super agent

Chapter 195 Despised?

Chapter 195 Despised?

Ye Fei and Yang Manying headed straight to the company. After all, Yang Manying had a lot of things recently and couldn't bear too much waste.

And at this time, around eight o'clock.

A soft and tall figure appeared at the door of Yang Manying's house. She hesitated left and right to knock on the door, with a look of apprehension flashing on her gentle face.

This soft and beautiful woman was naturally Shangguan Fei'er who rushed from home to Yang Manying's home early in the morning. She was dressed in a lace white dress, which made her look more innocent and gentle, as soft as water.

"What should I do? Should I knock on the door? Once the incident really gets out of hand, Manying and I..." Shangguan Fei'er looked at the door of Yang Manying's house with complicated eyes, and wanted to knock on the door, but she was afraid Too much trouble involved.

All of this was because she went to meet the person she least wanted to see in her life yesterday - Niu Dahai.

But in order to know the answer, she brought Ye Fei's current photo to find Niu Dahai. Niu Dahai confirmed at a glance that Ye Fei was really Brother Fei who had been taking care of her and protecting her many years ago...

After learning the news, she was both happy and worried. The happy thing is that she finally found the boy who has been dreaming of her for so many years. He has appeared and he has become better than before. The affection gave her finally a place to be released.

But what is worrying is that that man has become someone else's husband, and it is also her best friend's, which makes her emotions very complicated. There is such a sentence in the Internet terms these days.

Fireproof, anti-theft, anti-girlfriend!
Do I really want to fall out with Yang Manying because of this kind of thing?

"No, I can't, Man Ying took good care of me back then, how could I do such a thing?"

After a moment of contemplation, Shangguan Fei'er shook her head, turned around and was about to leave, but she stopped after taking two steps, turned her head to look at the door of Yang Manying's house and said to herself: "Brother Ye Fei took care of me so much back then, but now I know it's him, If you don't agree..."

Thinking about it, Shangguan Fei'er turned around again, with a nervous look on her face, mustered up the courage to take a deep breath, walked to the door, and knocked.

After a while, footsteps came from inside the villa.

The door opened, and Wang Ma poked her head out to look outside. When she saw a pure and gentle young woman, she immediately smiled and said, "Girl, who are you looking for?"

"Are you Wang Ma?"

Shangguan Fei'er looked at Wang Ma with a pretty face, and introduced herself, "I am Manying's best friend before. My name is Shangguan Fei'er."

"Oh, Shangguan Fei'er?"

Wang Ma pondered for a moment, then remembered something, and quickly opened the door completely: "I remembered, the young lady said before that she had a good time with a girl when she was studying, and she was also a beautiful woman. I didn't expect it to be Miss Shangguan, come in and sit down." Bar."

"Ah, no, no, no, I just want to ask if Man Ying is there?"

Shangguan Fei'er waved her hand and looked inside the villa.

"Miss and Uncle went out early in the morning." Wang Ma explained with a look of regret.

"Go... go out?"

Shangguan Fei'er was taken aback immediately. Originally, she asked Yang Manying if she had left. If she had left, she would go in and talk to Ye Fei, but unexpectedly, Ye Fei also went out early in the morning.

"Yeah, let's go to the company. Are you in a hurry? How about I call Miss?" Wang Ma nodded her head.

"Oh, no, I have Manying's phone number!"

Shangguan Fei'er shook her head, her pretty face suddenly revealed a look of struggle, and she immediately asked, "Mother Wang, I want to ask, do you have Ye Fei's phone number?"

She thought about it for a while, but she still wanted to call Ye Fei, and then send him a message instead of contacting him face to face.

" want my uncle's phone number?"

Wang Ma immediately looked at Shangguan Fei'er with a puzzled face. Why did this young lady's best friend ask for my uncle's phone number so directly?

"Uh, yes, if it's inconvenient for you, Mama Wang, then forget it. I'll ask Manying later!" Shangguan Fei'er nodded in amazement.

"Hehe, it's okay, I have his phone number, I'll look it up for you!"

Wang Ma smiled, didn't think too much, and directly helped Shangguan Fei'er to look up the phone record.


Shangguan Fei'er pursed her lips, left Yang Manying's house with her mobile phone in her hand, and looked at the phone number, her whole body became refreshed.

"Send a message first, talk to Ye Fei like a stranger, and see how he feels about me."

Shangguan Fei'er took the phone and planned to send a message to Ye Fei, but after typing a few words, she felt dissatisfied, so she deleted it and entered it again...

At this time, Ye Fei drove Yang Manying to the door of the company. When Yang Manying was about to open the door and get off the car to leave, Ye Fei suddenly asked, "By the way, when will the new product be officially on sale?"

"Why do you ask this?"

Yang Manying got out of the car and held the door to open Ye Fei. She felt that the sun was coming out from the west. This guy actually cares about new products?

"I'm going to the hotel. Then Qian Songyi will definitely ask me this question. Say hello now so I won't have to call you later!" Ye Fei looked up at Yang Manying helplessly and said.

"Just within this week!"

Yang Manying pondered for a moment to answer.

"Well, it's already Thursday!"

Ye Fei looked at his phone, then raised his head and said to Yang Manying.

"Don't worry, the production efficiency of new products has been accelerated recently, and the first batch of products will be released soon!" Yang Manying waved her hand.

"Okay then, I'll go first."

Ye Fei nodded and drove towards Joy Lizun Hotel.

At the entrance of the hotel, Ye Fei parked the car, opened the door, and walked straight into the hotel. I haven't seen him for a few days. I don't know if Qian Songyi and the others are crazy. He intends to leave as soon as possible.

Ye Fei took the elevator and soon came upstairs. After going upstairs, he went directly to Room 007, came to the door, and knocked on the door.

"You still know it's coming? We've been hanging here for a few days."

When the door opened, Liu Na frowned and cursed at Ye Fei.

"I've been a little busy recently, isn't it here now!"

Ye Fei smiled and opened the door and walked into the hotel. As soon as he entered, he saw the scene of the bedroom, which immediately made his blood boil.

I saw a graceful and graceful, lazy figure lying flat on the bed. Qian Songyi was dressed so bloody at this time, showing a seductive visual feast.

"Uh, this dress..."

Ye Fei touched his nose, took out a cigarette, diverted his attention as much as possible, lit the cigarette, he glanced at Liu Na, only to see Liu Na glaring at Ye Fei, then turned and walked towards the living room.

"Is this dress as sexy as your wife's?"

Qian Songyi's delicate body moved, her beautiful eyes blinked at Ye Feifang.

"You're planning to fuck me. I'm capable of anything, but I just can't concentrate. Don't force me!"

Ye Fei was smoking a cigarette, scanning Qian Songyi's delicate body with a smirk on his face.

"Heck~~~ I don't see any reaction from you!"

Qian Songyi giggled, glanced at Ye Fei and joked.

 One more!

(End of this chapter)

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