super agent

Chapter 202

Chapter 202
After hesitating for a moment, Ye Fei answered the phone and said, "Hey, I know, the seaside beach, the Harbor Hotel, it doesn't start until nine o'clock, it's not even seven o'clock now."

"It starts at nine o'clock, but I just found out that I will go to sea later. Tang Linjun has rented a luxury cruise ship, and the wedding will be held on the cruise ship!" Guan Xin's eager voice came.

"Get married on a cruise ship? Oh my god, it's quite romantic!"

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes lit up, "By the way, if I take you away, will you still contact your family? I guess I won't."

"I'm going to do what I want to do, and I'll go home in a year or two." Guan Xin said with a somewhat lonely tone.

"Well, if it turns out to be like this, then it's easy to handle." Ye Fei replied with a smile, the days are too boring, just to have some fun, and to take care of Guan Xin.

"What are you going to do?"

Guan Xin asked worriedly, she was really afraid that Ye Fei would screw her up today, if that happened, she would really marry Tang Linjun.

"Just wait and see, I will give you a satisfactory result!" Ye Fei said sarcastically.

"Okay, I believe you, if you dare to disappoint me this time, you will see the headlines tomorrow." Guan Xin heard Ye Fei say this, and didn't bother to ask, if Ye Fei couldn't do it Well, even if she is shameless, she still wants to fart with this bastard.

Immediately, Guan Xin hung up the phone.

Ye Fei was holding the phone, his face full of helplessness, now he was making a fuss, but now he couldn't do anything, he immediately opened the address book, found Susan's number, and dialed.

"Hey~~~ You're going to die, calling so early in the morning?" Susan's tired and lazy curse came.

"It's urgent!"

Ye Fei quickly explained.

"What's the urgency?"

Susan asked slowly.

"Lend me someone."

Ye Fei replied.

"Borrower?" Susan didn't react immediately, and said, "Why do you need someone?"

"Of course it's useful. I'm going to do something and I need some people to join in the fun. You can call twenty or thirty younger brothers for me." Ye Fei didn't bother to explain, and continued: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course, no problem. I need someone to say something."

Susan thought about it, but didn't ask any specific questions, so she agreed directly, "I'll ask them to come to your house later?"

"No, don't come to my house." Ye Fei immediately denied it, and then explained: "Tell them to go to the place near the Harbor Hotel on the seaside beach, rent an older cruise ship with a big atmosphere, and arrange a few ships on it."

"Uh, what are you planning to do? Go to sea?" Susan asked without knowing why.

"It's not over yet."

Ye Fei continued: "Going out to sea is true, but it's not just going out to sea, do you know about pirates?"

"I know, why? Trouble with the pirates?" Susan asked curiously.

"Play pirate!"

Ye Fei opened his mouth and said.

"Pretend to be a pirate? Which song is this song from?" Susan couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Okay, don't worry about it, just treat me as a self-entertainer, ask your little brothers to dress up as pirates, give me a whole set of pirate captain's costumes, and I will also dress up when the time comes." Ye Fei didn't intend to explain too much, After all, what he has to do today is not a very glorious thing, he thought for a while and continued: "Also, you send three or five smarter brothers to the Harbor Hotel to attend a wedding, and then go on a cruise with those people , and then specifically how to do it, I will contact them."

"Okay then, I'll make arrangements."

Susan yawned, she didn't bother to ask, and quickly agreed that she still had to sleep for her beauty sleep.

"Well, the sooner the better, I will go to the beach to find them at 08:30, and you will give me the phone number of the lead brother." Ye Fei nodded immediately.

"Okay, don't worry about my work, hang up."

Immediately, Susan hung up the phone.

"Hey, I have something to play today."

Ye Fei smiled and looked at the time. It was only seven o'clock, but he didn't feel sleepy at all, so he got up immediately and walked to the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Ye Fei took a cold shower, wiped his wet hair, came out of the bathroom, walked to the mirror, and dried his hair in the mirror in a good mood.

