super agent

Chapter 189 The Tragic Master Hua

Chapter 189 The Tragic Master Hua
Tianshi Hua's face changed slightly after being drunk by the Nine-Life Demon. Although the Nine-Life Demon cultivated unorthodoxly, after all, his cultivation level is there, and he would definitely not be able to win against a strong opponent. After a little thought, he As soon as he rolled his eyes, he knew in his heart that he would not be afraid of running out of firewood if the green hills were left, so he would go back and find his senior brother.

"Nine Lives Demon, I remember you, just wait for me!"

Tianshi Hua threw down a harsh word, then turned around and ran outside.

"Want to escape!"

Jiuming Yao's eyes froze, and he rushed towards Tianshi Hua as soon as he moved his body. The speed of his whole body was also extremely fast, because he knew that Tianshi Hua's footwork was not simple, so he immediately went all out.


Just a few meters away, Hua Tianshi saw the Nine Lives Monster rushing towards him like the wind, and he was about to catch up with him. He was meditating while walking, and suddenly gritted his teeth, his face turned red, and he shouted with veins all over his face: "Fix body technique, fix!"

Immediately, I saw a strange fluctuation on the index finger pointed out by Hua Tianshi, which directly imprisoned the space of the Nine-Life Demon, and the invisible force made the Nine-Life Demon unable to move for a short time.


The Nine Lives Demon was startled, there really are many tricks in this demon way, if he was pinned down like this during the Five Ghosts War just now, wouldn't that be the end of it?
However, he misunderstood that Hua Tianshi's body-holding technique is not deep enough. He is fixed in a space and cannot directly target individuals. Otherwise, he would have used this move even if he had tried his best. The Nine Lives Demon is still at his mercy.

At the same time, after Hua Tianshi performed this move, he put a considerable burden on himself. After he performed the body fixation, his whole face was pale, and his breath became sluggish in an instant.

"It should be able to trap for tens of seconds."

Tianshi Hua glanced at the immobilized Nine-Life Demon, and immediately turned around and left without saying a word. At this moment, he was already very weak. If he delayed for too long, he would be finished after the Nine-Life Demon recovered.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. It seems that this guy is the so-called hidden cultivator in Huaxia Kingdom, and he is even more mysterious than the guardian of Yanhuang."

At this moment, Ye Fei, who had been watching the play on the roof for a long time, did not come back to his senses until Master Hua finally performed the fixation operation. He was amazed for a while, and when he saw that the Nine Lives Demon could not move, he immediately jumped from the roof go down.

A dull voice sounded, and after Ye Fei jumped down, without any hesitation, his figure chased Tianshi Hua directly like the wind, and when he came to the side of Jiuming Yao, he obviously felt that the space was frozen, probably still It took a lot of time to recover, and he didn't bother to care about it, so he grabbed Tianshi Hua and said.

Under Ye Fei's full pursuit, Hua Tianshi was caught up just as he ran out of Li's house and onto the road.

"It seems that you can't run anymore?"

Ye Fei slowed down, walked slowly, and looked mockingly at Hua Tianshi who had also stopped in front of him.

"You...Ye Fei..."

Hua Tianshi turned around and saw that it was Ye Fei whom he had dealt with for a long time.

"Surprised? The Nine Lives Demon is the helper I invited. Don't you find it annoying that you bastard stay up every night and make trouble in Li's house?" Ye Fei cursed at Tianshi Hua with a smile.

"Take people's money and replace them..." Hua Tianshi immediately spoke uprightly, but Ye Fei interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"Use you to be paralyzed, you are not a good Taoist priest, you have come to this colorful world to pretend to be a magic stick."

Ye Fei started yelling, he was killed by Tianshi Hua these days, now seeing this girl, he naturally didn't have a good face, and said with a gloomy face: "Run, keep running, I see you can still run today Do not."

"You want to kill me?"

Hua Tianshi asked an idiot question with flickering eyes.

"I don't want to kill you."

Ye Fei grinned at Tianshi Hua, and jokingly said, "I want to peel you alive."


Hua Tianshi's face changed drastically, he knew that he would not be able to run today, and immediately his face turned hard, and he was about to raise his whisk and strike at Ye Fei.

"Still want to resist? Do you still have the strength?"

Ye Fei's expression became ruthless, and his whole body moved, turning into an afterimage that easily flashed past the whisk that Tianshi Hua had chopped down, then rushed in front of Tianshi Hua, and kicked Tianshi Hua directly in the abdomen.


Tianshi Hua took Ye Fei's foot hard to avoid the inevitable, and immediately vomited blood, and his body swept away like a sandbag.

"I don't know if the system of cultivating Taoism is good, don't kick it to death all at once!"

Ye Fei ran towards Tianshi Hua with a cold face.


After flying more than ten meters, Hua Tianshi stopped his figure, fell to the ground, spitting blood, his neat hair became messy, and he looked very embarrassed. When he saw Ye Fei approaching like a god of death , He immediately backed up with his hands on the ground in shock, and said in a trembling voice, "Don't...don't kill me, you will be in trouble if you kill me..."

"Trouble? Keeping you is enough trouble."

Ye Fei said with a sneer.

"I... I am considered very weak in the sect. My two senior brothers are very strong, and my master is even more powerful. He is currently in retreat. If he finds out that I am dead, he will definitely be furious... "

Hua Tianshi said to Ye Fei with a pale and bloodless face, with a serious sense of threat in his words.

"Threat me? You still dare to threaten me? If you didn't want to put me to death, I would come here to find you in the middle of the night after eating nothing?" Ye Fei laughed angrily, and came to Hua Tianshi. Stepping forward, he stepped directly on Hua Tianshi's chest.


Immediately, Tianshi Hua spat out a big mouthful of blood again. Looking at Ye Fei's expression, he felt Ye Fei's strong killing intent, and immediately begged for mercy: " let me go, we will treat it as if nothing happened. What happened, I will never come back here, nor will I help the Li family, please let me go, when I return to the sect, I will definitely thank you with a treasure."

"Let you go? Do you think I'm that kind of 'imbecile'?" Ye Fei stepped on Tianshi Hua's chest with his right foot and sneered disdainfully.

Step, step, step...

At this moment, the sound of heavy footsteps came from a distance, and I saw the tall figure of the Nine Lives Demon. Under the street lights at night, the figure was getting longer and longer, which seemed a bit breathtaking. He stepped forward Seemingly slow, but extremely fast, he came to Ye Fei's side. His blood-red eyes glanced at Tianshi Hua indifferently, and said in a low voice, "Let's get rid of it!"

"Hehe, okay, just wait a moment."

Ye Fei glanced at Nine Lives Demon with a chuckle, then raised his leg and was about to step on Hua Tianshi's head, intending to trample this guy to death.

"Don't...don't kill me, whatever you say is fine, as long as you don't kill me, please, please!"

Hua Tianshi's face changed drastically, his face was livid, and he hugged Ye Fei's leg quickly, crying so hard that he couldn't make a sound?

PS: The three-shift guarantee has arrived, and today I saw a lot of rewards for children's shoes, so I won't name them one by one here. Xiao Zeng sees everyone's wishes and warms them in his heart. I am very grateful. Xiao Zeng will use the best A good story repays everyone, thank you.

 The three-shift guarantee has arrived, and today I saw a lot of rewards for children's shoes, so I won't name them one by one here. Xiao Zeng sees everyone's wishes and warms them in his heart. He is very grateful. Xiao Zeng will do his best The story repays everyone, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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