super agent

Chapter 164 Girlfriend

Chapter 164 Girlfriend

Not long after, Ye Fei changed his clothes and came out. He was wearing a brand-name suit, twisted his neck and walked to the fitting mirror.

At this time, Yang Manying, who was idle looking at clothes, heard the movement in the fitting room, turned her head over, and saw Ye Fei in a suit and leather shoes coming out. Although she was not as tall as one meter, she had a handsome appearance. He has a good figure, but still reveals a bit of a heroic feeling, and the correct facial features undoubtedly add points to his overall image, making Ye Fei in a suit give off a bit of a free and easy temperament.

Suddenly, Ye Fei's temperament changed drastically, like a gentle businessman.

"It's true that few people rely on clothes, but Buddha relies on gold clothes. After this rascal puts on a suit, the effect is quite good."

This was Yang Manying's first judgment for Ye Fei. Although Ye Fei had also worn it before, it was far worse than this one. Immediately she walked towards Ye Fei, came to Ye Fei, and replaced Ye Fei. The tie said: "For such a big man, he can't even tie a tie. Help me carry the bag."

Ye Fei, who was looking in the mirror, quickly took the bag that Yang Manying brought over, and looked at Yang Manying in surprise, this woman changed her face faster than turning the pages of a book!

"You, don't put all your thoughts on finding a woman in the future. A big man is a little self-motivated, okay? Isn't it enough for me to be your wife?"

Yang Manying helped Ye Fei tie his tie while chattering. Ye Fei was less than a foot away from her at this time. Seeing that they were getting closer, the two of them were probably about to touch each other.

"Huh? When did you buy such a precious jadeite? It costs a lot of money for such a big piece, right?"

Yang Manying tied Ye Fei's tie, accidentally pulled out the jasper hanging around his neck, and even asked in surprise, how precious a piece of jade is for a high-class person like her to recognize it at a glance.

"Oh, that's the only thing left of me by abandoning my parents."

Ye Fei glanced at the jasper on his neck and said.

"Oh, there are words engraved on it, it seems that your background is actually not ordinary!"

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei, saw his indifferent expression, and continued to speak.

"It's the same for me, because I've always lived an ordinary life!" Ye Fei grinned, without any sense of loss.

beep ring...

At this moment, Yang Manying's phone rang, and she straightened up for Ye Fei and said, "You can sort it out yourself, I'll answer the phone!"


Ye Fei nodded and fiddled with the tie himself.

Immediately, Yang Manying did not shy away from taking out her mobile phone, standing beside Ye Fei to look at the caller ID, Shangguan Fei'er.

Seeing this name, Yang Manying immediately showed excitement, and quickly connected the phone and said, "Fei'er, you haven't called me for a long time!"

"Hmph, you still said, I don't contact you, and you don't even look for me..."

Then, a woman's voice that was as crisp as a silver bell came from the phone.


Ye Fei who was next to him shook his body for no reason when he heard the name, but immediately shook his head. There were too many people with the same name, and the Fei'er he knew definitely couldn't know Yang Manying.

"Hey, I'm not busy with work, I'm so tired that I can't breathe."

Yang Manying sighed helplessly, looked at Ye Fei and said on the phone.

"Tired, you want to find me even more, do you still recognize me as a best friend?" The woman on the phone said in a slightly dissatisfied tone.

"Yes, of course, you are the only one who plays well!"

Yang Manying said excitedly.

"Yeah, yes, Manying, I'm back." The woman on the other end of the phone said.

"came back?"

Yang Manying was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Have you returned to Zhonghai City?"

"Yeah, I called you as soon as I got off the plane."

Mayfair replied lightly.

"Say it sooner, so I can pick you up."

Yang Manying said pretending to be displeased.

"Aren't you busy, so I won't waste your time. Besides, I have already obtained my degree this time, and I will stay in Zhonghai City and become a teacher." Fei'er on the phone explained.

"Being a teacher, congratulations, you can finally realize your wish and become a teacher."

Yang Manying sincerely blessed that she knew that the biggest dream of this best friend when she was studying was to become a teacher.

"Thank you, I don't have much ambition. Unlike you, becoming a strong woman and being a teacher is my biggest wish. Well, that's it, let's talk about this first. I just got off the plane and have to go home. The charity party tonight I will go with my stepfather and stepmother, and I think you will definitely go too." Fei'er also replied very satisfied.

"Well, I'll go to the party, see you then." Yang Manying nodded in response.

"Okay, see you tonight."

After finishing speaking, Mayfair hung up the phone.

After Yang Manying hung up the phone, her whole face became a bit expectant.

"Who is it? Are you having a good chat?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying's expression and asked curiously.

"My best friend, we have been good best friends since high school. We were in the same school until the university year. It was only later that I dropped out of school and she went abroad, so we had less contact. Now she has a degree abroad and has come back. , she will also be in Zhonghai City." Yang Manying explained while staring at Ye Fei.

"You still have girlfriends? I don't think they are ordinary people?"

Ye Fei touched his nose with an incredulous expression.

"Nonsense, I really thought I was born like this. I was an innocent girl before, but my parents' accident changed me completely." Yang Manying gave Ye Fei an angry look, and then said: "My best friend is sure Not ordinary people, back then our school had two major campus beauties, one was me and the other was her."

"Uh, well, from what you've said, I'm looking forward to seeing your best friend."

Ye Fei grinned.

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei's expression and snorted coldly: "You can see it, but don't use your brain, or I will fight you."


Ye Fei gave Yang Manying a speechless look and said, "You should tell your girlfriends, isn't there a popular saying these days, fire prevention, theft prevention and girlfriend protection!"

"Okay, don't talk about it, just buy this set."

Yang Manying waved her hand, playing tricks with a begging guy, really looking for abuse.

"Then this one."

Ye Fei nodded, turned and walked towards the changing room.

"Just take out the previous clothes. Don't change. When I'm ready, I'll go directly to the party."

Yang Manying told Ye Fei that she was really afraid that this guy would do something stupid.

"Got it, I'm not that SB."

Ye Fei waved his hand and entered the changing room.

Seeing this, Yang Manying walked towards the front desk and settled the bill.

"Get your clothes. It's almost four o'clock. I'm going back to change into an evening dress." Yang Manying looked at her phone, said something to Ye Fei, and walked outside first.

Ye Fei, who was wearing a brand-name suit and leather shoes, quickly carried the previous clothes and walked out with Yang Manying.


PS: The second update today, everyone give some support!

 Today's second update, everyone give some support!

(End of this chapter)

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