super agent

Chapter 204 Jun 1

Chapter 204

Immediately, Ye Fei, Ah Meng and Bao Bai quickly stepped onto the boat.

After boarding the boat, I saw twenty or thirty burly men in vest camouflage uniforms and a rough appearance, chatting and laughing in twos and threes.

"Cough cough~~"

Ye Fei got on the boat and walked into the cabin and coughed twice.

Immediately, the five big and three thick men in the cabin looked out one after another, and everyone looked at the bearded man in front of them and felt very strange.

"Uh, this is Phineas!"

Ah Meng came up from behind and immediately explained to everyone.

"Brother Fei!"

"Hi Brother Fei!"


When everyone heard this, they immediately reacted and looked at Ye Fei respectfully to say hello.

"Hehe, I'm going to trouble you brothers this time."

Ye Fei smiled lightly and waved his hands at everyone, then took out his mobile phone to check the time and said, "Let's set sail."


Immediately, a burly man nodded and walked into the inner cabin.

Seeing this, Ye Fei walked into the cabin with a smile, glanced at everyone, and said, "I don't know what Susan told you, but this time it's just for fun."

"Not to mention, we are also very happy. It must be very exciting to follow Brother Fei!" A young man looked at Ye Fei with reverence and smiled.

"Hehe, let's set sail."

Ye Fei immediately waved his hand and said to everyone with a chuckle.

Immediately, the boat of Ye Fei and others sailed towards the sea.

At this time, a beaming luxury cruise ship was sailing towards the sea. This time, the cruise ship prepared by the Tang family would go to Jinmu Bay, and the cruise ship would stay in Jinmu Bay for a day to revel in the wedding.

At this time, the wedding has not officially started, but the banquet hall of the cruise ship has already begun to be very lively. Hundreds of luxuriously dressed gentlemen, celebrities, and VIPs come and toast and chat with each other. Around the venue, there are dozens of large ultra-thin TV screens A romantic love clip is being played, and the melodious and festive melody makes everyone feel happy.

Of course, most of the VIPs who came and went were relatives and friends of the Tang family and the Guan family, as well as some business partners, but people from those large enterprises in Zhonghai City did not come, even if they were called. Second, they are actually the Tang family who have selfish intentions and don't want to cause too much trouble. The marriage between the Tang family and the Guan family will definitely make the company bigger, and it may affect the status of several major families in Zhonghai City, causing them to go to the back deal with them.

Guan Zhenhai and Tang Linjun's father, Tang Zhengde, went on stage together, and began to make pre-marital speeches about their children's wedding.

"Old Guan, after so many years, we have finally become in-laws." Tang Zhengde glanced at the crowd below, seeing that the two newcomers hadn't arrived yet, he quickly leaned over to Guan Zhenhai and laughed in a low voice.

"Yeah, I've been waiting for so many years, Lin Jun really has nothing to say, but my family Xiaoxin treated Lin Jun badly after marrying." Guan Zhenhai shook his head and sighed.

"What is Laoguan talking about? Today is such a festive day!" Tang Zhengde said with a frown, pretending to be displeased.

"Hehe, yes, let's not talk about the past." Guan Zhenhai frowned, nodded and smiled.


Tang Zhengde nodded, and seeing that Tang Linjun and Guan Xin hadn't arrived yet, he quickly called an assistant and said in a low voice, "Young master and Miss Guan Xin are not ready yet?"

"Almost all right."

The assistant stepped forward and nodded.


Tang Zhengde nodded, and asked in a low voice, "The boat is fixed just now, did it arrive at Jinmu Bay?"


The assistant responded lightly.

Tang Zhengde glanced at the Rolex watch in his hand, it was already twelve o'clock, and immediately he looked at Guan Zhenhai and said, "Shall the wedding begin?"


Guan Zhenhai looked at the time and nodded.


Tang Zhengde smiled, and then said to the assistant: "Call the pastor to come on stage, the wedding will begin now."

