super agent

Chapter 193 The Confession of Bao Gang's Family

Chapter 193 The Confession of Bao Gang's Family

Yang Manying immediately looked at Ye Fei, it was obvious that Bao Gang had arrived, and his mood must be quite heavy at this time.

The door opened, Xu Qing walked in first, and then a slightly bloated figure appeared in sight.

Immediately, Yang Manying's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and she looked closely at the door. What she saw was a slightly chubby face with a bit of simplicity and honesty, which was completely different from the bad guy she thought of when she was a child. Unexpectedly, it was the person in front of her , took the life of her most precious person in this world.

"Yang...Miss Yang..."

Bao Gang didn't wear a prison uniform, but wore his own white-washed camouflage short-sleeves. As soon as he walked to the door, he felt heavy pressure, and then he recognized Yang Manying at a glance, and the corners of his mouth suddenly became extremely bitter.

Suddenly, Bao Gang made an astonishing move. After taking two steps into the interrogation room, he knelt down, looked at Yang Manying with remorse, and said tearfully, "Miss Yang, I am sorry for you. I harmed your parents because of my own reasons, and I really cannot escape the blame!"


Immediately, several people present were stunned, Xu Qing reacted and quickly closed the door.

On the other hand, Yang Manying's eyes were flushed, and she quietly looked at the man kneeling in front of her. This was the man she hated the most and the greatest enemy in her life. She had imagined countless scenes of meeting this man, but she never imagined that she would In the face of this person, he was still so calm.

Immediately, Yang Manying raised her head and tried to be stronger, because it doesn't matter whether this matter is right or wrong. For her, there is only endless grief. Bao Gang said: "You...your name is Bao Gang?"


Bao Gang looked up at Yang Manying with a regretful expression on his face and said, "Miss Yang, if you want to beat or scold, you can vent it on me, even... even if you want to kill me, I feel that I am willing..."

"Kill you? How valuable is your life? Compared with my parents, the whole world is not enough to exchange with me. You ruined a happy and happy family, do you know?" Yang Manying's footsteps trembled slightly. In front of Bao Gang, her pretty face was extremely cold, and tears welled up in her eyes, but she held back them.

"I... I know, this is an irreparable mistake..."

Bao Gang stared at Yang Manying with choked up words. For so many years, he has been living in regret. He wanted to do something to make up for Yang Manying countless times, but he was just a humble rural person, while Yang Manying was a female elite in the business world. What can I do to help others?
Therefore, since Bao Gang came back from prison, he saw that his family members were safe. He thought about committing suicide to free himself, but he had never even met Yang Manying, and he had never confessed in front of Yang Manying. He felt that if he died, At least I have to meet Yang Manying before I die!
And Yang Manying was staring at Bao Gang closely at this moment, not knowing what to say for a while.

beep ring...

At this moment, Xu Qing's phone rang suddenly, she glanced at the few people, and then went to the corner to answer the phone.

After a while—

"Your family is here!"

Xu Qing walked up to Bao Gang, took a look at Yang Manying and Ye Fei, and then said to Bao Gang.

" did they come here?"

Bao Gang's face suddenly changed slightly, and he said with a bit of anger: "Nonsense, tell them to go back."

"But they're already at the gate of the police station."

Xu Qing explained.

"You take care of yourself. I know what happened. You were coerced and punished accordingly. We haven't met since then..." Yang Manying, who had hesitated for a long time, said coldly to Bao Gang, then turned to look at Ye Fei said: "Let's go."


Ye Fei shrugged, this time he was just here to see.

"Miss Yang, I'm sorry!"

Bao Gang looked at Yang Manying who turned her head away and had a complicated expression for a while, but after thinking about it, he could only say this sentence.

Yang Manying paused, and immediately opened the door and left.

And just after Yang Manying opened the door, a group of people with simple clothes and tired faces appeared at the door. Looking at their attire, they knew that they must be the Bao Gang family that Xu Qing mentioned just now.

"Miss Yang?!"

Standing at the front, a woman with a haggard face and gray hair recognized Yang Manying at a glance, and then she also made an astonishing move, kneeling down directly.


"Auntie, you..."

"Sister-in-law, this is—"


When the people behind saw the woman's actions, their faces changed drastically and they shouted.

"Don't worry about these things. It's the grievances between Lao Bao and Ms. Yang's family. I'm Lao Bao's wife. His mistakes are also my fault..." The middle-aged woman waved at the people behind. He waved his hands, then stared at Yang Manying and said guiltily: "Miss Yang, our old Bao family doesn't ask for your forgiveness, and with your status, we can't make up for anything, but we just hope that we can repent in front of you. I can also see the pain of Lao Bao these years, he has said countless times that he wants to meet you, and kneel before you to repent..."

"Shujuan, what are you doing? I made the mistake!"

At this time, Bao Gang came out of the interrogation room on his knees, looked helplessly at the middle-aged woman and shook his head.

"I don't need your confession. No matter what you do, my parents will never come back." Facing Bao Gang and his wife, Yang Manying opened her mouth coldly, and then she was about to leave outside.

at this time--

Among the group of people, two tall figures jumped out, standing in front of Yang Manying.

"What are you doing?"

Ye Fei's face turned cold. Seeing that the two big guys were acting a little aggressive, he hurriedly walked in front of Yang Manying and shouted coldly. These two are twins, and they look simple and honest. At first glance, they are seven points similar to Bao Gang, but this The two of them are obviously much taller, at least 1.8 meters five.


These two burly and honest men came to Yang Manying's body and knelt down in front of Yang Manying's just like Bao Gang.

"Miss Yang, my father killed your parents for us. He regretted and blamed himself. He even thought about committing suicide. As children, we all see this. I know that no matter what our family does, I can't make up for you, but let us be sons to repay the debt owed by my father." Immediately, one of the men with moles on his face explained to Yang Manying: "My name is Bao Qing, and from today onwards , I am willing to do things for you regardless of any remuneration, just as a weak compensation!"

"elder brother--"

The burly man next to him changed his expression immediately, and said: "Miss Yang, my name is Bao Bai, let me stay, the family needs my brother, he already has a child, and I am alone."


Ye Fei frowned slightly when he heard the names of the two. It seemed that Bao Gang was really remorseful, even naming his son like this.

"Baobai, stay at home and serve your parents. I'm the eldest son, let me come!" Bao Qing's expression changed, and he glanced at Bao Bai next to him with a bit of scolding tone.

"You come here, what about sister-in-law and Niuniu? You and sister-in-law can serve parents at home together!"

Bao Bai quickly opened his mouth and said.


Yang Manying, who was a little bit unbearable by the noise, immediately yelled, glanced at the aisle where there were already many policemen, then looked coldly at Bao Qing and Bao Bai and said, "You guys come to help me? What are you doing?"


PS: The guarantee for the third update has arrived, and there is only one monthly pass left to add the update. If you want to watch Chapter 4 tonight, please vote for it!

 The guarantee for the third update has arrived, and there is only one monthly pass left to add. If you want to watch Chapter 4 tonight, please vote for it!

(End of this chapter)

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