super agent

Chapter 177 Personality Charm

Chapter 177 Personality Charm
Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei and nodded gently, that's why she called Ye Fei early in the morning, and she was not at ease calling others.

Then, Ye Fei drove over, and many family members gathered at the gate of the factory and people from the original factory looked sideways.

"Could it be that the top management of Baimei International is here?"

At this time, a man's sharp voice sounded.

"Definitely is!"

"That's right, driving a BMW must be a senior executive of Baimei International!"

"Hurry up, someone who can manage things finally came, let's go find them!"


Immediately, those family members with poles and spatulas rushed towards Ye Fei's car. Seeing this situation, seven or eight men with strong backs rushed out of the factory.

Apparently, these people were the ones who blocked the door just now. Now when they heard that the high-level people from Baimei International came, they naturally wanted to come out to maintain order.

"get off!"

Walking in the front was a tattooed and long-haired young man, holding a pole in his hand, and shouted at Ye Fei in the driver's seat.

"Get out of the car, or they will knock it off when you get off the car."

After Ye Fei stopped the car, he helplessly spread his hands at Yang Manying.


Immediately, Yang Manying opened the door and got out of the car with a sullen face.

"Who are you from Baimei International?"

When the long-haired tattooed man saw Yang Manying getting off the car, his eyes lit up, and he pointed at Yang Manying with a shoulder pole and asked.

"I am the president of Baimei International!"

Yang Manying glanced coldly at the long-haired tattooed man. She only took one look at such a man. What she hated the most was this kind of idler and hooligan.

"President of Baimei International?"

The long-haired tattooed man was taken aback when he saw Yang Manying, and then said in surprise, "You are the president of Baimei International?!"

"President of Baimei International? Then how are you going to deal with this incident? If you can't give us a satisfactory answer, you don't even think about starting work. We make trouble every day!" A middle-aged man with dark skin and a vulgar face behind him held a spatula Shouted at Yang Manying.

"Yes, if you can't give a satisfactory answer, don't let it go!"

"Don't try to be perfunctory!"

"Yes, if you don't give a satisfactory answer today, don't even think about leaving."


Sentences of harsh and somewhat threatening words came from the mouths of the families of the poisoned workers.

"Everyone be quiet!"

As soon as Yang Manying came out, she was surrounded by people, and she took two steps back in fright. Fortunately, five or six young men suddenly stepped forward to block her, and only then did she have room to speak.

Following Yang Manying's shout, the family members of the poisoned workers all shut their mouths and stared closely at Yang Manying. After all, what they had to do was to speak to the Lord. Now that Yang Manying wanted to speak, they naturally listened quietly.

Seeing this, Yang Manying glanced at everyone and said indifferently: "As the president of Baimei International, I can come, which shows that Baimei International takes this matter very seriously, so I hope everyone will trust me and I will definitely give you satisfaction There is no doubt about this, but I don’t know anything when I first came here, so it’s impossible for me to give you a blank check. I wonder if you can give me some time to thoroughly investigate the cause of this poisoning incident. The real situation? If the materials of Baimei International are really poisonous, we are willing to bear legal responsibility..."

Yang Manying glanced at the crowd and saw that they didn't speak. She immediately looked at her watch and smiled, "It's only eight o'clock. I think everyone has been yelling here for a long time. You probably haven't had breakfast. Let's go to the breakfast shop next door. Everything is fine." The cost is ours, and while everyone is eating, I will go and understand the situation with the person in charge here, how about giving you a preliminary explanation then?"

"Well, the high-level people in Baimei International are different, so we will give you some time." The long-haired tattooed man glanced at the crowd behind him and nodded, and then spoke to Yang Manying. After all, what Yang Manying said was in line with the procedure. In addition, Yang Manying's attitude is polite, and she invites them to dinner when they meet at the same time, which makes everyone feel more reliable, unlike the factory manager here, who has been hiding inside like a turtle grandson and dare not come out.

"Okay, thank you for your trust, I will give you a satisfactory answer!"

Yang Manying glanced at the crowd and smiled lightly, then rushed to the man standing in front of her and said: "You buy several boxes of water and put them at the door, after all, people will get tired after waiting for a long time."

"Oh, alright."

The one ordered by Yang Manying was a man with a flat head and round face, who looked a bit simple and honest.

"Well, the company will reimburse the expenses."

Yang Manying nodded, then looked at a tall and burly man next to him and asked, "Is your principal hiding inside?"


The burly man nodded quickly when he saw Yang Manying. After all, she has revealed her identity, so don't be obedient, or she will fire him in minutes.

"Well, you take me in."

Yang Manying nodded and glanced in the direction of the factory building.

"it is good."

Immediately, the burly man nodded and walked ahead to lead the way.

"Everyone go eat first!"

Yang Manying smiled at everyone with a charming smile, and then followed the burly man towards the factory building.

And with Yang Manying's personal charm unleashed, the family members of the poisoned workers who were standing in front of her stepped aside one after another.

Seeing this, Ye Fei, who was watching the play next to him, hurriedly followed Yang Manying, and looked at the family members who were retreating in twos and threes in surprise. Withdrew, this ability is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

After all, few people would do such a thing when faced with such a group of vulgar, barbaric, and unreasonable people.

Obviously, for the group of people just now, Yang Manying respected and cared for them, unlike the factory manager who would just hide and keep the family members out, which would arouse their anger more easily.

The way to get along with people is actually very simple. If you respect others, others will respect you too. But when you don’t respect others, they will also not respect you. Once conflicts intensify, it is easy to lead to tragedy.

"Not bad, just a few words and it's done!" Ye Fei walked to Yang Manying's side and leaned against her body and said in a low voice.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands. Do you think that you are just like you, who can only fight and kill?"

Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei angrily, and at this time they followed the burly man to the gate of the factory building.

"The factory director and several supervisors are inside."

The burly man pushed open the factory door and walked in first.

Ye Fei and Yang Manying glanced at each other, and immediately followed inside together.


PS: The whole country is celebrating, and Xiao Zeng also went outside to play, the next update may be delayed, please understand!

(End of this chapter)

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