"Yes, Chairman."

The assistant nodded and left.

Not long after, following the announcement on the radio, all the guests present began to return to their reserved seats, and the red carpet road in the middle was filled with gorgeous flowers on both sides.

At the same time, solemn and beautiful piano music sounded at the venue, and the high-pitched melody echoed throughout the cruise ship.

Immediately, the master of ceremonies announced, "The bride and groom are entering the venue," and everyone turned their heads to the door in the direction of entry.

Tang Zhengde had already taken his seat directly in front of the stage, while Guan Zhenhai went backstage to help Guan Xin into the arena.


The high-pitched music suddenly sounded, and a couple of newlyweds were slowly walking on the red carpet, heading towards the stage.

At this moment, Tang Linjun was holding Guan Xin in one arm, with an energetic expression on his face, filled with joy and excitement.

On the other hand, Guan Xin's face was not very good-looking. She looked at everything around her with a cold face, and scolded Ye Fei in her heart. How dare this bastard let her go at such a critical moment? She wanted to jump into the sea, but she really didn't want to do it, otherwise, her father would be alone.

"Bastard, if I knew it earlier, I would have run away alone. I believed in the wrong guy." Guan Xin was absent-mindedly walking on the red carpet, cursing inwardly.

"In this golden autumn, let's witness the coming together of this talented couple." The priest on the stage saw Tang Linjun and Guan Xin coming off the stage, and immediately said loudly with a microphone.

Then, Guan Zhenhai helped Guan Xin onto the stage, and Tang Linjun stood beside him, waiting quietly.

"Okay, let's officially start the wedding." The pastor looked at Tang Linjun and Guan Xin in front of him with kind eyes, and then nodded to Guan Zhenhai.

Guan Zhenhai knowingly left towards the bottom of the stage.

After seeing Guan Zhenhai going down, the pastor looked at the two with a smile and said, "Okay, are you ready?"

Tang Linjun reached into his pocket and took out the ring box, and nodded with a bright smile on his face. Seeing Guan Xin in a daze, he quickly touched Guan Xin.


Guan Xin glanced at Tang Linjun in astonishment, and seeing that he was swinging the ring at him, he immediately reacted and spread his palms reluctantly.

"Okay, now I'm asking the two of you according to God's instructions, and you must answer sincerely!" The pastor nodded and glanced at the crowd below.

Immediately, the people who were originally whispering in twos and threes below stopped their voices and turned their eyes to the stage.

"Mr. Tang Linjun, are you willing to understand this person's love for you, respond to his love, and recognize her as your legal wife?" the pastor asked Guan Xin while holding the microphone.

"I am willing!"

Tang Linjun nodded firmly and glanced at Guan Xin next to him.


The pastor nodded, then looked at Guan Xin and said, "Miss Guan Xin, are you willing to understand this man's love for you, respond to his love, and recognize him as your legal husband?"


Immediately, the eyes of everyone present all focused on Guan Xin.

Guan Xin's pretty face changed drastically, she glanced at the handsome Tang Linjun next to her, and then at the sky, "I...I..."


At this moment, the dull sound of the ship's engine was heard, and the originally stationary cruise ship suddenly started and moved forward at an extremely fast speed.

"what happened?"

Tang Zhengde stood up staggeringly and asked loudly to the assistant next to him.

"No... I don't know, the cruise ship suddenly started." The assistant was crying, not knowing what happened.

At some point, the images on the dozen or so huge screens in the entire venue changed, and a young man dressed as a waiter appeared. At this moment, behind the young man was the rudder of a ship. After the picture became clear, the young man grinned : "Welcome everyone to take this cruise ship, everyone, don't panic, the good show will be staged soon!"



PS: I'm sorry, only the third watch today, Xiao Zeng is a bit tired from busy work today, hope everyone understands.

 I'm sorry, it's only the third watch today, Xiao Zeng is a bit tired from busy work today, hope everyone understands.

(End of this chapter)

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