super agent

Chapter 163 Enemy's Narrow Road

Chapter 163 The Enemy's Road is Narrow

Yang Manying drove Ye Fei straight to the most prosperous and high-end clothing store in the city.

Half an hour later, Yang Manying parked the car in front of a high-end suit shop.

"get off!"

Yang Manying found a parking space and parked the car, unfastened her seat belt, and opened the door and called out to Ye Fei who was dozing off beside her.

"almost there?"

Ye Fei wiped the edge of his mouth, unbuttoned his seat belt with an unsatisfactory expression, opened the door and got out of the car in a daze.

"You need to sleep so much, let me see if you will do bad things in the middle of the night in the future!" Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei while carrying her bag.

"Uh, I'm all for you!" Ye Fei closed the car door and looked at Yang Manying, showing an innocent look.

"For me, you can't go to the military area to kill people!" Yang Manying said with curled lips, but she was flattered and moved in her heart.

"Okay, from now on, my dear, you can do whatever you want!" Ye Fei replied helplessly.

"It's almost there."

Yang Manying nodded in satisfaction, then walked to Ye Fei's side, took Ye Fei's arm and walked towards the suit shop, "You have to cheer me up, I don't have so much time to waste, it's past three o'clock now, After shopping for clothes, I have to go back and get ready."

"Okay, my wife is the biggest!"

Ye Fei nodded enjoying it, and suddenly felt an inexplicable warmth, which he couldn't imagine before. With such a beautiful wife as his companion, his life suddenly became colorful.


Yang Manying snorted while holding Ye Fei's arm. Now she also accepts Ye Fei invisibly, standing up for her again and again, which is far more than what a bodyguard should do.

Immediately, the two entered the suit shop together, and the comfortable and pleasant air-conditioned wind blew.

"It's really hot outside!"

Walking into the suit shop, Ye Fei couldn't help shivering and said to himself.

"Nonsense, it's only late August, and it's the hottest time in Zhonghai City." Yang Manying cursed angrily.

"Huh? Isn't this Weiwei's boyfriend?" At this moment, a male voice with a bit of disharmony sounded.

Ye Fei frowned, the voice sounded a bit familiar, and immediately he looked up, and saw a bloated and slightly fat figure in front of the fitting mirror, looking at him with a mocking smile on his face.

Li... Li Tong?
Isn't this guy Ling Wei's ex-boyfriend?

Yang Manying frowned and glanced at Ye Fei, and immediately followed the prestige, "Mr. Li, do you know my husband?"

Yang Manying also did not shy away from it, and openly admitted Ye Fei's identity, because today's charity party, I believe this one will also attend, although Li Tong's company is considered a second-tier company in Zhonghai City, but he is a foreigner Enterprises can gain a foothold in Zhonghai City, which is considered very powerful, so when Yang Manying saw Li Tong, she immediately recognized who he was.

Li Tonglian glanced at Yang Manying, seeing such a glamorous, noble and beautiful woman, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he stepped forward and asked in surprise, "Yang...Miss Yang, you say he is your husband? I think It must be a mistake, right?"

Li Tong looked Ye Fei up and down. He couldn't connect Ye Fei and Yang Manying together. The gap between the two could be described as cloud and mud. Moreover, not long ago, Ye Fei was still playing the role of Ling Wei's boyfriend. Why? Now that he suddenly changed his body and became the husband of the most outstanding strong woman in the business world of Zhonghai City?
"Wrong? What do you mean, he is my husband!"

Yang Manying frowned, and asked inexplicably, "Mr. Li seems to have been doing business elsewhere, right? How did you know my husband?"

"Hehe, I met once by coincidence!"

Li Tong didn't point it out, and looked at Ye Fei with a fat face jokingly, thinking to himself: "This guy looks like a ghost, but he has some skills. He can even marry Yang Manying, the brightest goddess in Zhonghai City, and Ling Wei, that bitch who was once abandoned by me, also has an ambiguous relationship with him, but judging from now, Ling Wei probably doesn't know, or he is his mistress? But no matter what, Ling Wei is growing up now. Beautiful, this guy can't be cheap for nothing, at least he has to play with it."

Thinking about it, Li Tong rolled his eyes, glanced at Yang Manying and Ye Fei with a smile, and said in a meaningful tone: "Mr. Ye, you are really good at 'Yu Nu'!"

Li Tong deliberately raised the voice of the word Yu Nu, and immediately walked to the front desk with the clothes he just bought.

"This guy probably owes a draw!"

Ye Fei whispered with a dark face.

Li Tong, who was walking towards the front desk, seemed to have heard Ye Fei's words, turned around and gave Ye Fei a provocative smile, and then walked outside. Next, he had to figure out how to provoke the relationship between Ye Fei and Ling Wei, and then he could There is a chance to continue to be with Ling Wei, thinking of Ling Wei's sexy and alluring figure, he can't help thinking wildly.

"You know a lot of people!"

Yang Manying withdrew Ye Fei's hand, and said with a cold face, relying on a woman's accurate sixth sense, she could clearly feel that the two men were jealous just now, and that person must not be herself, that is, It means that it is a woman outside Ye Fei.

Thinking of this, Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with beautiful eyes in amazement, and suddenly she didn't understand, there seemed to be a lot of women around this scoundrel!
Is it true that men are not bad and women don't love?
Well, I seem to be in love with this rascal too. These days, men are bad, coupled with their extraordinary skills, it is indeed easier to attract more women.

"Hehe, it's okay!"

Ye Fei chuckled, he could feel Yang Manying's imperceptibly brewing anger was about to erupt, and he didn't dare to talk nonsense, so he quickly looked at the suit next to him, changed the subject and said, "Wow, this suit is nice, if I wear it, It must have fascinated thousands of girls!"

"You are already fascinated, now you don't have to wear it at all!"

Yang Manying snorted coldly for no reason.


Ye Fei was speechless, he tried his best to avoid this topic, but Yang Manying spared him, "Hehe, dear wife, we are here to pick out clothes now, and you said time is precious, don't talk about those useless ones."

"Then you pick it yourself!"

Yang Manying said angrily. Originally, she wanted to considerately pick out clothes for Ye Fei, but now she felt very upset. She turned her head to look at the waitress next to her and said, "Recommend some good ones for him."

"Oh, yes, sir, come with me!"

The waitress nodded, picked out a few clothes on the rack next to her, and said to Ye Fei with a smile: "Sir, you have a good temperament, these clothes should fit you well, try them out!"

"Then I'm going to try on clothes."

Ye Fei followed the waitress to the fitting room.

Yang Manying looked at her phone, frowned and urged, "Hurry up."

(End of this chapter)

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