super agent

Chapter 178 Is there a problem?

Chapter 178 Is there a problem?
Entering the factory building, the burly man closed the door casually, and then walked to the front and led the way to the next stairs.

"The factory manager and the others are on the second floor!" The burly man walked in front and explained.

Yang Manying nodded and followed.

But Ye Fei looked at the factory building in front of him curiously. This factory building was much larger than ordinary factory buildings, at least several times the size of ordinary factory buildings, about a thousand square meters in size.

However, think about it, after all, this factory is owned by Baimei International, so how could it be small?
Immediately, Ye Fei and Yang Manying followed the burly man upstairs and turned left, and then came to an office. At this time, there were three middle-aged men sitting in the office.

dong dong dong...

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in!"

Immediately, a male voice sounded in the office.

The burly man brought Yang Manying and Ye Fei in.

When the three people sitting in the office saw Yang Manying coming in, they immediately showed a sad expression on their faces. Before the burly man could introduce him, the middle-aged man with a mustache sitting on the desk seat stood up with a flattering expression. Seeing Yang Manying said: "President Yang didn't expect that the higher-ups said they would send someone over, but you actually came over in person!"

The other two also stood up one after another, and stood behind the middle-aged man with a mustache, with somewhat hypocritical flattering smiles on their faces.

"You go down first."

Seeing that Yang Manying didn't speak, the middle-aged man with a mustache turned his head to look at the burly man and waved his hands.

"it is good."

Immediately, the burly man turned and went downstairs to leave.

"Are you the factory manager here?"

After looking at the three of them, Yang Manying stared coldly at the man with the mustache and asked, she really didn't know this kind of factory director, and she came here in a hurry today, so she didn't check the information of these people.

"Yes, I am Ding Shan, the director of the factory."

The middle-aged man with a mustache nodded in response, then introduced the two people next to him and said, "He is Yu Qing, the deputy factory director, and Qian Feng, our financial director."

Yu Qing, a thin middle-aged man, and Qian Feng, a slightly fat middle-aged man, immediately nodded to Yang Manying.

"President Yang, sit down!"

Seeing this, Ding Shan quickly pointed to his seat and opened his mouth, then saw Ye Fei behind him, and said, "This is Mr. Ye, I saw you on TV yesterday. I didn't expect Mr. Yang and Mr. Ye to attach so much importance to this matter." thing!"

"You don't need to sit down."

Yang Manying glanced at Ding Shan, and asked in a cold tone, "I don't have time to waste now, so please briefly introduce the ins and outs of this matter first."

"Uh, okay."

Ding Shan glanced at the two people next to him in astonishment, but immediately he was relieved that Yang Manying was known as a workaholic.

Immediately, Ding Shan explained all the ins and outs to Yang Manying.

"Then you guys deal with it like this? Don't you know that when something like this happens, you should appease the family members instead of sitting here drinking tea and enjoying it!" After hearing Ding Shan's words, Yang Manying frowned slightly and glanced at the steaming tea set. Apparently, the three high-level personnel of the factory were sitting here enjoying tea comfortably just now.

"Mr. Yang, it's not that we don't want to appease them. It's that they are too barbaric. They don't distinguish between black and white. They just rely on us and insist on us giving them an explanation. Some people beat people directly. You told us to How do you talk to them?" Seeing Ding Shan next to him, Qian Feng, the chief financial officer who didn't know what to say, rolled his eyes and hurriedly stepped forward to look at Yang Manying and explained.


Yang Manying raised her eyebrows and gave Qian Feng a cold look, and said, "Then you go to the window to see if those family members are still there?"

Immediately, Qian Feng glanced at Ding Shan, Ding Shan quickly glanced at Yang Manying, and then winked at Yu Qing.

Yu Qing nodded knowingly and walked towards the window, and took a look outside, only a few of his own people were left.

Immediately, Yu Qing turned to look at the crowd and said, "Those family members are gone."

Ding Shan and Qian Feng frowned, and went to the window in disbelief.

"They're off to breakfast."

Yang Manying spoke, and then asked Ye Fei in a low voice, "There seems to be something wrong with them."

"It's very strange. After seeing you, they only showed the sad expression that they should be responsible for the accident. Obviously, they didn't have the slightest burden before that, as if they had nothing to do with them."

Ye Fei next to him nodded and explained that he had been observing the three of them carefully since he entered the door. Through the short conversation just now, he found that when the three of them spoke to Yang Manying, their eyes were flickering. Nonsense, immediately he whispered to Yang Manying: "Don't worry, let's see what they do next, the fox will always show its tail."


Yang Manying nodded.


After taking a look, the three of them came to Yang Manying with unbelievable expressions on their faces.

"It's not surprising. The relationship between people is really not as complicated as you think. You hide here drinking tea and enjoying it, while the family members of the person who caused the accident are screaming outside. Do you think that under such circumstances, Will people give you a good face?" Yang Manying said with a cold face.

Although the three of them were much older than Yang Manying, they still dared not speak out when facing Yang Manying, so they had to obey silently.

"Okay, now you all go down with me, and explain the cause and effect of the incident to the family members of the poisoned workers. We must appease them first, and we are going to find out clues." Yang Manying didn't bother to talk nonsense to these people, and turned around. Just go outside.

Immediately, Ye Fei glanced at the few people and followed behind.

What needs to be done now is indeed to appease those family members first, otherwise whatever they want to do will be affected.

Half an hour later, the family members of the poisoned workers returned to the gate of the factory after breakfast. When they saw the three principals appearing, they were all very excited, shouting and beating one by one. Very hateful.

Fortunately, Yang Manying stood in the front, and then asked the three principals to explain the cause and effect of the incident to everyone. Then, with Yang Manying's super communication skills in public relations, they persuaded the families of the poisoned workers to go home, and promised to give them back within three days. An accurate answer.

Next, after Yang Manying dismissed her family members, she asked the three principals to take her to learn about the raw materials and other things recently produced by the factory. After some investigation, although she didn't understand those aspects, it was obviously not about the materials of their products.

She wrote down all these things one by one, and she was not in a hurry to tell the three principals, but just asked them to take her to check it out.


Led by the three principals, Yang Manying and Ye Fei came to a small-to-medium-sized restaurant, where the factory director Ding Shan had already booked a box.

Inside the restaurant box.

"Mr. Yang, you've been busy all morning. Have something to eat and rest. There's a four-star hotel next door. I've already booked a room for you and Mr. Ye." Ding Shan looked at Yang Manying with an apologetic smile. , Immediately, he raised the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, I wonder if you are used to drinking this kind of liquor?"


Yang Manying responded lightly, then raised her wine glass.

At this time-

"Is this the recording function?"

Ye Fei leaned next to Yang Manying, showed Yang Manying the picture on the phone screen, and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, why are you asking that?"

Yang Manying took a sip of liquor and replied in confusion.

"Oh, it's okay, just ask."

Ye Fei nodded, then grinned at Ding Shan and the others, raised his glass and said, "Then we would like to thank you three for your hospitality."


PS: The guarantee for the third update has arrived. Xiao Zeng checked it just now. Now there are 28 monthly tickets in total, 10 plus one chapter, and one chapter was added yesterday, which means that one chapter is still owed. Well, I’m going out to play today. , I will see if I can make it up tonight, if not, I will definitely make it up later, I hope everyone who has a monthly pass must vote for it, Xiao Zeng begs!

 Three more guarantees have arrived!!!!
(End of this chapter)

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