super agent

Chapter 190 Vent Fiercely

Chapter 190 Vent Fiercely (50 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

Seeing Tianshi Hua crying so loudly, Ye Fei raised his mouth slightly, glanced at the Nine Lives Demon, and then said to Tianshi Hua: "The ones you used just now must have a special cultivation method?"


Tianshi Hua immediately looked up at Ye Fei in astonishment, nodded and said, "Yes, yes."

When the Nine Lives Demon next to him heard Ye Fei's question, his eyes lit up immediately. Just now he had the clearest feeling of the spell cast by Tianshi Hua.

Ye Fei withdrew his foot that was held by Tianshi Hua, turned his head to look at Jiuming Yao and blinked, and then continued to ask Tianshi Hua: "Do you know if you buy your life?"

"Buy... buy your life?"

Tianshi Hua supported the ground with his hands with difficulty, and looked at Ye Fei blankly.

"Yes, buy your life. Your line is like an ant to us, but it must be very precious to you, right?" Ye Fei nodded and smiled.

"Jane...precious, precious!"

Tianshi Hua hurriedly nodded vigorously.

"Well, since it's precious, then take something out to buy your cheap life for us."

Ye Fei smiled lightly and said.

"Then what do you want?"

Hua Tianshi glanced at Nine Lives Demon, then stared at Ye Fei, he seemed to understand something.

"Didn't you just say that, just tell us all the tricks you used before, and then I will buy your life." Ye Fei looked happy, knowing that there was something going on, but he didn't show it and still looked at it blankly. Tianshi Hua said.

"Ah? That... that's all our Maoshan sect's unique knowledge. If I leak it, I will definitely be hacked to death by my master!" After hearing Ye Fei's words, Hua Tianshi immediately wept and looked embarrassed. look.

"Oh, you are afraid of being hacked to death by your master, um, it's okay, I'll chop you alive now, so you don't need to worry."

Ye Fei responded lightly, and then a terrifying fluctuation was brewing on his right hand, and then he clenched his right hand into a fist.

"Wait... wait a minute, I'll give it, I'll give it..."

Hua Tianshi's face changed drastically immediately, and he quickly compromised: "What kind do you need? And after you get our Maoshan school's exercises, will you let me go?"

"As long as you use the footwork, there is something that can hold people in place." Ye Fei glanced at the silent Nine Lives Demon next to him, and then said: "As for whether you let go, it depends on whether you are worthy or not." gone."

"Okay, okay, I cooperate, I will definitely cooperate!"

Tianshi Hua had no choice but to agree, and immediately explained: "The footwork is called the Wuyin step, and the one that can freeze people is called the 'fixed body technique'. The fixed body technique is a very terrible technique. Our Maoshan School The ancestors also got it by accident..."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and tell us the magic arts and the method of cultivation." Just as Hua Tianshi was chattering, Ye Fei immediately interrupted impatiently.

"Uh, okay."

Hua Tianshi nodded, then got up and explained: "These five Yin steps..."

Immediately, Tianshi Hua told Ye Fei and Nine Lives Demon all the practice methods of Wuyin Step and Fixed Body Technique.

Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao on the side listened to Hua Tianshi's narration, their eyes flickered. Obviously, the two were surprised by the orthodox magic of the Maoshan School, and as people who had already cultivated successfully, their memory was hundreds of times stronger than that of ordinary people Not only that, Tianshi Hua said they memorized it, and after listening, they memorized it.

In about 10 minutes, Hua Tianshi carefully explained to Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao.


Hua Tianshi let out a breath, then looked at Ye Fei and Jiuming Yao, and said, "Now that I have cooperated with you, should I be released according to the agreement?"

"Wait a minute, did I say you can go?"

Ye Fei savored Hua Tianshi's previous words carefully, and when he saw Hua Tianshi was about to evade, he suddenly shouted.

"What? Don't you want to go back on your word?" Hua Tianshi's face changed slightly, they probably just go back on their word when they got the advantage.

"We can't go back on our word, but can you prove that what you just said is true? We haven't practiced the body-holding technique, so what if you bluff us?" Ye Fei looked at Tianshi Hua with a smile and said.

"I... I dare to swear, everything I just said is true!"

Tianshi Hua's heart tightened when he heard Ye Fei's words, and he quickly said.

"Swear? I believe in God, you believe it, and you send it to Taoist ancestors and our God doesn't know!" Ye Fei looked at Tianshi Hua playfully and said.

"You...then what do you say?"

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Hua Tianshi's face suddenly turned green and turned pale. It was obvious that his words were preposterous, but now that he has fallen into the hands of others, there is really nothing he can do.

"What to do? What to do?"

Ye Fei pretended to be contemplative, and suddenly moved his body, rushed towards Tianshi Hua, and shouted: "Be beaten by me first, damn it, I have been tortured by you for so many days."

Immediately, Ye Fei rushed in front of Hua Tianshi and punched and kicked him. However, he performed his exercises, just like punching a sandbag, hitting him to the flesh. After all, Hua Tianshi is also a cultivator, so he beat him like this , not enough to kill him.

Pounce, pounce, puff...

"Ouch, you..."

Tianshi Hua was beaten to the ground by Ye Fei, howling in pain, but Ye Fei didn't care about that, just kicked him violently.

The Nine Lives Demon next to him stared straight at him. Ye Fei is really a vengeful guy. However, if he also goes to experience Ye Fei's previous feelings, he will definitely feel that Ye Fei's actions are a little lighter.

5 minute later.

Ye Fei beat Hua Tianshi for 5 minutes. Seeing that this guy was beaten to the point of bleeding, and his face turned into a pig's face, he stopped before he stopped.


The Nine Lives Demon stepped forward and glanced at Hua Tianshi who was lying on the ground, howling and moaning, and then looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"It's over."

Ye Fei clapped his hands, and nodded with a relaxed face, the anger that had been suppressed for so many days was finally vented.

"Then how to deal with it?"

Nine Lives Demon asked in a low voice: "Aren't you really going to kill him?"

Ye Fei glanced at Hua Tianshi, pondered for a moment and said: "It's still useful for him to keep it. Didn't he say that there are brothers and masters? Let's keep it for now. Besides, we don't know if the cultivation method we got from him is right or not. That's right, if this guy dares to play tricks then, let's kill him severely."

"Well, yes."

Jiuming Yao looked at Tianshi Hua and nodded, then said, "Then where are you going to put him?"

"Where will they be placed?"

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiu Ming Yao with a smile: "Your giant whale gang should have a lot of open space, so just put him in your place, my family can't accommodate this guy."

"Let me go?"

Nine Lives Demon was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I may be leaving Zhonghai City soon!"

"Just leave? At the very least, you should practice the two sets of spells before leaving. There are many ways to save your life. With this guy by your side, you can ask him directly if you have nothing to do!" Ye Fei Hastily opened the mouth to analyze.


Nine Lives Demon glanced at Ye Fei speechlessly, and said, "Then I'll stay here for the time being!"


PS: Maybe that’s all for today, Xiao Zeng might go to play at night, hehe!

 Maybe that's all for today, maybe Xiao Zeng will go to play tonight, hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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