super agent

Chapter 179 Poisoning

Chapter 179 Poisoning (20 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

Seeing Ye Fei take the initiative to raise a glass to greet him, the other factory owners glanced at each other, then raised their glasses with smiles, and there was an obvious sense of conspiracy brewing on their faces.

On the surface, Ye Fei pretended to be stupid and stunned, as if he had never seen the world and was stunned.

Yang Manying frowned, feeling something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

At this time, in a villa that looked classical and old, many people were standing respectfully in two rows, staring at the tall and stalwart figure on the main seat in the living room with reverence on their faces.

Here is the old nest of the Giant Whale Gang. It is located in the direction of an old villa area near the sea in Zhonghai City. The villa area will soon be re-planned and developed.

"Boss Nine Lives Demon, the military is frantically searching for your whereabouts in the coastal area. Did you go to provoke the people in the Zhonghai District this time?" Leng Kun stood at the front, looking at the Nine Lives Demon who was a little disturbed in front of him. asked.

"Nonsense, I'm not going to Zhonghai District, do you think Feng Yuan will die for no reason?" Nine Lives Demon sitting in the front glanced at Leng Kun in a thick and deep voice and said.

"Ah? You killed Feng Yuan?" Leng Kun was startled, with a grateful expression on his face, but what the Nine Lives Demon said next left him speechless.

"I didn't kill it. When I went to the military region that day, another group of people also went to the military region, and the people who killed Feng Yuan were those people, and one of the people in that group was very powerful. The reason why I was injured this time is because of that guy!" Jiuming Yao shook his head and said, talking about the person who dealt with him with Yan Jun that night, he was furious, if it wasn't for him, he would have gotten the complete The map, why make it like this, you have to stay here, continue to search for clues about that person, and collect all the maps.

"What? Are you injured?" Leng Kun was even more surprised when he heard the news.

"Well, otherwise I wouldn't have come back today. Now you can check for me all the people who have hatred against Feng Yuan, and then get all their information..."

Nine Lives Demon nodded, and just when he was about to instruct Leng Kun to find out all the people who had feuds with Feng Yuan, a picture appeared on the TV in the living room, which attracted him.

Everyone frowned, and looked at Jiuming Yao in puzzlement.

I saw a piece of news was playing on the TV screen at this time, one of which was the scene of Ye Fei and Wu Weisen's bidding for Zhenhai at the charity party last night.

"It's the bastard again!"

Leng Kun saw Ye Fei at a glance, and immediately cursed in his heart, the person he hated the most was Feng Yuan, followed by Ye Fei, after all his hand was destroyed by Ye Fei, now Feng Yuan is dead, The person he hates the most is naturally Ye Fei.

"Wait a minute, who is that man?"

Jiuming Yao stared at Ye Fei, feeling a little familiar. He quickly stood up and walked towards the TV, and at the same time, he did not forget to ask Leng Kun excitedly.

Leng Kun took a closer look and saw that the person Jiuming Yao was pointing at was Ye Fei. He quickly walked to Jiuming Yao's side and replied, "He is Ye Fei. I forgot to show you this guy's information." , what? Is there something wrong with him?"

"Get his photo and show me. He looks like the one who hurt me in the other group of people that night. Hurry up and get his photo and let me make sure. Damn it, it's all because of this." Guy..." Jiuming Yao turned and returned to his seat, commanding Leng Kun eagerly.

"Hit... hurt you?"

Leng Kun heard the Nine Lives Demon's words, and his ears suddenly buzzed. Can Ye Fei injure the Nine Lives Demon?

"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up!"

Jiuming Yao glared at Leng Kun and urged.

"Oh, ok, right away, everything is ready." Leng Kun nodded immediately, then turned and directed to the younger brother behind.

A man in a vest at the back understood, and hurriedly walked towards the next room.

Not long after, the man came over to Nine Lives Demon with a file bag.

Nine Lives Demon quickly took the file bag, looked at the photos of Ye Fei, and deliberately observed Ye Fei's eyes. Because it was chaotic at the time, he only cared about Ye Fei's eyes, so he looked for clues at this time by looking at Ye Fei's eyes.

"It's him, it's him!"

After observing for a while, Jiuming Yao got up and said excitedly holding Ye Fei's photo.

"How do we do it?"

Leng Kun glanced at the Nine-Life Demon and asked excitedly. It seems that the Nine-Life Demon is going to deal with Ye Fei. If the Nine-Life Demon kills Ye Fei, then his revenge will be completely avenged this time.

"What are you supposed to do? Do you think it would be useful for you to go to someone who can hurt me?" Jiuming Yao glanced at Leng Kun indifferently, and then said to himself: "It turns out that my name is Ye Fei, and I live in Xiyuan. Villa area?"

After muttering, Nine Lives Demon stepped outside and went out.


Leng Kun looked at the Nine-Life Demon who had already left, and his expression paused. It was broad daylight, and the Nine-Life Demon was wearing a big black cloak and a cold and sinister mask. How dare he go to the streets?

He must be scolded as crazy every minute.

However, the Nine Lives Demon had left, so he had no choice but to wait for the news.


But at this moment, when the Nine Lives Demon was looking for Ye Fei, he didn't know that Ye Fei was not at home at all, but had already gone to a remote industrial park, but at this time he was not as relaxed as traveling in mountains and rivers.

Ye Fei, Yang Manying, and three other stewards were eating at the dinner table. The three chiefs were eating, and the more they ate, the brighter their smiles became, as if their tricks were about to succeed.

Looking at the appearance of Ye Fei and Yang Manying, it was like facing two fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered, especially when looking at Yang Manying's beautiful face and perfect body, the three of them all showed hunger and thirst, and they got closer and closer. The more unscrupulous.


After realizing that the three of them were getting more and more presumptuous, Yang Manying put down the rice bowl in her hands, frowned and glanced at the three of them coldly, and said in a low voice: "Don't you even know the most basic principles of respecting your boss? It's such a big deal. For the matter, you three seem to be nothing, do you want me to directly arrest the three of you?"

"Uh, President Yang, why don't we respect you?"

Ding Shan restrained his smile slightly, but his eyes did not restrain much. He stared closely at Yang Manying's pretty face. At the same time, he did not forget to take a provocative look at Ye Fei, as if he was saying wait and see how I play with your woman.

Ye Fei put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth with paper, took out the phone, pressed it, then put the phone in his pocket, looked at Ding Shan with a smile and said: "Your eyes and tone are very disrespectful, don't say You didn't notice it, I was thinking, are you planning to do something in broad daylight, or are you playing some kind of conspiracy?"

"What do you mean?" Yang Manying frowned and looked at Ye Fei in confusion. Suddenly, she felt a heavy head. She looked at the people in front of her and there were overlapping phantoms. She wanted to stand up staggeringly, but she was unsteady Sitting down again, she immediately came to her senses, and said with a pretty face, " take medicine..."

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying collapsed on the dining table and passed out.


PS: This chapter is more than the 20th monthly ticket. It seems that there are only 30 monthly tickets, and then you can add more...

 This chapter is more than the 20th monthly ticket. It seems that there are only 30 monthly tickets, and then you can add more...

(End of this chapter)

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