super agent

Chapter 184 Strange Cooperation

Chapter 184 Strange Cooperation

Ye Fei smoked a cigarette and walked slowly towards the Nine Lives Demon.

"It's okay. My wife and the others are more courageous. If there are guests coming to play, they will definitely be very welcome."

Ye Fei walked to a place five meters away from Jiuming Yao and stopped, then grinned at Jiuming Yao and smiled.

"Speak the business, you know what I'm here for!"

Jiuming Yaoxue's eyes flickered slightly, and he asked in a deep and deep voice.

"Of course I know!"

Ye Fei nodded while smoking a cigarette.

"Then stop talking nonsense, take it out!" Jiuming Yao said in a tone as if he was asking for something from himself.

"You can take it as you say? I'm curious what you can do to me?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"It's true that I can't do anything to you, but I can do nothing to those people below..." Nine Lives Demon stretched out his fingers and threatened nakedly.

"Throwing rats? I hate people using this method to deal with me." Ye Fei flicked the cigarette butt in his hand, and said indifferently.

"You are a very good opponent, but I must win that thing, otherwise my Nine-Life Demon would not do such a thing." Nine-Life Demon said to Ye Fei, with a bit of sympathy in his tone the taste of.

"Are you sure you want to get it by threatening me?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and jokingly laughed at Nine Lives Demon.

"Do you have any other choice? Your wife is down here, and you have many close friends, right?" Nine Lives Demon shrugged, as if he was convinced of Ye Fei.

"I don't have a choice."

Ye Fei tilted his body, walked forward, took three steps and said suddenly: "You don't have a choice either."

"What do you mean?"

Nine Lives Demon glanced at Ye Fei and said puzzledly.

"Your territory, your foundation..." Ye Fei said to Nine Lives Demon with a smile.

"I can give up, as long as I get the 'Secret Collection', those are not worth mentioning to me." Nine Lives Demon said proudly in a low voice, he has no burden at all, so he is not afraid of Ye Fei's threat at all.

"Well, I miscalculated the treasure pointed by the map, it seems to be very precious..." Ye Fei whispered to himself with regret, and then smiled: "Okay, I can give you that thing, but your days Don't even think about it. After you leave, I will announce the news directly. I believe that once the news spreads out, your life will be difficult. If I cooperate with the guardian of Yanhuang to track you, do you think you can Enron's exclusive access to that secret treasure?"

Ye Fei also threatened in the same way.


Nine Lives Demon's deep, blood-red eyes flickered suddenly. If this is the case, then he must live a life of running away. This is still good luck. The possibility of playing dead.

"If you're like this, aren't you afraid of my crazy revenge?" Nine Lives Demon said coldly and murderously.

"I'm afraid, so let's turn your battles into treasures. I have studied the map, and it seems that there are many dangerous places. I think if you go alone, the risk factor is still quite high, and the guardians of Yanhuang seem to know the map. Precious, I believe that many experts will be sent to chase you down, it may be wiser to have one more friend than one more enemy, what do you think?"

Ye Fei walked slowly to Jiumingyao, reached into his pocket, took out a cigarette, and gave one to Jiumingyao.

Nine Lives Demon stared at Ye Fei closely, and fell into deep thought. Ye Fei's analysis made sense. If he threatened Ye Fei here today, this guy has seen the map. The guardians of the Yanhuang slandered themselves together.

The Guardian of Yanhuang has many commanders who are stronger than him. If that kind of person makes a move, he will be in danger. On the contrary, if Ye Fei and him keep this secret together, they can share a lot of danger for him.

Thinking about it, Nine Lives Demon took the cigarette from Ye Fei, and then asked: "The leader of the Guardian of Yanhuang is stronger than me, but if we join forces, one leader can still deal with it, but you won't betray me? "

Seeing Jiuming Yao pick up his cigarette, Ye Fei frowned, took out a lighter to light Jiuming Yao's cigarette, and said, "I grew up abroad, so I don't really have a cold for Yan Huang Guardian, and the last time I talked to us The Yan Jun who fought against each other, in fact, I have a bit of a problem with their Yan family, and I will deal with them sooner or later."

