super agent

Chapter 182 Meet?

Chapter 182 Meet?

Seeing Ye Fei's restless expression, Yang Manying's beautiful eyes flashed, and she said immediately: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's been so long, and I don't know what's going on with those family members now."

"Then go outside and have a look."

Ye Fei nodded, and was more curious whether the three principals ran away or surrendered?
Immediately, Yang Manying and Ye Fei walked out of the hotel and walked straight to the factory building.

"Miss Yang is not well. The factory manager and the others have all gone to the police station, and the families of the poisoned workers have also gone to the police station." As soon as Yang Manying and Ye Fei arrived at the factory, a security worker explained to them eagerly. road.

"what do you know?"

Yang Manying asked blankly.

"I heard that the factory manager turned himself in to the Public Security Bureau, saying that they poisoned the workers, and then...then put the blame on Baimei International..." the security worker said with a coy look at Yang Manying.


Yang Manying nodded without showing any emotion on her face, and continued: "Notify the workers tomorrow that the truth has been revealed and they can work normally. At the same time, each person's salary will be increased by [-]. If the company can achieve remarkable results this time, there will be rewards." of."

"Oh, alright."

The security workers nodded in response, and immediately said: "However, now the factory manager and the others..."

"Don't worry about this, I will re-appoint someone else tomorrow."

Yang Manying waved her hand and spoke to the guards, then glanced at Ye Fei and turned to leave.

"Go home?"

Ye Fei followed immediately, and Yang Manying had to say that she acted swiftly and resolutely.

"No, go to the Public Security Bureau."

Yang Manying shook her head.


Ye Fei shrugged, and immediately ran over to drive the car.

Ten minutes later, Ye Fei drove to the nearby Public Security Bureau.

At this moment, the entrance of the Public Security Bureau is full of people. If you take a closer look, those people are clearly the family members of the poisoned workers who blocked the entrance of the factory before. Unexpectedly, they came here again after hearing the news.

"What are they making a fuss about?"

Ye Fei looked at the family members blocking the door and said speechlessly.

"What do you know? When someone's relatives are killed, they will naturally seek justice."

Yang Manying cursed as she untied her seat belt.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Ye Fei turned off the ignition and looked at Yang Manying asking.

"After all, this incident happened in the property of Baimei International, so it must be responsible." Yang Manying looked at the front and answered, then opened the door and got out of the car.

"Shouldn't those three guys, or Wu Weisen, be responsible?"

Ye Fei curled his lips and got out of the car.

When Yang Manying got out of the car, she walked straight towards the workers' families. As Yang Manying came, the workers' families did not surround her like they did in the morning. After all, the real culprit was not Yang Manying.

"I think everyone should hope for justice!"

Yang Manying stood in front of the workers' families.

As soon as her words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Yang Manying. No one said anything, but quietly waited for the next sentence.

Yang Manying glanced at everyone, nodded and continued: "After all, this incident happened in our Baimei International, so we will definitely be responsible for it. The medical expenses needed by several workers this time will be covered by our Baimei International. We will also prosecute the three and let them get the punishment they deserve."

"President Yang, you are really a good person."

"Yes, thank you, President Yang, you are such a good person!"


As soon as Yang Manying said her words, she was immediately praised by the workers' families.

"Yeah, everyone actually believed what I said, so let's all go home now, it's getting dark, it's okay to wait here, don't you think so?" Yang Manying looked at everyone with a smile and explained.

"Okay, let's go back first, President Yang will help us deal with this matter."

Immediately, a family member responded that Yang Manying used her personal charm to infect everyone, making them believe her and agree with her.

"Hehe, I won't let everyone down."

Yang Manying smiled lightly and waved to everyone.

Immediately, under Yang Manying's persuasion, everyone started to disperse.

They walked up to Yang Manying one by one, all with respectful and trusting eyes, and then nodded their greetings.

"Are you here to send everyone away?" Ye Fei looked at the people who were leaving, and came to Yang Manying with a smile.

"That's one of them, and I want to go and see those three guys."

Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei, then walked into the Public Security Bureau.


Ye Fei shrugged and followed.

After Yang Manying entered the public security hall, she asked someone directly where Ding Shan and the others were. After the police confirmed her identity, she took Yang Manying and Ye to the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Ding Shan, Yu Qing, and Qian Feng were squatting in the corner, obviously the interrogation had just finished.

"Miss Yang, if you want to ask anything, just ask." The policeman who brought Yang Manying and Ye Fei to the interrogation room looked at Yang Manying and said.

Yang Manying nodded, and then walked in front of Ding Shan and the others with a gradually gloomy expression, while Ye Fei stood watching with great interest, with the police on the side, I believe that the three of them would not dare to do anything to invite them here .

After Yang Manying walked around a few people, she thought she was going to reprimand her, but unexpectedly, she just said coldly, "You can do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying left without looking back. Obviously, to her, these three people are just social scum, and it would be a waste of time for her to spend too much time on such people , so when facing these three people, she just casually dropped a word as comfort.

Ye Fei looked at the front, and he didn't realize it until Yang Manying passed him by. He came here in a hurry, and said this one sentence?

"Why are you still standing there? Are you going to go home?"

Just when Ye Fei was stunned, Yang Manying's cold voice sounded from outside the door.

"Oh, come back!"

Ye Fei came back to his senses, and immediately turned around to follow Yang Manying.

Immediately, the two left the Public Security Bureau and got into the car together.

Ye Fei opened the door and got into the car, started the car, glanced at Yang Manying and asked, "What are you going to do with that recording?"

Immediately, Ye Fei drove home.

Yang Manying leaned against the car door, looked ahead and pondered for a while and replied: "Don't take out that recording, but I will call Shijie later and ask him to remind Wu Weisen, don't do too much, or don't do it." Blame me for turning my face and denying people."

"Keep it as a trump card? Hehe, not bad."

Ye Fei looked at the front of the car and smiled.

"I also don't want to take things too far, after all, they are my relatives, but if they go too far, then I don't care."

Yang Manying frowned and shook her head.

Immediately, neither of them spoke, and Ye Fei drove straight to the house.

An hour later, at around 06:30 in the evening, Ye Fei drove back to the outside of the villa.

Immediately, he honked the horn.

In the villa.

"Miss and uncle are back?"

Wang Ma, who was busy with dinner in the kitchen, quickly put down the kitchen knife in her hand, then wiped her hands, and walked into the living room.

"Miss Yang and the others are back?"

Su Tong, who had been sitting all afternoon, also stood up nervously when he heard the sound of the car, and looked at Wang Ma with an excited face and asked.

"That's right, I can hear the sound of my uncle's car, why don't you sit down, I'll open the door." Wang Ma smiled lightly and nodded, then opened the door outside.

"Okay, okay, you go, I... I'll wait for them to come in."

Su Tong rubbed his hands, and smiled at Wang Ma nervously, his mood became extremely excited.


PS: Today's first update, thanks to 'Eight-Winged Seraph' for the reward, as well as the rewards of 'あ音厛"Sorrowㄞ' and 'Doctor', I hope all readers and friends who donated and subscribed can add Group: 159529220, Xiao Zeng looks forward to everyone joining!!!!
 PS: Today's first update, thanks to 'Eight-Winged Seraph' for the reward, as well as the rewards of 'あ音厛"Sorrowㄞ' and 'Doctor', I hope all readers and friends who donated and subscribed can add Group: 159529220, Xiao Zeng looks forward to everyone joining!!!!
(End of this chapter)

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