super agent

Chapter 188 Defeating the '5 Ghosts'

Chapter 188 Defeating the 'Five Ghosts'

Seeing this scene, the Nine-Life Demon was taken aback immediately. The speed of Hua Tianshi just now was a little too fast. It seems that he used some kind of footwork, which looked very powerful. When facing the guardian of Yanhuang, I didn't encounter such a situation.

It seems that Hua Tianshi is right. Compared with his kind of orthodox practitioner, he is indeed a lot worse, but he is full of fighting spirit, and he wants to fight this Hua Tianshi more and more.

"You do have some tricks, it's rare to meet such an opponent!" Jiuming Yao turned to look at Tianshi Hua, there was no expression on his masked face, but his eyes were full of fighting intent.

Immediately, the Nine Lives Demon waved his fist and continued to rush towards Tianshi Hua.

"Sky Lingling, Earth Lingling, I pray that the five ghosts and Yin soldiers will appear quickly!"

Seeing the Nine Lives Demon rushing towards him, Tianshi Hua waved the fly whisk in his hand expressionlessly, and waved it on the desk.


After reciting the Jue, Tianshi Hua bit his finger and carved something in the void, and then a strange wave came.

The Nine Lives Demon stopped immediately, and stared at Tianshi Hua with great interest. He was very curious about what the hell this guy was doing. Of course, he couldn't stop him. Guy is almost done.

"Jie Jie~~~"

Suddenly, I heard a scalp-numbing strange laughter from the desk where Hua Tianshi was waving his whisk, the voice sounded extremely sharp.

Then, an astonishing scene appeared. On the desk at this time, there were five ugly, thin figures with a height of one meter and an ugly appearance.

These five disgusting-looking figures have spikes on their bodies, sharp fangs growing in their wide mouths, and a pair of green eyes that look creepy.

"Five ghosts, kill this person on behalf of the Daoist, and the Daoist will be rewarded by then!"

Tianshi Hua waved his fly whisk, pointed at the Nine Fate Demon from a distance, and gave orders to the Five Ghosts.

"no problem!"

Immediately, a little ghost standing in the front smiled sinisterly, and then saw the little ghost jump off the desk, and at the same time, his figure suddenly grew bigger, and instantly turned into a two-foot-tall, hideous and terrifying big ghost, like a ghost. Like a gorilla, the muscles all over his body are bulging, full of powerful explosive power.

"'Li Gui' goes first!"

The little ghosts in the back were screaming in sharp voices, and their eyes were full of teasing and teasing expressions when they looked at the Nine Lives Demon.

"give it to me."

The big ghost known as the power ghost responded with a loud voice, and immediately, it walked towards the Nine Lives Demon with heavy steps.

Nine Lives Demon stared at the big ghost walking towards him with flickering eyes, showing a serious expression on his whole body.

"Damn it, there are quite a lot of magic tricks by Hua Tianshi, and he even played summoning." At this time, Ye Fei was sitting on the edge of the roof watching the battle below, and saw Hua Tianshi's unimaginable means. , I couldn't help but curse.

However, he has no plans to make a move for the time being, but stares down with an expression of watching a play, to see how the Nine Lives Monster should deal with it. Although he sensed that Hua Tianshi's methods were strange, he didn't see anything from those little ghosts. How much danger can be felt.

Therefore, he felt that the Nine Lives Demon should be able to handle it.

At this time, Li Gui had already arrived in front of Jiuming Yao, a pair of sharp claws that were as sharp as knives, directly grabbed Jiuming Yao, and when Li Gui started to fight, his speed suddenly increased. It will affect him, unexpectedly, it will not affect him at all.

But Li Gui was a little bit close to the Nine-Life Demon, and he slapped it with his sharp claws, and the Nine-Life Demon easily dodged away.

"Come on together too!"

Seeing this scene, Hua Tianshi frowned slightly, and ordered to the other little ghosts beside him.

"All right!"

The other little ghosts were urged by Hua Tianshi, so they had no choice but to nod helplessly.

Immediately, I saw that the other four little ghosts began to change. One was surrounded by flames, one was covered with aqua blue luster, one was covered with earthy yellow, and the last one didn't change much. There was a dark wind blowing around the little ghost.

And the other four ghosts are fire ghosts, water ghosts, earth ghosts and wind ghosts, each with their own terrifying abilities.

The fire ghost was the first to jump down, followed by the other ghosts, and rushed towards the Nine Lives Demon.

At this time, the Li Gui was beaten back by the Nine Lives Monster. Even though it was strong, it was still not enough when facing the Nine Lives Monster.

"Shall we go together?"

Jiuming Yao raised his eyebrows and glanced at the other ghosts rushing over together, murmured, looked up at the direction of the roof, and then continued to fight against the ghosts.

After the other ghosts rushed up, they immediately dispersed. The fire ghost opened its mouth, and then saw flames surging from its mouth, and immediately sprayed it forcefully, and the flames rushed towards the Nine Lives Demon.


Nine Lives Demon felt the scorching flames rushing towards him, felt it a little, and then flung his robe, and the flames flew back backwards. He mockingly said with a smile: "It's better to go back and burn with your little fire."

"damn it!"

Seeing his own flame being shot back, the fire ghost quickly dodged, and then condensed a long flaming sword in his hand, and threw it straight at the Nine Lives Demon.

Seeing that the fire ghost was deflated, the other ghosts couldn't care less to laugh, and showed their housekeeping skills one after another.

The water ghost grabbed it with his little hand, and a column of water formed in his hand, which gradually turned into an ice spear. It also immediately threw it towards the Nine-Life Demon. When Feng Gui turned around, a gust of wind roared, and it went straight towards the Nine-Life Demon. He rushed forward, while the earth ghost got into the ground, its sharp claws turned into blades, planning to launch a sneak attack.

"Hmph, you little brats are still too far away from dealing with me."

The Nine-Life Demon snorted coldly, with five fingers forming claws, and then grabbed the five ghosts. Immediately, a blood-colored paw print came out violently, and the void trembled under the paw print.

With a stabbing sound, all the attacks unleashed by the five ghosts were blocked back, and the sharp claw marks continued unabated.

"Oh, run away, this man is too scary."

As soon as the five ghosts felt the terrifying power, even the earth ghosts who got into the ground escaped immediately, and then backed away.


How can these little ghosts be able to resist the claws of the Nine Lives Demon with a full blow? After being caught by the claws of the Nine Lives Demon, three of the five ghosts immediately saw their bodies become illusory, and Li Gui quickly became smaller, and then jumped onto the desk one after another.

One by one, they shouted strangely: "The Taoist leader can't help you anymore, that person is too powerful, let's withdraw first, or we might all be finished."


Tianshi Hua's face changed drastically, and he shook his head and said angrily, "I knew that the five ghosts of the second level were not good enough, it seems that I am still not good at learning!"

Immediately after the five ghosts jumped onto the table, they turned into a ball of black light and disappeared.

"Yao Dao, what methods are there, use them!"

The Nine Lives Demon became more and more excited as he fought more and more. It was a rare opportunity to meet such a cultivator with many means, so he naturally had to 'ask' for advice!

 Today's second update, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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