super agent

Chapter 203 Playing Pirate

Chapter 203 Playing Pirate

Today, the Harbor Hotel on the seaside beach is very lively, high-end cars are parked at the entrance of the hotel, just the facade gives people a happy atmosphere, a warm big poster at the gate is a wedding photo of a couple, The woman is delicate and charming, and the man is handsome and handsome. Anyone who sees this couple will appreciate it, it is a match made in heaven.

The people who came in and out of the door were all well-dressed gentlemen and ladies. At this moment, Tang Linjun, who was wearing a white suit and a red firework on his chest, was standing at the door happily to welcome the guests with a joyful expression on his face.

Tang Linjun is very happy today, because he is about to officially marry Guan Xin. This is his greatest wish for a long time. Relieved, how can there be so many first-hand goods these days.

It is enough to be able to marry back and carry on the family line. Of course, these are not what Tang Linjun desires the most. His greatest goal was for Guan Xin when Guan Xin was not with other men, but it is different now. It would be a little uncomfortable, so now he really wants to marry Guan Xin because of the wealth of Guan Xin's family.

"Congratulations Lin Jun!"

A calm middle-aged man came to the door, nodded and smiled at Tang Linjun.

"Hehe, invite Uncle Zhao inside, the cruise ship is coming soon, everyone go in and have a rest first, the wedding will be held on the cruise ship." Tang Linjun looked at the middle-aged man, and immediately smiled with a humble expression on his face.

"Yeah, young man is good!" The middle-aged man surnamed Zhao nodded and walked in.

Next, a number of well-known figures in their circle came one after another. As today's protagonist, Tang Linjun naturally showed the image of a good man to the fullest.

At this time, in a VIP room of the Harbor Hotel.

"Damn it, it's already [-]:[-], and the bastard hasn't come yet, so he shouldn't just let himself go?" Guan Xin, who was wearing a low-cut white wedding dress, was sitting in front of the mirror, gnashing her teeth. Cursing angrily, today she is also one of the protagonists, but she is extremely disgusted, and does not have the joy and sweetness that a bride should have.

Immediately, Guan Xin stretched out her right hand covered with a long silver gauze glove to pick up the mobile phone placed on the table, and was about to make a call.


The door of the room was opened, and Guan Zhenhai, who was dressed in a shiny black suit, walked in with a smile, came to Guan Xin, and said with a smile: "Xiaoxin, the cruise ship is here, today you will become the happiest bride, Lin Jun How wonderful that child is, I believe you will be happy marrying him."

"That's not the happiness I want!"

Guan Xin immediately put down the phone and said with a blank expression.


Guan Zhenhai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said: "Okay, okay, let's stop arguing on today's big day, parents must want their children to be happy, dad has done so much for your own good, come on , I will take your hand and lead you for the last time, and Lin Jun will lead you in the future."

Guan Xin stood up with a cold face, glanced at Guan Zhenhai, and then put her hand on Guan Zhenhai's. Now she can't do anything, but she scolded Ye Fei in her heart, and she is about to cruise, and the bastard hasn't come yet , when she married Tang Linjun directly on the cruise ship, it would be completely over.

Immediately, Guan Zhenhai led Guan Xin towards the wedding scene.


At this time, Ye Fei was driving his car to the beach.

"get off!"

Ye Fei drove to the seaside beach, saw a few vans parked next to him, quickly stopped the car, opened the door and got off, and at the same time did not forget to call Bao Bai who was sitting next to him.

"Ah? It's here!"

Bao Bai looked outside with a confused face, and immediately opened the door and got out of the car.

"Come with me."

Ye Fei closed the door and locked the car, then shook his head at Baobai, and immediately walked towards the vans.

At this time, the van opened, and a burly young man in a wrinkled yellow vest and white camouflage uniform got out of the car, came to Ye Fei respectfully and said, "Brother Fei, everything is ready, just wait You came."

"Hehe, this looks good, looks good, what's your name?" Ye Fei patted the burly young man and nodded in satisfaction.

"Call me Ah Meng!"

When the burly young man faced Ye Fei, he smiled shyly, which didn't match his appearance at all.

"Is the big ship ready?" Ye Fei nodded and asked.

"Get ready, look there, the brothers are almost on board, and they are waiting for you." Ah Meng stretched out his finger and pointed to the beach a few hundred meters away. There was a large boat, which looked relatively old. Old, it should be the boat that fishermen usually use for fishing, but this boat is very big, one to two hundred square meters, and it is like a house when it is parked by the sea.

"Well, that's right, but the pirate's flags..." Ye Fei immediately looked sideways, and they looked quite decent.

"Everything that needs to be prepared is ready. Didn't Sister Susan say to play pirates? We understand!" Ah Meng patted his chest and said to himself.

"Okay, do you have any clothes for me?"

Ye Fei nodded and asked.

"Of course, you are the captain, everything is inside." Ah Meng smiled and opened the van door.

"Wait a minute." When Ye Fei was about to walk in, he realized Bao Bai behind him, and quickly patted Ah Meng's shoulder, turned his head to look at Bao Bai and said, "How many clothes are there?"

"This brother's?" Ah Meng glanced at Bao Bai, then nodded and said, "Yes."

"Come in together."

Ye Fei shook his head at Bao Bai, and immediately walked into the van.

"oh oh."

Bao Bai still hasn't figured out what the situation is, so he has to follow Ye Fei as he pleases.

5 minute later.

Ye Fei came out wearing a camouflage uniform, a full beard, and a hat with a white skull painted on it. He looked at his current appearance on the rearview mirror of the mirror van.

"It looks a bit like it, I feel like I have changed a lot." Ye Fei stroked his thick beard with a wicked look on his face. After the whole person was dressed up, he didn't even recognize himself. He turned to look at Ah He said fiercely, "What do you think?"

"I feel that this kind of image suits you!" Ah Meng looked at Ye Fei and smiled. After all, he also saw Ye Fei's attack that time. It is really impossible to imagine that such a handsome and thin man is so powerful and completely different. It fits his image, but today's outfit is somewhat in line with the powerful Ye Fei.

"Uh, Mr. Ye, aren't we going to the wedding? Why are you dressed like this?" Asked Ye Fei, who was wearing a military green vest and camouflage pants, looking at Ye Fei in a daze. It does look a bit ferocious.

"You'll know then."

Ye Fei took off the 'captain' hat, and then walked towards the big boat on the beach first, and said to himself: "It's about to set sail."

"Let's go, brother, you'll know when the time comes, anyway, following Brother Fei is a very cool thing!"

Ah Meng pulled out his hand from his waist, took out a gun and threw it to Bao Bai, and hurriedly stepped forward to follow Ye Fei.


Bao Bai subconsciously took the things Ah Meng threw, and was startled immediately. He glanced at the two people who were walking towards the beach with complicated expressions, hesitated for a moment, looked left and right, and quickly stuffed the gun into the waistband of his trousers. The inside also followed.


PS: Today's second update, Xiao Zeng will continue to work hard, I hope everyone will support it!
 Today's second update, Xiao Zeng will continue to work hard, I hope everyone will support it!
(End of this chapter)

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