super agent

Chapter 166 Meeting Guan Xin Again

Chapter 166 Meeting Guan Xin Again

The blond-haired woman in a white gauze skirt turned her head and glanced indifferently at the young man in a silver-gray suit, and said coldly, "Isn't it just for show."


The young man suddenly glanced at the middle-aged man next to him in astonishment.

"Xiaoxin, can you speak better to Lin Jun? You are about to get married." The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the blonde woman in a white gauze skirt with displeasure.


But at this time, Ye Fei, who was walking towards Yang Manying, stopped suddenly when he heard the cold female voice. The voice was so familiar, he turned his head subconsciously, and then he was stunned Living.

Guan Xin? !
At this moment, what appeared in front of Ye Fei was the "one-night stand girl" he found in the bar when he just returned to Zhonghai City, but who knew that Guan Xin was not an ordinary woman, and thus developed a series of farces.

Originally, Ye Fei thought that the two would never meet again, but who knew they would meet again today.

However, after he thought about it, he was relieved. Today's charity party, successful people with some reputation and background in Zhonghai City will come.

And when Ye Fei turned to look at Guan Xin, Guan Xin happened to see Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes, and her body trembled suddenly, unexpectedly, she would meet the man who took her away for the first time.

Seeing Ye Fei again at this moment, Guan Xin's mood suddenly became a little complicated, and she stared closely at Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes.

Tang Linjun next to him immediately sensed that Guan Xin's mood was not right, and immediately followed Guan Xin's gaze to the side, and saw Ye Fei in a famous brand suit at a glance. Even though Ye Fei was dressed like a ghost, he still Ye Feilai was recognized immediately.

"It's you!"

Tang Linjun's face suddenly darkened. It is impossible to have a good face when facing the man who took away his fiancée for the first time. After all, he was at the scene of the farce at the police station.

Guan Zhenhai on the side also looked at Ye Fei with shrewd eyes, and then showed a disgusted expression on his face, obviously he also recognized Ye Fei.

"Hehe, I haven't seen you for a while."

Ye Fei immediately greeted with a chuckle.

Guan Xin came back to his senses, his eyes seemed to be dodging, and he ignored Ye Fei and looked forward.


Guan Zhenhai snorted coldly, and he had nothing to do with Ye Fei.

"Hehe, it's Mr. Ye. It's been a long time."

Seeing this, Tang Linjun showed a magnanimous manly demeanor, and smiled at Ye Fei. He still remembered Ye Fei's last name.

"You are... Tang... Mr. Tang, you have a good memory, and you still remember me!"

Ye Fei smiled and nodded at Tang Linjun, this guy is really annoying, the woman he likes has been 'sexed' by him, and he has to pretend to be indifferent.

"Mr. Ye, each other!"

Tang Linjun smiled lightly.

"What are you still doing there?"

At this time, Yang Manying, who had already walked a few steps, suddenly realized that Ye Fei hadn't followed, so she turned around and frowned at Ye Fei.

"Oh, I met an acquaintance, say hello."

Ye Fei tilted his head and smiled at Yang Manying, and greeted Tang Linjun, "See you later."

After speaking, Ye Fei glanced at Guan Xin, then turned around and walked towards Yang Manying at a faster pace.

After Ye Fei walked to Yang Manying's side, Yang Manying walked into the hotel holding Ye Fei's hand.

"Lin Jun, what do you have to say to that bastard!"

After Ye Fei left, Guan Zhenhai stared at Ye Fei and Yang Manying angrily and said.

"Uncle Guan, the person next to him is Yang Manying from Yang's company, and the two of them have that kind of relationship!" Tang Linjun said while looking at the hotel entrance with a restrained expression. In fact, he said this on purpose to Guan Xin.

Seeing Ye Fei leave, Guan Xin stared at the hotel door with her beautiful eyes twinkling, and a complex look flashed across her pretty face.

"Never mind him, let's go in too."

Guan Zhenhai waved his hand and walked straight into the hotel.


At this moment, when Yang Manying, who was walking with Ye Fei, entered the hotel door, she glanced at the back subconsciously, and asked puzzledly, "Who are they? They seem a little familiar?"

"As far as the police station we met for the first time, they belonged to the woman."

Ye Fei explained directly without hiding anything.


Yang Manying immediately turned around to look behind. In fact, she mainly wanted to see the woman who was raped by Ye Fei when she called the police. Seeing Guan Xin's sexy tall figure and that beautiful face, she subconsciously became jealous and couldn't help pinching her. Let's go to Ye Fei.


Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying inexplicably.

"I just want to call you a jerk!"

Yang Manying frowned and scolded Ye Fei.


When Ye Fei was about to explain.

"The husband of a strong business woman is really different!"

A sharp voice of teasing and mocking came from not far away.

I saw a resolute man who looked almost like Li Mingyu walking towards him, and next to this tall and straight man was the bloated and fat Li Tong, who was whispering to the tall man beside him.

Ye Fei turned his head and saw that this man looked very similar to Li Mingyu, but he was not that kind of coward. Looking at the man's walking pace, he immediately concluded that this man had been a soldier!

"Li Tianyu?"

Yang Manying frowned at the young man and exclaimed.

"Oh, I can almost tell where it came from just by hearing the name."

After Ye Fei heard Yang Manying calling this man, he immediately became more sure that this guy was from the Li family, either Li Mingyu's elder brother or his younger brother.

"Ye Fei, don't be too arrogant, don't think that no one can cure you!"

Li Tong had always disliked Ye Fei, but now that he had a "backer", he stood up and shouted.

"You come to treat it, try it?"

Ye Fei looked at Li Tongtong provocatively.

"Hehe, this is Mr. Ye, I, Li Tianyu, just came back from abroad, and I heard that my brother Li Mingyu was abolished by you." Li Tianyu stepped forward and stood in front of Li Tong and smiled at Ye Fei.

"It can't be said to be abolished. I really had to fight back out of self-defense. After all, it is impossible for me to stand there and be bullied by your brother arbitrarily, right? The main reason is that your brother is too rubbish."

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Well, I hope Mr. Ye won't be too rubbish at that time, and I will destroy him in one fell swoop." Li Tianyu looked at Ye Fei expressionlessly and said with a smile: "Oh, by the way, I heard that Mr. Ye has not slept very well at night recently. Be careful that you will be punished if you do too many bad things, hahaha!"

After finishing speaking, Li Tianyu took a look at Yang Manying, and then walked into the hotel. Li Tong followed him like a sycophant, but when he came to Ye Fei, he glared at Ye Fei with provocative eyes.


And after Ye Fei recollected Li Tianyu's words, his face darkened slightly, and a murderous intent flashed across his eyes. Obviously, the Taoist priest who knows how to do heresies was invited by the Li family. It seems that when will he have to go to Li Tianyu? Home, get that guy out.


PS: Thanks for 'The Other Side.Thanks to Xiaoyu, 'Children's Shoes' and 'happy Nuo' for their support, Xiao Zeng here!
 Thanks 'beside.Thanks to Xiaoyu, 'Children's Shoes' and 'happy Nuo' for their support, Xiao Zeng here!
(End of this chapter)

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