What I did today was my first experience. It would seem interesting to develop it according to his plan.

Soon, Ye Fei changed into casual clothes and took a picture in front of the mirror. After feeling pretty good, he took a look at the time. It was 07:30, and immediately opened the door and walked towards the living room.

As soon as he came to the living room, he happened to see Yang Manying in pajamas sitting on the sofa watching the news. Ye Fei walked up to Yang Manying and said hello, "Hey, my wife, I won't go to work today. I have something to do at the moment."

"It doesn't matter if you go or not."

Yang Manying without makeup is still extremely beautiful, she glared at Ye Fei, and when she saw Ye Fei was about to go out, she suddenly thought of something, she sat up straight and shouted at Ye Fei: "Wait a minute, you're not going to the company today? "

"Yeah, something happened today."

Ye Fei stopped and watched Yang Manying nodded.

"whats the matter?"

Yang Manying asked with an abnormal expression.

"I have to take care of this?" Ye Fei was taken aback, the sun came out from the west, Yang Manying would actually take care of his own affairs, but after thinking about it, he touched his nose and said, "Go to the wedding."

"A wedding? Are you going to wear this? Also, whose wedding is it?" Yang Manying asked Ye Fei with her beautiful eyes sizing up and down.

"I always have some friends." Ye Fei would not tell the truth directly.

"Okay, it's up to you, but did you forget that you promised that white-handed person yesterday that he would report to the company today?" Yang Manying said what she really wanted to say.

"Uh, I almost forgot, can you deal with it?" Ye Fei reacted immediately after hearing this.

"I'll handle it? You're thinking too much, it's the job you took on yourself, and you can handle it yourself. If you can't handle it well, don't blame me for being cruel!" Yang Manying smiled lightly, then looked at Ye Fei viciously and warned.

"Okay, I'll handle it."

Ye Fei had no choice but to respond immediately.

Immediately, Ye Fei opened the door and walked outside the villa, walked straight to his car, opened the door and got in the car.

Ye Fei drove the car away from home, originally planning to go straight to the beach, but now he has no choice but to go to Baimei International.

Fortunately, there was still some time before the rush hour, and the road was not too crowded. Ye Fei accelerated all the way to Baimei International, and it was almost eight o'clock.

After he drove to the gate of Baimei International, he immediately saw a tall and burly man in a loose black suit standing at the gate of Baimei International, looking up and down at the surrounding with a simple and honest expression. surroundings.

Ye Fei glanced at the burly man at the door whose suit was washed white, giving him the appearance of a countryman entering the city, smiled and said, "It's a good thing this guy is here, otherwise we have to wait for him."

The burly man is naturally Bao Gang's youngest son, Bao Bai.


Ye Fei drove to Bao Bai and shouted at him.

Bao Bai looked around, and found that he was calling himself, so he quickly took a look into the car, and found that the person in the car was the same Mr. Ye from yesterday, so he ran up to Ye Fei and respectfully said, "Mr. Ye, you finally coming."

"Well, don't talk nonsense, get in the car." Ye Fei nodded.

"Uh, isn't the company here? Where are you going in the car?"

Bao Bai was taken aback, and glanced at Baimei International in front of him.

"Come with me to a wedding!"

Ye Fei helplessly explained to Baobai.


PS: Today’s first update, I’m sorry everyone, today Xiao Zeng is wearing glasses, and then I have some things to do. The next update may be late, and I can’t guarantee the exact number of Xiao Zeng. Anyway, I will try my best to write in the evening. The plot is about to be staged, so stay tuned!
 Today’s first update, sorry everyone, today Xiao Zeng is wearing glasses, and then I have some things to do. The next update may be late at night. I can’t guarantee the exact number of Xiao Zeng. Anyway, I will try my best to write in the evening. It will be staged soon, so stay tuned!
(End of this chapter)

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