super agent

Chapter 167 Thorough Exposure

Chapter 167 Thorough Exposure

Yang Manying next to her looked coldly at Li Tianyu and the others as they walked into the hotel. She was also angry at the provocative words just now, but as a lady, she couldn't be like a shrew and scold Li Tianyu and the others .

"Don't bother with them!"

Yang Manying held Ye Fei's arm and said softly.

"Well, let's go in."

Ye Fei nodded with a smile.


Yang Manying looked outside, then nodded in disappointment.

"Waiting for your girlfriend? Why don't we wait first?"

Ye Fei immediately turned his head to look outside and chuckled.

"Forget it, there are still a lot of reporters to deal with, let's go in first, and Fei'er will come later." Yang Manying shook her head, and walked onto the red carpet of the hotel side by side with Ye Fei on her arm.

"Wow, what a beautiful woman with temperament!"

"That person is the successor of the Yang Group, Miss Yang Manying."

"Huh? Who is the man next to her?"

After Yang Manying walked on the red carpet for a while, she immediately became the focus of the audience, and the celebrities and gentlemen were whispering and commenting.

"What's the situation? The TV station is broadcasting live?" Ye Fei stared at the front with confused eyes and asked in a low voice. He didn't like to show his face.

Facing the situation in front of her, Yang Manying acted very naturally, and smiled lightly, "The charity gala, such an upright and positive energy event, naturally requires the TV station to vigorously promote it, otherwise you think the rich and famous will have so much leisure time. Isn't it just to earn some fame and make yourself more famous!"

"Uh, then you can make a name for yourself. I'll leave it alone. I don't like it very much."

Ye Fei explained immediately, and looked at the reporters who were swarming towards them, as if they were about to run away.

"Where are you going? You are my husband, so of course you are standing with me. If you run away, what do you think?" Yang Manying immediately grabbed Ye Fei's hand and refused to let him go, then jokingly said: " It's good to make it public, so that those women outside won't pester you in the future."


Ye Fei was speechless for a moment.

At this time, the reporters had already surrounded Ye Fei, and Ye Fei had nowhere to go.

A group of reporters surrounded them. Although there were security personnel at the scene to maintain order, there were still countless microphones stretched out in front of them, and a lot of headaches followed.

"President Yang, it was rumored that you had a fake marriage with an unknown man in order to regain the position of chairman of the Yang Group. Can you explain this statement?"

"It's no accident, the person next to President Yang is your fake marriage partner, right? Now, looking at this gentleman, he is very handsome and has an extraordinary bearing. I don't know if the relationship between you is really just a fake marriage as rumored by the outside world?"

"President Yang, you two got married in private, and you didn't even hold a banquet. You don't plan to play the show...or? By the way, this gentleman, can you boldly tell the media friends your name?"

The reporters asked questions one after another, and dozens of cameras pointed at Ye Fei and Yang Manying.

"Since everyone wants to hear my answer so much, can you be quiet?" Yang Manying smiled, showing a generous and elegant temperament in front of the media.

And as her words fell, the chattering crowd quickly closed their mouths, and each of them held the microphone with joyful faces, waiting for Yang Manying's answer, which immediately made the originally spacious hall quiet, and many celebrities The business giants all set their sights on this side.

After all, Yang Manying is related to the important person who is the chairman of the Yang Group!
"Cough cough~~"

Yang Manying withdrew the jade arm that was placed under Ye Fei's armpit, coughed twice and glanced at everyone present. She had finally waited for this moment. When the media broke the news, her chances of winning back the Yang Group would be even greater. I believe When the time comes, her aunt and uncle won't be able to pick any 'thorns' in this matter, right?
"Everyone guessed right, he is my husband, Ye Fei!"

Yang Manying took Ye Fei's hand and introduced to everyone: "As for the rumors of fake marriages, it's just nonsense. It's just that my husband is relatively low-key, and I hope there will never be a wedding."

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying tapped her toes slightly, moved to Ye Fei's mouth and kissed her.

Immediately, there was an uproar of envy. Yang Manying's proactive kiss immediately shattered all the negative news. It's not a fake marriage, she is very loving.

Soon, Ye Fei and Yang Manying separated.

A female reporter wearing glasses came to Ye Fei with a microphone and asked with a smile, "Mr. Ye, you seem to be very affectionate. Could you tell me about your acquaintance? You must be very interested in this topic." interest."

"It's was in the midsummer of this year, we met by the Daming Lake..." Ye Fei replied hesitantly, your sister, did you mean we met at the police station, anyway, let's just talk about it.

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. Ye is also a very humorous person!"

The female reporter covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Actually, everyone is very interested in Mr. Ye's background. To marry the brightest pearl in Zhonghai City, Mr. Ye must have used a lot of methods, right? But a good background should be the most basic, right?" Another fat man The man with glasses on his face leaned over to chase Ye Fei and asked.

Immediately, as soon as this question came out, everyone's eyes were attracted to Ye Fei.

"life experience?"

Ye Fei immediately paused, and then blurted out, "I have no background, just an orphan."

When Yang Manying heard Ye Fei say this, her heart twitched violently. Looking at the people who were stunned, she quickly added: "Hehe, my husband worked hard later on. Although he was an orphan since he was a child, he went abroad to work It’s a big event, and I only returned to China in recent years.”

After speaking, Yang Manying did not forget to stare at Ye Fei, implying that he should stop talking nonsense.

"But there are rumors that Mr. Ye is just a driver in Baimei International, just as a driver?" A reporter next to him chased this topic and wrote an article.

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying silently, and I decided not to talk nonsense.

"Uh, he likes to keep a low profile. After returning to China, he said he wanted to help me, and then he couldn't do anything else, so he just drove." Yang Manying replied incoherently. If he told a lie, he had to use another lie to cover it up. .

"Then, with the help of such a mysterious and successful husband, President Yang is bound to win back the Yang Group?" Another reporter changed the topic and asked, but the focus was still on Ye Fei.

"The Yang Group was left by my parents, and the surname is Yang!"

Yang Manying hesitated for a few seconds, and then said firmly.

"Cough cough cough~~~"

At this moment, a thick and majestic cough sounded.

Wu Weisen and Yang Xueqin are here! ! !


PS: Xiao Zeng told everyone today that the plan will be updated in October, and three chapters will be guaranteed every day in October!
From October [-]st, ten monthly tickets will be added with one chapter, and there is no upper limit. How many monthly tickets you vote for, Xiao Zeng will explode as many updates, so I hope everyone will keep their monthly tickets well in October, and vote for Xiao Zeng at that time .

At the same time: every reward of 10000 book coins will add a chapter!
Reward 50000 book coins for three chapters!

Reward 100000 book coins, ten chapters for the first time!
In the golden autumn of October, Xiao Zeng is ready to fight hard, how about you?
So when the time comes, don’t come here to urge you to change it. Use your actions to prove that everyone’s firewood is high, and everyone’s monthly tickets are smashed together. Xiao Zeng will update like crazy. If you can’t win today, you will stay up late to write tomorrow. Anyway, Xiao Zeng keeps his word, and the data is here. That is absolutely true!

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(End of this chapter)

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