super agent

Chapter 194 Special Abilities

Chapter 194 Special Abilities (60 Monthly Ticket Plus Changes)

As soon as Yang Manying opened her mouth, everyone in the room fell silent. Ye Fei touched his nose and stared at the two brothers kneeling in front of him with a look of watching a play.

As for the other policemen who were also looking sideways, Xu Qing didn't bother to disperse the crowd, since they were all policemen anyway, so it's okay to take a look.

After Bao Bai and Bao Qing heard Yang Manying's words, they immediately looked at each other, and Bao Bai was the first to say: "I am strong, and I can do the work of several people..."

"Mine is a large company, and the coolies can be handed over to machines!" Yang Manying looked at Bao Bai expressionlessly and said, "Besides, I don't need you to be like this. I don't want to mention this matter anymore. Can you spare me?"

"We... just want to make up for the mistakes my dad made. We also know that it's impossible for you to forgive me completely, so I'm willing to be an ox and a horse..." Bao Bai looked at Yang Manying in a weak tone, and then thought of something, Lian excitedly said: "I am not only strong, but brother and I have a unique ability since we were young!"

Immediately, Bao Bai glanced at Bao Qing, as well as his parents, quickly took out a coin, and threw it on the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone showed puzzled expressions. What is the purpose of taking out a coin?

At this time, Bao Gang, who had already stood up, saw that Bao Bai was trying so hard to stay by Yang Manying's side, and when he made atonement for him, his whole body felt unspeakably bitter, and now he wanted his son to come for the mistakes he made. repay, but he knew that his son was more stubborn, and he couldn't persuade him.

"Let him go. If we can stay by Miss Yang's side, we've done something." Mother Bao looked at Bao Bai with a haggard look, but she didn't intend to stop him.

at this time--

Bao Bai's eyes were fixed on the coin in front of him, and when everyone was puzzled, the coin in front of him suddenly hung in the air, as if hanging by a thread.


Ye Fei, who originally had a calm expression, froze for a moment, and said in disbelief, "Are you playing acrobatics?"

"This gentleman, it's not acrobatics. We can stare at something and then let it levitate. The most powerful time, my younger brother levitated a stone weighing more than ten kilograms." Bao Qing who was next to him quickly looked at Ye Fei and explained Said: "We are born with this ability, but I haven't developed it much. At most, I can only levitate a few kilograms of things."

"Really? The natural ability seems to be very powerful!"

Ye Fei immediately took a step forward and swayed in front of Bao Bai. There was really no such thing as a hanging wire. This is really a skill, and it is still somewhat unbelievable. , Ye Fei would really doubt whether these two people had really practiced.

Obviously, it was under the control of Bao Bai's mind that he got the coin up!


Yang Manying looked at the scene in front of her, her beautiful eyes flashed, she recovered immediately, and walked to the side with an expression of not being interested.

"Yang...Miss Yang, Miss Yang..."

Bao Bai immediately looked at Yang Manying with a begging face. He didn't want his father to be immersed in regret and self-blame like before. He even guessed that after seeing Yang Manying today, 80.00% of his father would do something stupid, but It was useless for them to persuade them for so many years. If Bao Gang really wanted to do something stupid, they really had nothing to do.

But Yang Manying didn't want to get entangled in this matter at all at this time, so she left directly towards the outside.

"Mister, are Miss Yang's husband? I can...can do a lot of things, just tell Miss Yang, otherwise my dad...he might do something stupid Come on!"

As he said that, Bao Bai suddenly jumped and hugged Ye Fei's leg.


Ye Fei immediately glanced at Baobai who was hugging his leg with a speechless face. If there were no one there, he might have kicked Baobai away, but now it is in the public, and this is still the case.

"Come on, what are you still doing there?"

Yang Manying suddenly turned to look at Ye Fei, and urged with a cold face.

"I think so too, but look below!"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with a mournful face, turned his head, looked at Yang Manying and said, "Why don't you take him back and do some hard work, and his ability, if trained professionally, will make him a good bodyguard!"

"are you crazy?"

Yang Manying glanced at the person next to her, and immediately cursed angrily.

"Really, let's take it back. His ability is indeed a little different. Maybe he can help us a lot in the future!" Ye Fei glanced at Baobai, and said that taking this guy back for training might really make a difference. , a person born with this special ability is definitely not easy.

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying with deep meaning. After all, the next enemy was not easy. Ye Fei also gradually realized that he would not be able to do it all by himself, and it was impossible for him to stay by Yang Manying's side all day long.

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei's expression, and her beautiful eyes suddenly became complicated. She knew that Ye Fei wanted to help her deal with Yan Han, but it would be very difficult to rely on him alone. Bao Bai looked at Ye Fei with a bite and said, "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't bore me."

After leaving a word coldly, Yang Manying walked straight out of the police hall.

Hearing Yang Manying's words, Ye Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, her meaning was acquiesced, and immediately he looked at Bao Bai and said: "Let go, now I think you should get along with your family, so, Baimei International, you know? Report to Baimei International at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will arrange for you to do something by then!"

"Okay, Baimei International? I know, I know..."

Bao Bai quickly let go of Ye Fei's leg, and nodded excitedly.

"Okay, that's it, you can come tomorrow."

Ye Fei waved his hand, and then Xu Qing said: "Officer Xu, thank you this time, and treat you to dinner when I have time, hehe."

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much."

Bao Gang looked at Ye Fei gratefully, since they accepted Bao Bai, he felt much better.

"Be a good person in the future, hey!"

Ye Fei glanced at Bao Gang, sighed and waved his hands, and then walked out of the police hall under the eyes of everyone.

Outside the police hall.

"Why do you have to accept that person?"

As soon as Ye Fei got into the car, Yang Manying asked in a questioning tone.

"That person is indeed a bit special. Accept him for training. Maybe it will be useful in the future. After all, I can't protect you every day."

Ye Fei got into the car and started the car and continued: "Besides, don't you feel that something is getting worse recently? You seem to have a lot of enemies. I will call someone to protect you in a few days."

"Call someone? Who is it?"

Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei in puzzlement and asked.

"The ones I trained with."

Ye Fei smiled as he drove, and said slyly.


PS: Thank you for your rewards and support, especially today, the children's shoes of "Lingling Little Happiness", which was originally updated four times today, um, I won't explain the details, of course, I also want to thank everyone, and the children's shoes of "Doctor" .

 Thank you for your support, especially today, the 'Lingling Little Happiness' children's shoes, which was originally updated four times today, um, I won't explain the details, of course I also want to thank everyone, and the 'Doctor' children's shoes.

(End of this chapter)

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