super agent

Chapter 183 Special Guest

Chapter 183 Special Guest

But at this time, on the roof of the villa, a tall black figure suddenly stood up, staring at the entrance of the villa, with undisguised excitement showing from this person.

"Finally back!"

Nine Lives Demon murmured softly, then looked down and waited quietly.

At this time, Wang Ma had already run to the gate and opened it. Ye Fei drove the car into the courtyard of the villa, and then stopped the car.

"Miss is back!"

Wang Ma stepped aside and looked at Yang Manying with a smile.

"Well, it's a little late."

Yang Manying nodded, then glanced at the several bodyguard men in sunglasses and suits standing like logs outside and asked softly, "Are there any guests at home?"

"That's right, young lady is really amazing, she immediately guessed that there was a guest at home." Wang Ma nodded her head in response.


After hearing Wang Ma's words, Ye Fei twitched his mouth slightly, looked up at the top of the villa, met a pair of eyes, and immediately whispered to himself: "It seems like a special guest..."

"Hehe, yes, she looks very rich, and she's in the house!" Wang Ma heard Ye Fei's words with her ear tip, and quickly echoed.

"In the house? Who is it?"

After Yang Manying got out of the car, she asked Mama Wang curiously, and walked into the house at the same time.

"A noble lady, she said she came to discuss something with you, Miss, and she has been waiting at home all afternoon." Wang Ma explained while walking in front with a smile.

After Ye Fei closed the car door, he took a deep look at the roof of the building, and immediately followed into the room.

After following Wang Ma into the room, Yang Manying saw a luxurious and dignified lady. She recalled it, but couldn't remember where she had seen it before. She came to the sofa and asked with a smile: "Hi, my It's Yang Manying, who are you?"

Su Tong stood up and looked in Yang Manying's direction, but her eyes were actually on Ye Fei. After hearing Yang Manying's voice at this time, she even smiled and said, "Oh, my name is Su Tong, maybe you don't know me , but I know you."

"Oh, hello, Ms. Su." Yang Manying nodded, made a gesture of invitation to Su Tong, sat down immediately, and asked with a smile: "I don't know why you came to my house?"

"I'm much older than you. If you don't mind, call me Aunt Su!" After Su Tong glanced at Ye Fei, she immediately withdrew her gaze. She didn't want to be too strong and make Ye Fei doubt her.

"Talk slowly, I'll cook!"

Seeing them talking about business, Wang Ma hurriedly walked away with a smile.

"Talk slowly, take a walk outside my yard."

Ye Fei walked to the tea table and took a sip of water, put down the key, looked at Su Tong with some surprise in his eyes, then turned and left.

Inexplicably, he felt that this luxurious and dignified lady in front of him seemed to be aiming at him. Of course, this kind of thought was also fleeting. He didn't know many people in Zhonghai City, especially this kind of woman who seemed to be rich and powerful. Mrs. High Society.


When Su Tong heard Ye Fei say to leave, she paused. She originally wanted to see Ye Fei more, but she didn't expect that he would not give her a chance, but she couldn't help it. If she behaved too much, it would be easy for Ye Fei to find out. .

Immediately, Su Tong looked at Yang Manying with a smile and said, "Xiaoying, can I call you that?"

"It's ok, Su... Su Hey, you can do whatever you want, but why did you come to my house? It seems that we have never met before!" Yang Manying asked, looking at Su Tong lightly.

"Things? Yes, yes!"

Su Tong hesitated for a moment, then smiled lightly and said, "I've also been involved in the cosmetics industry these years. Didn't I read the news recently that your Baimei International is developing a traditional Chinese medicine facial cleanser? I'm very interested in this , so I came to talk to you, can you cooperate with me?"


Yang Manying was taken aback immediately, her products hadn't been produced yet, she was just talking casually when she had nothing to do, but an investor came to her unexpectedly, she glanced at Su Tong and asked with a smile, "I wonder what your company is, Aunt Su? "

"Oh, my company is in Yanjing, not in Zhonghai City!" Su Tong nodded and thought about his own business, and quickly said, "Do you know about Meibaijing Cosmetics?"

"Ah? Your company is Whitening Cosmetics Company?"

When Yang Manying heard this, a look of surprise appeared on her pretty face. Meibaijing Cosmetics Company is a real international brand with a strong background in transnational trade.

Although Baimei International has an international signboard, it is only an agent. Compared with real multinational companies, it is still far behind. Meibaijing Cosmetics Co., Ltd. specializes in beauty and skin care products, and is very popular among women in China and Asia. favorite.

Unexpectedly, the lady who came today is actually from Meibaijing Cosmetics Company, who is looking for their cooperation. If it is possible to cooperate with 'Meibaijing', Baimei International is really likely to be connected to the international border, and the industry will be completely expanded by then. ...

Did the pie in the sky just happen?

"Su...Aunt Su, really came to Baimei International to cooperate with us from Meibaijing Company?"

Yang Manying looked at Su Tong with some excitement and asked.

"Of course, oh yes, I forgot to bring my business card here today, but don't worry, we will talk about the cooperation project today, and the person in charge of the beauty and whitening will definitely contact you tomorrow." Su Tong nodded calmly and replied, After thinking about it, she really didn't know how to find an opportunity to get close to Yang Manying's family. In the end, she had no choice but to work.

Of course, the purpose of her doing this is also to help her daughter-in-law. After all, we are all on our own. It is better to develop together than to cooperate.

At least, Su Tong regarded Yang Manying as her daughter-in-law.

"Okay, okay, then let's talk about cooperation!"

Yang Manying nodded without the slightest doubt. She didn't think that a luxurious lady in a business-style Mercedes-Benz with a group of bodyguards would come home to play tricks on her.

Immediately, Yang Manying and Su Tong began to discuss cooperation projects and funding issues.

As for the situation inside the house, Ye Fei didn't have time to deal with it. After he opened the door and walked out, he lit a cigarette for himself, and then walked around the villa to the back.

Then, he stepped on his foot, and the whole person flew into the air, and flew straight to the roof of the building.

After arriving at the top of the building, Ye Fei smoked a cigarette and walked slowly towards the tall and mysterious figure with his back facing him. He took a deep breath of the cigarette, and after walking a few steps, he said in a low voice, "The injury will be healed." Huh? Come to my house as a guest and walk through the gate, you have fallen from the sky like this, making it difficult for me to entertain you!"

"I dress up like this, so don't bother your family, or you will say that I affect your family life!"

Nine Lives Demon turned around slowly, staring at Ye Fei with a pair of deep red eyes.


PS: Khan, it’s indeed a bit late. I overslept in my afternoon nap just now, and I saw some readers said that Xiao Zeng’s update is too slow. I’m sorry, but everyone can rest assured that Xiao Zeng is not a special case, and he will definitely not stop updating, so Don't rush everyone, it should be updated, Xiao Zeng will be better that day, hope everyone understands!
 Khan, it’s indeed a little late. I overslept in my afternoon nap just now, and I saw some readers said that Xiao Zeng’s update is too slow. Don't rush, it should be updated, Xiao Zeng will be better that day, I hope everyone will understand!
(End of this chapter)

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