super agent

Chapter 187: Nine Destiny Monsters Fight Hua Tianshi

Chapter 187 Nine Lives Demon vs. Tianshi Hua
As he said that, when Ye Fei was about to jump down to find that guy to settle the score, suddenly, a stronger pain than before came from himself, and it swept through his whole body in an instant.


Ye Fei covered his head in pain and staggered backwards, the veins popped out on his face.

"what happened to you?"

Nine Lives Demon immediately frowned and looked at Ye Fei and asked.

Ye Fei frowned, sat cross-legged and practiced exercises to fight the pain. Hearing the voice of Nine Lives Demon, he raised his head with difficulty and said, "Something is wrong, you go and stop that guy, don't let him make trouble."

"Are you okay?"

Nine Lives Demon asked hesitantly.

"There is now, but if you disturb that guy, I'll be fine."

Ye Fei nodded and looked at Nine Lives Demon, then said, "I owe you a favor."

"Ha ha."

Nine Lives Demon laughed lightly, then turned around and jumped down, saying, "When I bring that guy up to you, you're saying you owe me a favor."

Immediately, I saw the Nine Lives Demon falling straight down like a cannonball.


At this time, everyone who was staring carefully at Tianshi Hua in the courtyard of the Li family heard the movement above and looked up one after another.

I saw a black figure falling directly from the top of the building.

ka ka ka-

Immediately, Li Guotai and others took out their guns and aimed at the figure who jumped down inexplicably.

A dull voice sounded, and the Nine Lives Demon fell directly into the courtyard of the Li family.

The others subconsciously raised their guns and took a few steps back. Unexpectedly, the person who jumped down from above turned out to be a person, and he looked very strange and mysterious.

The most shocking person present was Hua Tianshi. He clearly sensed the huge pressure brought by the tall and stalwart figure behind him. Immediately, he turned around with the mahogany sword and frowned and asked, "Who are you? We don't seem to have any Have you ever met?"

"Nine Lives Demon!"

Nine Lives Demon said straight to the point.

Nine Lives Demon? !

Hearing this name, the faces of Li Guotai and others changed drastically, and they all backed away tremblingly.

The Nine Lives Demon has left too many indelible examples in the hearts of ordinary people in the Huaxia Kingdom. This is a big tycoon in the underworld, an extremely dangerous existence. The Huaxia Kingdom has repeatedly encircled and suppressed him but failed.

Hua Tianshi glanced at the expressions of everyone, his pupils shrank slightly, and the actions of everyone explained everything very well. He is not very familiar with the Nine-Life Demon. After many years of cultivation, he just came down from the mountain to enjoy the life in Huadu. When he came here, he met someone who gave him such a lot of pressure!
"Nine Lives Demon? What's the matter with you breaking into someone's house at night?"

Hua Tianshi raised his eyebrows to look at the Nine-Life Demon, with a questioning tone in his tone. Even though the Nine-Life Demon posed a huge threat to him, he was not panicked, and he had a hole card.

"Of course there is something!"

Nine Lives Demon snorted softly, and said in a low voice, "I've come here specifically to find you, a demon who is bewitching the crowd."

As he said that, Jiu Ming Yao blushed all over, and rushed straight towards Tianshi Hua.

"Hmph, don't bully people too much!"

Hua Tianshi was scolded as a demon, and suddenly became furious. The peach wood sword in his hand had a yellow glow, and he went forward to fight against the Nine Lives Demon.

Immediately, Nine Lives Demon clenched his fist with his right hand, raised his hand and punched Hua Tianshi across the air, a bloody fist light the size of a millstone swept towards Hua Tianshi with terrifying power.

"Slay evil!"

Hua Tianshi let out a low growl, and the mahogany sword in his hand, which was glowing yellow, transformed into a Zhanglong sword shadow, and then swung his fist at the Nine Lives Demon with all his strength to chop it off.

Then, a bang resounded, and the terrifying power spread around.


The people who were standing in the distance watching quietly were blown away by this terrifying fluctuation, and some even vomited blood profusely.

"Quick, everyone, enter the room, and leave this place to Tianshi Hua!"

Li Guotai shouted at everyone decisively, then dragged Li Tianyu and ran into the room.

Seeing that Li Guotai had already run away, the others naturally didn't stand aside stupidly, and ran into the room one after another.

Step, step, step...

But at this time, Hua Tianshi, who bears the brunt of the first head-to-head confrontation, obviously suffered a disadvantage. The whole person blocked the mahogany sword in front of his chest, resisting the violent shock wave, while he stepped back more than ten steps. To stop the figure.


Then, there was a clear and crisp sound of breaking, and the mahogany sword that Hua Tianshi was lying on his chest cracked little by little, and then suddenly turned into ashes and shattered.

"Late stage of the hole!"

Seeing that the mahogany sword in his hand was destroyed, Tianshi Hua's pupils tightened, and he looked at Jiuming Yao in astonishment. He didn't know if he didn't fight. It's not much worse than that!
"I thought you were just a bluffing Taoist priest, but I didn't expect you to have some abilities!" Nine Lives Yao walked towards Master Hua in a joking tone, secretly surprised in his heart. The guy didn't know where he came from, but his strength was on par with him, and the Taoist priest in front of him, he reckoned, was a little weaker than him.

"Hmph, I am the orthodox Maoshan Daoist, how could I be a swindling monster?" Hua Tianshi came back to his senses. Although he was amazed at the strength of the Nine Lives Monster, he didn't take it too seriously. This person obviously cultivated to such a state by his own groping, and he didn't even know how to perform magic arts. There was still a gap between him and orthodox practitioners like him. Even if the state was higher than him, it was impossible to kill him.

"It's you, I don't know what happened to you, and you have cultivated to such a high level, but it is a pity that you don't have the orthodox method to practice, otherwise I would have been arrested today." Hua Tianshi looked at Jiu with a sneer. Ming Yao, because of the blow just now, he has a little understanding of Jiu Ming Yao's background.

"Oh? It seems that you are very confident in yourself?"

Nine Lives Demon asked in a curious tone: "You should have just entered the middle stage of the void, and I have been in the late stage of the void for many years, and I am only half a step away from entering the Broken Realm..."

"No, no, no..."

Hua Tianshi shook his fingers and said contemptuously: "It's also the late stage of Dongxu, my senior brother alone can beat people like you two into embarrassment, and wild cultivators who haven't practiced orthodox Dharma Jue will never be able to get on the stage. "

"Your senior brother? When I'm done, you go to meet your senior brother."

Nine Lives Demon's eyes drank coldly and rushed towards Tianshi Hua, unexpectedly he would be despised by others one day.

"Five Yin Steps!"

Seeing this, Tianshi Hua stepped on his feet, and his figure suddenly became erratic, like a gust of wind blowing.

In the blink of an eye, Tianshi Hua turned into a cold phantom and passed by the Nine Lives Demon, then he ran to the desk and picked up his whisk.

 Today's first update, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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