super agent

Chapter 176 Something Happened

Chapter 176 Something Happened

At this moment, Ye Junxiang held a book in his hand, glanced at the TV with an indifferent expression, and then continued to read.

"Look carefully, it's our child. Finally... finally found him, my son, I'm sorry for you, back then..." This elegant middle-aged woman is Ye Junxiang's first wife, Su Tong.

At this moment, Su Tong looked at the scheduled screen on the TV screen, tears streaming down his face, guilt and self-blame were written on his slightly crow's feet face.

At this time, the frame of her frame was Ye Fei and Yang Manying wearing famous brand suits when they were being interviewed.

"He looks so good in a suit..."

Su Tong tearfully stared at Ye Fei on the TV screen. The more he watched, the more he liked Ye Fei, and his face became more and more uncertain: "I don't know how he came here all these years. He had to be put outside when he was just born. Go, it was winter at that time, God bless my son, fortunately he has grown up safely, and now he is married..."

"It's not confirmed yet, so you misidentified your son? Maybe it's just the same name and surname, and everyone doesn't look the same, it's normal to have some similarities." He was so sad that he wrinkled tightly into a word "Chuan", and his sharp eyes stared at Ye Fei on the screen, with a look of thought in his eyes.

"Impossible, look at what it is..." Su Tong shook his head and looked at the TV screen, and suddenly found something, he quickly pointed to the jade pendant on Yang Manying's neck and said: "Look at the jade pendant, this is the old man who carved it himself. The name, look quickly, there is nothing wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong."

Looking at the jade pendant on Yang Manying's neck, the excitement on Su Tong's face became even more intense.


Ye Junxiang narrowed his eyes slightly, stood up and came to the TV screen, staring at the jade pendant on Yang Manying's neck, and immediately said with a straight face: "Nonsense, this is the jade pendant that Dad carved himself, how can you just give it to someone else!"

"You stupid, how does my son know that, and this girl is our daughter-in-law, it's only natural for her to wear it!" Su Tong chuckled with tears still on his face, then rolled his eyes and glared at Ye Junxiang.

"Let him come back. Now that our Ye family's position has been stabilized, even if someone wants to make trouble, he has to weigh it." Ye Junxiang glanced at Ye Fei on the TV screen and said softly, then turned back to the bed, as if it had nothing to do with him .

"You said let him come back, so he will come back? I don't know what he has suffered all these years. I think he will not easily recognize us. No, it seems that I still have to go to Zhonghai City in person! "Su Tong said to Ye Junxiang angrily.

"Are you going to Zhonghai City? What is your status, and you still go there yourself?" Ye Junxiang sat on the bed and snorted coldly: "No, I will attend an important dinner with me in a few days."

"I don't have any identity, I'm just a child's mother. I'll ask the old man for instructions on this matter. Don't try to stop me!" Su Tong's face darkened, and he confronted Ye Junxiang tit for tat.


Ye Junxiang, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, immediately lost his temper when he heard the words old man.

"Hmph, I might go tomorrow, don't ask anyone to disturb me, I want to get along with my son for a while." Excitedly, Su Tong gave Ye Junxiang a soft snort, and continued watching TV.


Zhonghai City.

In the early morning of the next day, when the first rays of the sun shone through the curtains into Ye Fei's room, he had already woken up early and was humming a little tune, washing his face and brushing his teeth.

Originally, he planned to sleep in, but unfortunately Yang Manying woke him up early in the morning.

After washing his face, brushing his teeth, and changing into casual clothes, Ye Fei dried his hair in front of the mirror, and when he felt OK, he opened the door and walked outside.

When he came to the living room, Ye Fei saw Yang Manying, who was already wearing a professional female shirt, sitting on the sofa, waiting anxiously.

"What's the matter? Early in the morning?" Ye Fei came to the living room with a lazy expression, looked at Yang Manying and asked.

"Something happened at the production factory, let's talk about it as we walk!" Seeing Ye Fei come out, Yang Manying picked up her bag and walked outside.

Seeing this, Ye Fei followed with a confused face, and asked at the same time: "What happened?"

"Several production workers at the factory were poisoned yesterday, and then they were reported that we used toxic substances in production. The police have now started an investigation, and the families of those poisoned workers have also started to make trouble and sue us!"

As Yang Manying walked outside, her expression became more and more cold.

"I knew it wouldn't be smooth sailing!"

Ye Fei shook his head helplessly, a big tree attracts the wind, and Yang Manying has many enemies, someone must be framing her.

Immediately, Ye Fei drove, Yang Manying opened the door and got into the car, and the two rushed to the factory early in the morning.

Under the guidance of Yang Manying, Ye Fei drove for two hours and came to an industrial park in the suburbs of Zhonghai City. There are many factories here, and there are many huge chimneys billowing black smoke. When it became cloudy, the air quality was even worse than that in the urban area of ​​Zhonghai City.

"Over there!"

Ye Fei drove all the way here, the concrete road was full of potholes, and finally arrived at the destination under the guidance of Yang Manying.

"Needless to say, I also know!"

Ye Fei looked at the noisy entrance of one of the large factories in front of him. At this moment, there were three or forty people gathered at the gate of the factory. There was clamor at the door.

"I'm dizzy, who are those people?"

Looking at the chaotic scene ahead, Ye Fei was speechless.

"It should be the family members of the poisoned workers. I heard that they have been making trouble since yesterday!" Yang Manying frowned and looked at the front and said softly, with a headache on her face. Now that this situation has happened, it is quite If it is severe, it will affect the development of Baimei International at any time.

She knew that if this matter was not handled well, all her previous efforts would be in vain, so that's why she came here in person early in the morning after she knew about it.

This matter must be handled by herself.

"Are you sure you want to go? It seems that there are a bunch of unqualified people in front of you, especially when their relatives are still lying in the ward, they must hate you even more!"

Ye Fei glanced ahead, then asked Yang Manying.

"Let's go, I came here to deal with this matter, what's the matter hiding here?" Yang Manying shook her head slightly and said.

"Okay then, if you have something to do later, try to stand behind me!"

Ye Fei nodded and spoke to Yang Manying, then drove towards the factory building ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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