super agent

Chapter 191 Settled

Chapter 191 Settled

Ye Fei looked at Nine Lives Demon with a smile and nodded, then Tianshi Hua would have a place to settle down.

"Are you worried that after you kill this guy, his senior brothers and masters will come to you?" Jiuming Yao flashed his eyes and smiled with a bit of teasing.

"You mean I'm afraid?"

Ye Fei looked at Nine Lives Demon with a faint smile.

"if not?"

Nine Lives Demon shrugged, then walked towards Tianshi Hua.

"Hehe, I can say that he is waiting for his senior brothers to go down the mountain and rob them like today?"

Ye Fei turned to look at Nine Lives Demon with a chuckle.

"Oh? You can't handle it alone, can you?"

Nine Lives Demon grabbed Hua Tianshi in his hand, and saw Ye Fei speak.

"So let you stay here for the time being!" Ye Fei walked towards the Nine Lives Demon, suddenly thought of something, then looked at Tianshi Hua and asked, "By the way, how did you do that spellcasting?"

"Did you forget that we accidentally bumped into each other one day? I bumped into you on purpose, and then got some hair from you, and then used our Maoshan sect's secret technique..." Hua Tianshi was caught in the hands of the Nine Lives Demon. He lost his temper completely, and when he heard Ye Fei's question, he quickly opened his mouth to explain, this time his life was saved, and then he will wait for the brothers to save him.

"Oh? It's in the yard? Damn it!"

Immediately, Ye Fei turned around angrily, suddenly glanced at Jiuming Yao and said, "Wait here for me, you have been busy all night for me, please eat!"

After speaking, Ye Fei walked straight towards the courtyard of Li's villa.

"Uh, okay."

The Nine-Life Demon responded in astonishment, and then quietly waited for Ye Fei to come out. For some reason, the Nine-Life Demon felt sympathetic to each other when they were together with Ye Fei. It seems that there is a feeling of not knowing each other.


Ye Fei quickly walked into the Li family's villa, and saw that the people in the house were looking outside to see the situation, so he stamped his foot immediately.

The ground suddenly rumbled and shook like an earthquake. Seeing this, the people in Li's house hurriedly lay down on the ground one by one.

"Don't stand up to anyone, whoever dares to stand up, I will kill that person first!"

Ye Fei shouted inside with a slightly hoarse voice, he doesn't want to let the Li family know that he is here, so he should put all the blame on Jiumingyao, since he is alone.

Seeing that the Li family members were really obedient and did not show their heads, Ye Fei nodded in satisfaction, then walked to the desk where Tianshi Hua practiced before, and saw the humanoid doll at a glance, and then found a few hairs on it.

"Fuck, that's okay too?"

Ye Fei took a look at his hair, and immediately took the candle next to him, burned his hair, and then burned the desk.

After finishing all this, he glanced at the Li family's room and shouted: "Then why Tianshi Hua was captured by my Nine Lives Demon, come to me if you have the guts!"

Immediately, Ye Fei left without hesitation.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of Li's villa, he saw Jiuming Yao staring at Ye Fei speechlessly and saying, "You blackmail me!"

"No way, I just warned them, you have a big name!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and continued: "Let's go, it's almost five o'clock, let's go have something to eat together, we've been busy all night!"

"However, I'm curious, can you eat while wearing a mask?"

Ye Fei turned around and teased Nine Lives Demon Dao.

"Nonsense, isn't my mask reserved for the eyes and mouth!"

Nine Lives Demon immediately cursed.

"I'm curious, what will your face look like under the mask? Are you wearing a mask because you are ugly, or is it for other reasons?"

Ye Fei looked at Nine Lives Demon with a smirk on his face and said, "Besides, your calm and deep voice is also just pretending, right?"

"Anyway, there is a reason!"

Nine Lives Demon looked at Ye Fei with flickering eyes, and then said: "Forget it, if you want to treat guests, next time, it's not convenient for me now, and I even brought someone..."

After finishing speaking, the Nine Lives Demon didn't wait for Ye Fei to open his mouth. When he moved his body, he jumped up high and left towards the silent darkness.

"Khan, I've been busy all night, and I don't want to give face to eat something!" Seeing the Nine-Life Demon gradually disappearing from sight, Ye Fei could only shake his head and watch the Nine-Life Demon leave helplessly. This time, he accepted the Nine Lives Demon's favor.

However, it’s all right now, without the thorn on Hua Tianshi’s back, the days to come will be much more comfortable. As for that guy’s seniors, Ye Fei doesn’t care much, anyway, he’s not in the dark now He is really not afraid of that guy Hua Tianshi's senior brother coming.

Immediately, after Ye Fei left Li's house on foot, he went straight to his car.

Ten minutes later, Ye Fei came to his car slowly, opened the door and got in the car.

After starting the car, Ye Fei drove to check the time. It was almost five o'clock. Even if he planned to eat something before going back, he was out after all, so he didn't bother to run around.

Thinking about it, Ye Fei drove the car towards the city.

An hour later, around 06:30, it was dawn.

At this time, Ye Fei parked the car aside, and was sitting comfortably at a small stall eating cheap breakfast.

"It's still delicious!"

There was a large bowl of beef noodle soup in front of Ye Fei, which made his mouth full, but he didn't care at all.

at this time--

There was a clear ringing of the mobile phone, Ye Fei immediately put down the chopsticks in his hand, took out the mobile phone, took a look, it turned out to be Xu Qing calling, and he answered the phone immediately.

"You bastard, what are you going to do with that bag just now? You said you were busy a few days ago, but you are still so busy now?" Ye Fei had just connected, and Xu Qing's cursing voice came from the phone before he could hold it firmly.

"Uh, not busy right now!"

Ye Fei responded lightly in astonishment, "Aunt Xu Qing" is here in the early morning, it's so hot.

"Not busy? If you're not busy, tell me what to do. Should you let him go, or bring your wife to see him?"

Xu Qing said coldly, this time she was really mad by Ye Fei, this guy threw someone at her, and he didn't even care about it, if he didn't call to look for it, he probably forgot about it up.

" wait, I'll ask if she sees you!"

Ye Fei came to his senses, nodded quickly and said.

"Hurry up, I don't have that much time to wait!" Xu Qing said impatiently.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, I will give you an answer within 5 minutes..."

Ye Fei nodded immediately, but before he finished speaking, Xu Qing hung up the phone.

Ye Fei looked at his phone, shook his head speechlessly, then found Yang Manying's number and dialed it.


Then, Yang Manying's vague and lazy voice came, apparently still sleeping.

"That... Bao Gang, have you seen it?"

Ye Fei didn't bother to insinuate, and spoke directly.


PS: Today's first update, thanks to 'Doctor' and '**' for their rewards, this update, Xiao Zeng typed it word by word, so I hope everyone can understand, it's not just posting, it's still 2 There are only 60 monthly tickets, and it’s up to everyone to add more today! !

 Today's first update, thanks to 'Doctor' and '**' for their rewards, this update, Xiao Zeng typed it word by word, so I hope everyone can understand, it's not just a matter of sending it out, there are still 2 monthly tickets short There are only 60 cards, and it will be up to everyone to add more today! !

(End of this chapter)

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