super agent

Chapter 186 Making Mischief Again

Chapter 186 Making Mischief Again (40 Monthly Ticket Plus Updates)

Tired all day, Ye Fei thought he could have a good rest tonight, but when he was sleeping soundly, a sharp pain woke him up again.

"My god, don't let me catch you, or I will stab you to death!"

Ye Fei turned over and sat up directly in pain, and then white light surged all over his body, and a painful expression appeared on his entire face.

He knew that it was that Taoist priest who did it again. Damn it, he did it in the middle of the night, for a day or two.

Immediately, Ye Fei used Shengxuan Shengjue to fight against the severe pain, and gradually the pain seemed to disappear.

"Oh shit--"

Ye Fei cursed angrily, and then continued to use exercises to fight against the pain, but he clearly felt that this time the pain was stronger than the previous few times. It seems that the Taoist priest has strengthened his methods this time .

beep ring...

At this moment, Ye Fei's cell phone rang. Ye Fei, who was running the exercises, glanced at the cell phone, thought for a while, and still endured the pain to answer the phone. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar call, he immediately put it to his ear to answer the channel: " Hey, who is it? Busy."

"Well, it sounds very difficult, it seems that your wife is very powerful!"

A thick and deep man's voice came from the other end of the phone. However, even though the voice was relatively blunt, it sounded a bit joking.

"My day, Jiu Ming Yao called so late and asked such a boring thing, right?" Ye Fei cursed profusely, and he could hear Jiu Ming Yao's deep and deep voice. up.

"I found that Taoist priest, this guy seems to be playing some tricks now!" Nine Lives Demon replied.

"Damn, I know that guy is casting a spell." Ye Fei cursed angrily immediately, and then said, "Are you at Li's house now?"

"Yes, on the roof of Li's house, I was watching that Taoist cast a spell. I don't know which unlucky ghost he is casting a spell on." Jiu Ming Yao nodded and replied.

"My day, you did it on purpose."

Ye Fei grinned his teeth in pain at this time, and said: "Okay, you are watching at Li's house, I will go over right now, and I will peel that Taoist priest with me later."

"Uh, it sounds like you have a bloody feud with him?"

The Nine-Life Demon responded lightly in astonishment, and asked a little puzzled.

"The unlucky ghost you are talking about is me, otherwise why would I go to trouble with that guy? Well, that's it, I'm in so much pain now, wait until I find you, don't act rashly!" Ye Fei was full of anger After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone.

Immediately, Ye Fei tried his best to run his exercises to suppress the pain.

After 5 minutes, Ye Fei suppressed the pain for the time being, and then put on his clothes, intending to settle the matter today, otherwise he would sleep until one or two o'clock every day and be fucked by that guy, and this day would be unbearable.

In less than 2 minutes, Ye Fei was ready, and then glanced at the time, it was already one o'clock in the morning.

Immediately, he opened the door carefully, walked out of the room slowly like a thief, then went outside, went straight to the garage, and drove the car.

Then, he rushed to Li Guotai's house at full speed.

After half an hour, Ye Fei drove to a place far away from Li Guotai's house and stopped. Looking at Li Guotai's house from a distance, Ye Fei's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

Immediately, he opened the door and got out of the car, and then rushed towards Li Guotai's villa at a faster pace. He turned into a black shadow and was running in the dark night.

After about 5 minutes, he arrived outside Li Guotai's villa. He vaguely heard movement inside, and then he quickly walked in the back direction. He knew that the Nine Lives Demon was waiting for him on the roof at this time.

When he came to the back of Li Guotai's house, Ye Fei kicked his feet, and he flew up to the roof of the building against the wall of the villa.

Sure enough, he saw Jiuming Yao standing on the top of the building looking down, and when he heard the movement behind him, he turned to look at Ye Fei, and said in a low voice, "It's pretty fast!"

"It's okay, but you seem to like to stand on high places, so you're not afraid of the cold in high places?" Ye Fei walked towards Nine Lives Demon with gentle steps.

"Are you used to it, you are the target of that guy's spellcasting?" Nine Lives Demon nodded and asked curiously.

"Nonsense, it's not me, how can I hate him so much, I was woken up by this guy in the middle of the night, do you think I should skin him and cramp?"

Ye Fei glanced at Jiu Ming Yao angrily and said.

"Then what to do next? Kill him directly?" Nine Lives Demon asked in a low voice.

"Sure, I'm still in pain."

Ye Fei nodded, and came to the edge of the roof to look down.

I saw that a group of people were standing in the courtyard of the Li family's villa at this time, Li Guotai, Li Tianyu and Eba all stood in the courtyard, staring at the front with expectant faces.

There was a man with the appearance of a Taoist priest waving a mahogany sword in his hand, muttering something, and in front of him was a long table with white candles, yellow wax paper, and a humanoid puppet on it. Put a few strands of hair.

Every time the peach wood sword in the Taoist's hand was swung, it stabbed at the body of the puppet.

"Damn it, this guy is a bit tricky. I went back and strengthened it, but there is still nothing I can do about it."

After a while, Tianshi Hua slapped the puppet angrily and vented in a low voice.

"Isn't it okay? That guy is at home now, if we send someone to rush in and kill people, the impact will be bad." Seeing this, Li Guotai stepped forward and asked in a low voice.

"It's a bit troublesome, why don't you wait any longer, my senior brother will leave the customs in a few days, and I will call him, believe me, when my senior brother comes, that guy will definitely be finished!" Hua Tianshi nodded, his face was a little ugly He explained: "However, although you can't kill him directly, you can still torture him well."

"Yeah, Tianshi Hua is right. We must not make this guy feel better."

At this time, Li Tianyu came up from behind, and said with a somewhat ruthless expression.

"Well, stand back a little bit, I'll strengthen my methods next time, but this will only make him more painful, and won't kill him!" Tianshi Hua nodded and said to Li Guotai and Li Tianyu.


Immediately, Li Guotai and Li Tianyu dispersed together.

At this time, after Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao on the top of the building heard the conversation of several people, Ye Fei said angrily: "Damn, this guy is also a god, and he can mess with me like this, and he seems to have accomplices." , do you have any questions?"

"what is the problem?"

The Nine Lives Demon looked at Ye Fei and asked, not knowing why.

"Didn't he say that his senior brother is even stronger?" Ye Fei pointed to Hua Tianshi below.

"You think I'm afraid?"

Nine Lives Demon said disdainfully.

"Okay, let's do it, we finally have to settle accounts with this guy!"

Immediately, Ye Fei nodded excitedly, finishing this guy early, life will be more comfortable in the future.


PS: The fifth update has arrived today, Xiao Zeng went to rest, I hope you enjoy watching, and thank you so many brothers for the rewards today, Xiao Zeng will not write this one today, anyway, your support, Xiao Zeng I can see it, thank you!

 Today’s fifth update has arrived, and Xiao Zeng went to rest. I hope everyone enjoys watching it, and then I would like to thank so many brothers for their rewards today. Xiao Zeng will not write it here today. Anyway, for your support, Xiao Zeng is watching In my eyes, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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