super agent

Chapter 181 Inquiring About Ye Fei's Situation

Chapter 181 Inquiring About Ye Fei's Situation

Wang Ma was taken aback immediately, thinking that she was just saying something politely, and that the luxurious lady in front of her would turn around and leave, but unexpectedly she nodded and agreed.

"Hehe, of course, come in!"

Wang Ma immediately chuckled and opened the door.


Su Tong nodded emotionally, but she didn't want Wang Ma to notice her strange emotion, so she immediately turned her head and said, "Just wait outside."

Immediately, Su Tong walked into the villa, looked around, looked at Wang Ma and asked, "By the way, what should I call Eldest Sister?"

"My name is Wong!"

Wang Ma led the way with a smile.

"Oh, Sister Wang, I think you are older than me, just call me Xiao Su or Su Mei."

Su Tong nodded and introduced.


Wang Ma nodded in surprise, unexpectedly, this noble lady had no airs at all, and she immediately led Su Tong into the room.

At this time, Jiuming Yao on the top of the building saw a middle-aged woman suddenly appearing, and there was no one else, turned around in great disappointment, and continued to close his eyes and rest.

"Sister Su, sit there and watch TV, and I'll make you some tea."

As soon as Wang Ma entered the room, she enthusiastically spoke to Su Tong.

"Oh, okay, okay."

Su Tong's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly in response.

Immediately, Wang Ma turned and walked towards the kitchen.

Su Tong, on the other hand, held the bag and looked around the room curiously. Looking at the surrounding environment, she was immediately relieved.

"It seems that Xiaofei's life is pretty good, and he married such an excellent woman as Yang Manying." Looking around, Su Tong was very satisfied. After sitting down on the sofa, she began to meditate. Now she was abandoned by herself back then His son is living a very good life. If he suddenly said that he was his mother and wanted to take him home...

"No, you have to find out Xiao Fei's temper first and then decide according to the situation."

Su Tong stared at the front with rapt attention and thought for a while, then she shook her head quickly. After all, they abandoned Ye Fei back then, so a child had no father or mother for more than 20 years, and now parents suddenly appeared, would he accept it?
"Sister Su, what's the matter? Why don't you watch TV?"

At this time, Wang Ma came over with tea, looked at Su Tong with a smile, put down the tea, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.

"Oh, I was thinking about something just now."

Su Tong looked at Wang Ma, rolled his eyes, pulled Wang Ma to sit on the sofa, and asked, "By the way, Miss Wang, how many people are there in the family?"

Of course, as a smart person, Su Tong couldn't ask straight to the point, but chose to ask around.

"How many people? Oh, it's just me and my young lady and uncle at home!"

Wang Ma sat on the sofa and explained.

"Miss Yang, I know, who is this uncle?"

Su Tong nodded, and asked in a hasty tone.

"Our uncle's name is Ye Fei. He came back to China recently and is now working in Miss Company. Please help."

Wang Ma was taken aback, she actually didn't know much about Ye Fei.

"That's all? Where are your uncle's parents?" Su Tong continued to ask.

"Uncle seems to be an orphan, and I don't know many things about him." Wang Ma answered after thinking for a while.

Su Tong glanced at Wang Ma, knowing that what Wang Ma meant was obvious, and she didn't know much about Ye Fei. Immediately, Su Tong thought about it and asked, "Then do you understand your son-in-law's temper and habits?"


Wang Ma was stunned, why did the lady in front of her keep asking about Ye Fei's situation?
"Uncle has a good temper, likes to talk and laugh, and he's not bad at eating, he's not picky, I think he's pretty good." Wang Ma explained after thinking about it.


Su Tong nodded and asked: "Then he..."

Then, Su Tong asked Ye Feilai a little bit unabashedly.


At this moment, the person involved was comfortably taking a nap with the beautiful president in a hotel room.

05:30 in the afternoon.


Yang Manying woke up dizzy, and as soon as she became a little conscious, she remembered what happened before, felt that she was covered with a quilt, and there seemed to be other people around her, she immediately panicked and sat up abruptly.

"woke up!"

Ye Fei was immediately woken up by Yang Manying, and yawned, watching Yang Manying speak.

"why you?"

Seeing that the person lying next to him was Ye Fei, Yang Manying asked almost subconsciously.


Ye Fei suddenly short-circuited his head and said, "Don't you want it to be someone else?"

"No, of course not, unless I'm crazy..." Yang Manying immediately rolled her eyes and looked at Ye Fei. Wasn't this guy stunned by drugs like herself?

"A lot of questions?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows to see Yang Manying chuckling.

Yang Manying nodded, and glanced at her body. Her clothes and trousers were in good condition, so she was quite relieved. It seemed that nothing happened, so she asked curiously, "Didn't you also be drugged and unconscious?"

"Yeah, those three guys actually drugged us directly..." Ye Fei nodded in response.

"Then why are you alright?"

Yang Manying frowned and asked suspiciously, this is her biggest question right now, could it be that those people put them in a coma and just threw them into the hotel to sleep all afternoon?

"Their medicine is not strong, and I woke up in less than 3 minutes after I was fascinated."

Ye Fei said nonsense.


Yang Manying gave Ye Fei a blank look, and she thought it would be better to talk about something serious than to listen to his nonsense. Immediately, she stopped worrying about this topic and asked, "Then what about the three of them now?"

"I don't know if he ran away or turned himself in to the police station."

Ye Fei shrugged and took the phone over, then Ye Fei played the recording for Yang Manying without any nonsense.

"Wu Weisen?!"

After Yang Manying listened to the recording, her beautiful face froze and she shouted angrily. Unexpectedly, it was Wu Weisen who wanted to treat her in such a way. Ye Feilai, without her defenses at all, really wanted to fall for those bastards.

"How? Just hand this over to the police?"

Ye Fei smiled at Yang Manying with his hand.

Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei's phone, Meimou thought for a while and said: "Forget it, stay there for now, after all, it's my uncle, I'll keep it for later use."

"Okay, whatever you want."

Ye Fei shrugged and put the phone away, then asked with a smile, "How did you sleep in the afternoon? You won't be so sleepy that your head twitches."

"You've just lost your head."

Yang Manying glared at Ye Fei, and suddenly asked, "By the way, why didn't I get caught?"

"No, but if you want to be punished, I don't suggest doing something!" Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying with a smirk and said.

"Take off people you don't even dare to take off."

Yang Manying snorted and said contemptuously, then stood up and straightened her clothes.

Hearing Yang Manying's words, Ye Fei suddenly felt a fire in his lower abdomen. He was so blatantly despised by Yang Manying. Is this the rhythm of forcing him to do something?


PS: The three-shift guarantee has arrived, and at the same time I wish everyone a happy National Day. Then, Xiao Zeng may go to play tonight, and the update may be tomorrow. I hope everyone understands that everyone celebrates National Day, and Xiao Zeng also wants to play. Well, after all, three chapters are guaranteed every day!
 The three-shift guarantee has arrived, and I wish everyone a happy National Day. Then, Xiao Zeng may go to play tonight. The update may be tomorrow. I hope everyone understands that everyone celebrates National Day, and Xiao Zeng also wants to play. After all, there are three chapters guaranteed every day!
(End of this chapter)

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