.


PS: Today is the third watch. By the way, Xiao Zeng will interact with everyone. Everyone guess who Ye Fei and Yang Manying will meet at today's party?What kind of waves will happen again?Readers who are willing to do it, please leave a comment! ! !
 Today is the third update!
(End of this chapter)

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