"Oh? Is that so..."

Nine Lives Demon smoked a cigarette and nodded, "In this case, we can cooperate, but I still hope to find that secret treasure as soon as possible, after all, there are many long nights and dreams."

"I may be a little busy recently, let's finish this paragraph."

Ye Fei thought for a while and asked: "What kind of deputy commander is that Yanjun, how strong is the commander in the Yanhuang Guardian? How many commanders are there in the Yanhuang Guardian?"

"The commander is stronger than me, but it will take them a lot of effort to kill me. Of course, there are not many such commanders in the Guardians of Yanhuang, there are only four, but I heard that the Guardians of Yanhuang still have many hidden strong men , we'd better proceed with caution..." Nine Lives Demon thought for a while and explained.


Ye Fei nodded, the Guardian of Yanhuang might face each other in the future, so now he can understand a little bit.

"Well, in this case, let's cooperate temporarily, but after we find the secret treasure, our cooperation will be invalidated immediately!" Jiuming Yao threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and continued: "It's getting dark, I'll leave."


Ye Fei responded lightly, seeing that the Nine Fate Demon was about to leave, he quickly said: "Wait a minute, I recently appeared in the dark with an unknown enemy, help me deal with it!"

"Ask me to be a thug? What can you pay me for?"

The Nine Lives Demon who was about to fly away paused for a moment, then turned to look at Ye Fei and smiled.

"Next time you ask me to be your thug, there should be many enemies like you, right?" Ye Feibai said with a glance at Nine Lives Demon.

"Haha, well, since everyone is working together, I'll help you, and I'm also curious about who you are going to deal with!" Nine Lives Demon laughed and nodded in response.

"Well, he's at Li Guotai's house. Anyway, you're here in the dark, you're in the dark. Check it out for me at night. Call me if there's a situation. I want to see who Shen Sheng is behind it!" Ye Fei took out his mobile phone to look at the Nine Lives Demon, and joked, "Looking at your perverted attire, don't you even know how to use your mobile phone?"

"Hmph, who said I don't have a cell phone!"

Nine Lives Demon snorted coldly, and immediately pulled out his body, and took out an old Nokia mobile phone that looked light and small.

"My god, I actually use an old man's phone, hahaha!!" Looking at the mobile phone in Jiumingyao's hand, Ye Fei burst out laughing, unexpectedly, the famous Jiumingyao would use such a cheap device.

"What do you know? This is low-key. Do you still leave a phone call? If you don't, I'll leave."

Nine Lives Demon glared at Ye Fei with blood-red eyes and said in a low voice.

"Stay, of course stay, bring your mobile phone here."

Ye Fei immediately stopped wanting to laugh, and asked Jiu Ming Yao for his mobile phone.

Immediately, Nine Lives Demon gave the phone to Ye Fei, and after Ye Fei exchanged the phone numbers, he said back to Nine Lives Demon: "That's my phone number, just call if you have any situation."

"Okay, is there anything else?" Nine Lives Demon took the phone, put it up and looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"No, but I'm curious, what will your face look like inside the mask?" Ye Fei shook his head, and suddenly stared at Nine Lives Demon closely with a curious look on his face.


Nine Lives Demon didn't bother to talk to Ye Fei right away, his body shook, and he turned into a black shadow and left.


PS: The three-shift guarantee has arrived. If there is no accident at night, there will be two chapters of monthly pass plus renewal, one chapter owed to 30 monthly pass plus renewal, and 40 monthly pass plus renewal chapters, and currently there are 42 monthly passes. Hurry up! 50 cards, Xiao Zeng can add more by then! !

 The three-shift guarantee has arrived. If there is no accident at night, there will be two chapters of monthly pass plus renewal, one chapter owed to 30 monthly pass plus renewal, and 40 monthly pass plus renewal chapters, and currently there are 42 monthly passes, everyone hurry up to break 50 Well, then Xiao Zeng can add more! !

(End of this chapter)

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