super agent

Chapter 185 Get along in harmony

Chapter 185 Get along in harmony (30 monthly tickets plus updates)

Ye Fei watched the Nine-Life Demon go away, and today he solved a big problem, but judging from the current situation, he still took advantage of it. The Nine-Life Demon is quite a powerful figure, so if you have anything to do, you can ask him for help. not bad.

Moreover, the Taoist priest that the Li family found somewhere has been stuck there like a thorn, making him very uncomfortable. Now that the Nine Lives Demon is going to help him investigate secretly, it would be great.

After the Nine Lives Demon left, Ye Fei stood on the top of the building and pondered for a moment, then jumped straight down.

Back in the courtyard of the villa, Ye Fei patted the plaster on his body, and then walked towards the house.

"Grandpa has eaten."

As soon as Ye Fei entered the door, Wang Ma, who was setting dishes and chopsticks on the dining table, shouted at him with a smile.

"Oh, here we come."

Ye Fei nodded and glanced at Yang Manying and Su Tong who were still discussing something on the sofa in the living room, then walked towards the dining table.

Yang Manying, who was sitting on the sofa discussing cooperation matters, heard Wang Ma's voice, immediately smiled at Su Tong, and said, "Aunt Su, dinner is ready, let's have some together?"

"is it okay?"

Su Tong's eyes lit up, he glanced at Ye Fei who was sitting at the dinner table and asked.

"Of course, as long as you don't dislike it!"

Yang Manying stood up and smiled.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it!"

Su Tong quickly waved his hand.

"it is good."

Immediately, Yang Manying walked in front and led Su Tong to the dinner table.

"Quick, come and eat."

Seeing Yang Manying and Su Tong coming, Wang Ma quickly greeted them warmly.

"Aunt Su, sit down."

Yang Manying smiled and pulled out the stool for Su Tong to sit on. She glanced at Ye Fei who was desperately eating vegetables like a starved ghost, and said slightly angrily, "Didn't you see there are customers? Don't pay attention."

"This is Su Tong, Aunt Su, be careful when eating." Yang Manying gave Ye Fei a low drink, and then introduced to Su Tong with a smile: "Aunt Su, he is my husband, his name is Ye Fei, and he is usually a fool. look, don't mind!"

"Ah, oh, don't mind, don't mind!"

Su Tong immediately looked at Ye Fei with a loving expression in his eyes.

"Hello, Aunt Su."

Ye Fei looked up at Su Tong and greeted him, then continued to eat.

"Forget it, ignore him, let's eat."

Yang Manying was not surprised to see Ye Fei's dead face.

"Okay, eat."

Su Tong stared at Ye Fei and nodded. She knew that this matter should not be rushed, and she had to take her time. At least now she could see her son. It was the first time to get along with her son who had been separated for many years, which made her feel very relieved.

Immediately, Su Tong had dinner at home. To Yang Manying and Ye Fei, it was just an ordinary dinner, but to Su Tong, it had extraordinary significance. She had succeeded in getting close to her child.

After dinner, it took almost half an hour.

"Aunt Su, come and sit at home when you have time!"

Yang Manying stood at the door of the villa and said goodbye to Su Tong.

"Well, it will come!"

Su Tong probed into the villa, wanting to take another look at Ye Fei, but unfortunately Ye Fei had already gone back to the room to take a shower, immediately she waved to Yang Manying and said, "Xiaoying, go back, you don't need to send it off."

"Mmm Good."

Yang Manying saw that the bodyguards driving Mercedes-Benz in the distance had already driven the car in front of Su Tong, so she nodded and closed the door.

Seeing Yang Manying go in, Su Tong immediately showed a bit of tiredness and melancholy on his face. He immediately shook his head, turned around and walked towards the car that opened the door a few meters away.

After getting in the car, Su Tong's face regained the noble temperament of the superior.

"Ma'am, how about going to a hotel now?"

At this time, the male driver in sunglasses in the front driver's seat turned to look at Su Tong and asked.

"I'll buy a villa next to here tomorrow. I want the closest one. Do you know what to do?" Su Tong glanced at the driver in front of him and ordered directly.

"Yes, ma'am!"

The man in the sunglasses nodded, and then asked: "Then... the lady, shall we go now?"


Su Tong stretched out his hand, then took out his mobile phone, opened the address book, found the note phone number with the word "Susan" and dialed it.

"Hey, who is it?"

Then, a lazy female voice was heard.

"Who do you say I am?"

Hearing the lazy woman's voice, Su Tong asked back.

"Uh, you... are you an aunt?"

The woman on the other end of the phone asked in astonishment.

"You still know me as an aunt, I thought you were completely separated from us now." Su Tong said angrily.

"Where is it? It's just that I don't like it there." The woman on the other end of the phone said coquettishly.

"Okay, your father can't control you, and I don't bother to control you." Su Tong said impatiently: "I came to Zhonghai City, and now I have no place to stay. Welcome to your place?"

"Ah? Auntie, have you come to Zhonghai City? Of course you are welcome. You are the wife of a big shot in Yanjing. If you are willing, I don't know how many people will come to curry favor with you. Where are you? I will pick you up." The woman opposite Hastily said in astonishment.

"Where are you? I'll go find you directly."

Su Tong pursed his lips and asked with a smile.

"San Diego Entertainment Center, call me when you get here."

The woman on the other end of the phone spoke immediately.

"San Diego Entertainment Center?" Su Tong murmured, and immediately said: "Okay, that's it for now, I'll talk about it when I get to your place."

Immediately, Su Tong hung up the phone, then looked ahead and said, "Do you know where it is?"

"Yes, San Diego Entertainment Center."

The driver in front nodded, and then looked ahead to drive.


At this time, after Ye Fei took a shower in the room, he came to the living room early in time. Seeing Yang Manying sitting on the sofa reading documents, he wiped his hair, sat down on the sofa and asked, "Just now?" Who is that Aunt Su? Why do you look so familiar when we just met?"

"She is a high-level person in Meibaijing Cosmetics Company. She came to our house to cooperate with our Baimei International. I didn't expect that I was worried about finding a partner, and suddenly such a big client came." Yang Manying glanced at Ye Fei, Then continue to look at the documents on the coffee table.

"Whitening Cosmetics Company?"

Ye Fei stared at Yang Manying for a while and then continued to ask: "Have you figured it out? Are you not afraid that she is a liar?"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying raised her head to look at Ye Fei, and said, "Have you ever seen a lady with such a noble and graceful temperament, would she be a liar? And she is driving a Mercedes-Benz to lie to you?"

"Uh, I was just joking. I really don't look like a liar. The temperament of being in the top position for a long time can't deceive people." Ye Fei suddenly smiled slightly in astonishment.

"Do you still know how to be superior?"

Yang Manying looked up at Ye Fei and smiled jokingly.

"Nonsense, it's not like you don't know me, returnee!"

Ye Fei dropped a few words and went back to his room.

"Smug you, maybe you are picking up junk abroad."

Yang Manying cast a contemptuous glance at Ye Fei who was heading to her room, and then continued to read the documents on the coffee table.


PS: Today's fourth update, thank you very much for the children's shoes of "Life is Tired" and "Sad Heart" children's shoes, as well as the support of readers who subscribe, thank you Xiao Zeng, let's not talk nonsense, and there will be a fifth update later!
 Today's fourth update, I am very grateful to the children's shoes of "People are tired of life" and "Sad Heart" children's shoes, as well as the support of readers who subscribe, thank you Xiao Zeng, let's not talk nonsense, and there will be a fifth update later!
(End of this chapter)

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