super agent

Chapter 165 Dijue Hotel

Chapter 165 Dijue Hotel
Half an hour later, back home.

"Grandpa, you're back."

Wang Ma just woke up from a nap and poured water to drink, when she saw Ye Fei, who was in a suit and energetic, came in, and asked quickly.

"Yeah, I just came back, and I'm going to a party with Manying later, so I dressed like this." Ye Fei smiled at Wang Ma, then glanced at the clothes in his hand and said, "Wang Ma, you don't want to wear my clothes. Let's wash it in the washing machine."

"Mmm Good."

Wang Ma nodded and took Ye Fei's bag.

"I'll go upstairs and change."

Yang Manying glanced at the two of them and walked straight to the second floor.

Seeing this, Ye Fei exchanged pleasantries with Wang Ma, then sat in the living room to eat and watch TV.

A moment later, Yang Manying, who was wearing a deep purple low-cut evening dress, walked down with her long skirt in her hands. She also wore a pair of purple silk handkerchiefs on her hands. She looked like a queen among nobles, charming and elegant Her noble temperament is perfectly combined, so beautiful that she can't give other women a chance to survive!


Ye Fei turned his head to look, he just took a bite of the apple with his mouth open enough to stuff an egg in, but the apple fell out again before he could swallow it, and his mouth was still drooling.

When Yang Manying saw Ye Fei's expression out of the corner of her eyes, she pursed her ruddy and plump mouth, showing a somewhat proud expression naturally, and said in her heart: "This bastard, when he sees a beautiful woman, he reveals his true colors..."

"Tsk tsk, it's so beautiful. From the first time I saw you, I knew the true meaning of the phrase "beautiful and delicious." Today, I have a deep understanding." Ye Fei threw away the apple, then got up and walked towards Yang Manying .

"Stay away!"

Yang Manying immediately gave a soft drink, pointed at Ye Fei's hand and said.

"Uh, well, actually, I think you seem to be short of something, otherwise you would be more perfect." Ye Fei stopped, looked Yang Manying up and down, then fixed his gaze on Yang Manying's jade-like neck, and quickly realized, "Lack of A pendant..."

"Oh yes, I forgot all of a sudden, go and help me get it upstairs, I'm in trouble."

Yang Manying came to her senses, touched her neck and said to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying and hesitated for a moment. He reached out his hand to his neck, took off the piece of emerald and jasper, glanced at the only thing left to him by his parents, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Marry me, and I haven't given it to you yet." What are you, this is the only thing my so-called parents left me, give it to you."

"What? Don't... No way, this is left to you by your parents, maybe they will come to you in the future, and your name is engraved on it, it's not good!"

Yang Manying immediately refused cowardly.

"You wear it. It's not good for a big man like me to wear this kind of thing. Let it go, just treat it as a gift from me." As he said, Ye Fei walked behind Yang Manying involuntarily, and took the emerald and jasper into his hands. , carefully put it on for Yang Manying, which actually meant that he had already regarded Yang Manying as his wife.

"OK, it's perfect now."

Putting on the emerald and jasper engraved with his name, Ye Fei took two steps back, then stared at Yang Manying at this moment, and couldn't help sighing again.


Yang Manying had no choice but to accept it, but she actually had a little expectation in her heart. This was the first time a man gave her something.

Seeing this, Yang Manying quickly took out the mirror from her bag and took a look. She felt pretty good and nodded.

"Then shall we go?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and asked.

Yang Manying looked at the time, it was almost five o'clock, and it was estimated that it would take an hour to get to the party from her house, so she nodded immediately and said, "Okay, let's go there now."

Immediately, after explaining to Wang Ma, the two walked outside together.

"Go to the garage and drive a Mercedes!" Yang Manying glanced at her red convertible Mercedes and said to Ye Fei.

"Uh, well, I don't look like a red car."

Ye Fei muttered, then walked towards the garage.

Not long after, a white convertible Mercedes-Benz sports car roared out of the garage like a wild horse. Ye Fei didn't close the hood, looking like an upstart.

"We have a lot of cars. I didn't pay much attention to it before. This car is very good, hehe."

Ye Fei drove the car in front of Yang Manying.

"Be your driver."

Yang Manying gave Ye Fei a blank look, then opened the door and got into the car.

"Uh, okay."

Seeing that Yang Manying was seated, Ye Fei started the car and drove outside.

An hour later, around six o'clock in the evening, the sky was dark.

Ye Fei drove the convertible Mercedes-Benz and pulled the wind fiercely, and finally arrived at the venue of the party, the Dijue Hotel.

This hotel is much more luxurious than any one Ye Fei has been to before, and the appearance alone gives people a majestic and royal atmosphere.

Dijue Hotel has a total of [-] floors. The entire building is made of gold-plated gold. At night, the whole building shines brightly and resplendently. The word 'Di' is really worthy of its name!

"Wow, this hotel is much more luxurious than the hotels I've been to before! Is this considered a five-star hotel?"

Ye Fei drove the car to the entrance of Dijue Hotel, first watched it, and then admired it.

"Naturally, only rich and famous people can enter a supreme level hotel." Yang Manying opened the door and explained, "At least someone who can afford to drive a BMW."

"Welcome, sir." At this time, a young man in a red and black employee uniform walked up to the car and greeted Ye Fei respectfully.

Ye Fei glanced at Yang Manying, then got out of the car and handed over the car keys to the waiter, and when he was about to walk towards Yang Manying——

"Cough cough~~~"

Yang Manying, who had already got off the car, suddenly felt dizzy. She forgot to explain these details to Ye Fei just now, so she immediately winked at Ye Fei.

Ye Fei frowned and saw Yang Manying winking at him, and suddenly realized that it was the same as what he saw on TV, and he needed a tip. Immediately, he took out a "bundle" of horribly crumpled ten and five yuan bills, and handed them all over. To the waiter, smiled and said: "Thank you!"


The waiter at the Dijue Hotel was stunned. This kind of situation has never happened since he came here as a waiter. Even if he drives a BMW, he pays at least a hundred dollars. This man, who drove a Mercedes-Benz with an open top, actually only gave himself a bunch of small change.

Not to mention him, even Yang Manying was speechless. She wanted to say something, but she swallowed it, and turned around quickly, as if she didn't know Ye Fei.

"Look at that man, he must be sick. He drove a luxury car, and the tip even gave change."

At this time, a few people walked by, including a middle-aged man in his early 50s with a serious face.

"Hehe, Uncle Guan is probably also a driver."

One of the handsome men who came together was tall and slender in a silver-gray suit. He glanced at Ye Fei to please the middle-aged man next to him, then turned and smiled at the expressionless blonde woman next to him. : "Xiaoxin, it's rare to come out to relax, don't keep your face so sullen!"

(End of this chapter)

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