super agent

Chapter 192 Meet the driver who caused the accident

Chapter 192 Meet the driver who caused the accident

As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, Yang Manying on the other end of the phone hesitated.

"Ah? Bao Gang, that's the man..."

Yang Manying exclaimed, she came to her senses, and quickly said: "I see, of course I see, I'll go downstairs right now, you wait for me."

"No hurry, I'm having breakfast outside now, you can wash up slowly."

Ye Fei took a sip of soup and said with a smile.

"Uh, breakfast? You got up so early." Yang Manying was taken aback and continued, "Well, I'll get up now, come back quickly after you finish eating, and then take me to have a look."

"Actually... it doesn't make any sense whether you look at it or not!"

Ye Fei thought for a while and said, he didn't want Yang Manying to become depressed and cold again after seeing Bao Gang.

"I still want to see it!"

After Yang Manying finished speaking firmly, she hung up the phone.

Ye Fei, who was eating breakfast, was speechless for a moment, and was immediately hung up. He shook his head, then called Xu Qing, and told her that he would go to the police station later.

In fact, he knew that Bao Gang also wanted to meet Yang Manying, but there was really no need for the two of them to meet, but the client insisted, so he had nothing to say.

After breakfast, Ye Fei settled the bill and drove home.

Half an hour later, Ye Fei came home. Just as he was about to get out of the car and enter the house, the door opened. Yang Manying was wearing a black professional women's shirt. She looked capable and energetic, glamorous and indifferent.

"Should we go now?"

Yang Manying opened the door and walked to Ye Feiche, opened the door, got in the car and asked.

"Uh, you're already here, so let's go now!"

Ye Fei forced a smile. Originally, he wanted to sit inside and drink some water, but now that Yang Manying came directly, he had no choice but to start the car and rush to the police station.

"07:30, is there anyone at the police station going to work?"

Yang Manying looked like a policeman and asked Ye Fei.

"It takes about half an hour to drive to the police station. If no one is at work yet, just wait there!"

Immediately, Ye Fei started the car and drove straight towards the police station.

And when Ye Fei drove to the police station, the entire Li family stayed up all night. Tianshi Hua was killed by the Nine-Life Demon.

After the whole Li family was warned by Ye Fei when he left, they were so frightened that they lay on the ground for two hours and did not dare to get up. They did not dare to stand up until dawn.

"How to do?"

After Li Guotai got up, he looked outside, and found that the huge courtyard was full of desolation. Obviously, there was a big battle before, but the result was not what they wanted to see, because Tianshi Hua disappeared after the big battle.

"Dad, how did you provoke the Nine Lives Demon? That guy is a very scary figure in the world!"

Li Tianyu looked around the yard with a look of lingering fear.

"How do I know that we have nothing to do with the Nine-Life Demon at all? We were obviously dealing with Ye Fei last night." Li Guotai also said with a sad face. It's over.

"Dong Li, could it be Tianshi Hua who provoked the Nine Lives Demon at some point?" Evil Scar looked at it and hurriedly stepped forward to speak.

"Isn't that likely? When Tianshi Hua and Jiumingyao met for the first time yesterday, they didn't know Jiumingyao. How could he have any trouble with Jiumingyao?"

Li Guotai glanced at the evil scar with a gloomy face and said.

"Dad, it's not important!"

Li Tianyu next to him heard Eba's words, thought for a while and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he quickly looked at Li Guotai.

"What do you mean?"

Li Guotai looked at Li Tianyu incredulously.

"You have forgotten, didn't Master Hua say that he has several senior brothers who are more powerful than him? Let's invite his senior brothers and tell him that Master Hua was killed by the Nine-Life Demon and ask them to take revenge. If Hua If the senior brother of Tianshi is strong enough to kill the Nine Lives Demon, then we will have no worries, if not strong enough, then we will resign ourselves to fate!" Li Tianyu thought for a while and explained.

"Well, yes, Tianshi Hua probably has more bad luck than good luck, and we have to talk to their elders because of reason." Li Guotai nodded with his eyes bright, and talked to Li Tianyu with a look of conspiracy. They looked at each other and said, "At that time, if Master Hua's brothers are strong enough, we can completely misinterpret the truth and let them deal with that bastard Ye Fei as well."


Li Tianyu applauded.

"Well, Tianshi Hua claims to be the descendant of Maoshan Taoism, so his senior brothers must be in Maoshan School. Jiangsu Province is just not far from Zhonghai City..." Li Guotai nodded, then looked at the evil scar and smiled: "Evil Scar, let's go, you heard what we said just now, you should understand what to say then, right?"

"Understood, I understand!"

Eba nodded quickly. Hearing the bad ideas of Li Guotai and Li Tianyu, he knew he had to make a trip.

"Okay, please ask someone to clean the yard. I'm going back to rest. I've been busy all night!" After the problem was solved, Li Guotai's complexion improved a lot. He waved to Li Tianyu and went back to his room.

"Get someone to clean this up!"

Seeing Li Guotai enter the room, Li Tianyu turned around and ordered to Eba coldly.


Eba nodded with a sad face, and he was driven to life for the rest of his life.


At this time, Ye Fei, one of the parties involved in the whole incident, had already accompanied Yang Manying to the gate of the police station and stopped the car.

Ye Fei took out his mobile phone to look at Yang Manying and said, "I'll call Xu Qing first."


Yang Manying nodded slightly apprehensively.

"Don't worry, it's over!"

Ye Fei dialed the phone, glanced at Yang Manying and comforted him.

"Hey, are you here? I'm in the police hall!"

As soon as the phone was connected, Xu Qing asked.

"Oh, well, I'll take my wife in now."

Ye Fei nodded and hung up the phone, then looked at Yang Manying and said, "Let's go in, Officer Xu is already waiting for us inside."


Yang Manying took a deep breath, unfastened her seat belt, opened the door, and got out of the car.

Ye Fei got out of the car and took a look at Yang Manying, before walking straight into the police hall.

Seeing this, Yang Manying quickly followed behind.

Immediately, the two walked into the police hall together and saw Xu Qing at the police front desk. Coincidentally, Xu Qing also saw them.

Xu Qing put down the document in her hand, then walked up to Ye Fei and Yang Manying, her beautiful eyes flashed, she glared at Ye Fei, and said, "Come with me, Bao Gang was supposed to be released a long time ago."

"Oh, officer Xu, I'm sorry to trouble you." Yang Manying said with a face of shame.

Immediately, Ye Fei and Yang Manying followed Xu Qing to an interrogation room.

"Wait here, I'll bring him over." Xu Qing pointed to the seat in the interrogation room, then turned and left.

"Sit casually, don't make the atmosphere so serious, he has already been punished accordingly, and you are just meeting him today."

Ye Fei pulled Yang Manying to sit on the seat, patted her on the shoulder and said, Yang Manying's state is indeed unnecessary.

"I can't bring myself to relax!"

Yang Manying shook her head, and said with a pretty face coldly: "Don't worry, I know I'm just here today to see that person..."

Step, step, step...

At this moment, there was a sound of heavy footsteps approaching from far and near, gradually walking towards the interrogation room.


PS: The second update today, Khan, the third update is guaranteed, and there is only one monthly pass to add the update today. Xiao Zeng is ready to add the update, don’t you want it?

 The second watch arrives!

(End of this chapter)

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