super agent

Chapter 205 The Bearded Captain

Chapter 205 The Bearded Captain

Everyone, don't panic, what the hell said is too funny, in this situation, people who don't panic are fools.

Immediately, the solemn and solemn wedding scene became noisy and panicked, and the faces of the guests changed drastically. Some even wanted to put down the speedboat to escape.

"Everyone, don't panic, I'll call the police now!" Tang Zhengde yelled as soon as he saw that the scene was out of control.

However, at this time, who the hell cares about him? The guests are walking around looking for opportunities to escape. Today, they probably encountered some kind of desperado.

"Oh yes, let me tell you that we are already in the high seas at this moment. I believe there is no need to explain the high seas, right? I heard that there are many sharks in this sea area. If you escape by speedboat, it may be a bit dangerous. If you don't want to die, you should be honest. Standing on the deck..." At this time, the young man on the big screen in front of him smiled at everyone with a smile on his face.

According to international law, it is about 22 kilometers away from the mainland, which belongs to the non-territorial sea area, and Jinmu Bay is really close to the high seas.

Suddenly, the people who were still running around stood in place and calmed down one by one. They were all knowledgeable people present. When they came to the high seas, it was really over. They could only let it go, or they would die directly.

At this moment, the guests present scolded Tang Zhengde and Guan Zhenhai all over the place. Damn, if you get married, you should marry well, and why the fuck would you go to sea to play romance?

At this moment, the sky is blue, the sea breeze is blowing, and the waves are rolling.

The Tang family's cruise ship had slowed down at some point and was moving forward slowly.

At this moment, an old-looking large ship sailed towards it from a distance, and a flag waving in the wind was extremely eye-catching, and it could be seen from a long distance, it was actually a skull flag!

Some people may not have seen this kind of ancient flag once in their life, but even if they haven't seen the real thing, they know what it represents-pirates! ! !
Damn it, I actually met pirates under such circumstances, but the cruise ship was obviously hijacked by the people on board. Could it be that the pirates already know how to go undercover, infiltrate people into the luxury cruise ship, and then control the cruise ship?
Guan Xin, who was saying the oath on the stage, immediately looked at the big screen with twinkling beautiful eyes, and thought to himself: This guy said he had a way before, so it must be this way, right?

After all, this matter is indeed too strange. How could a good pirate hijack a married cruise ship? Of course, this is not necessarily the case. The people on this ship are all rich people, and doing this is a big deal what!
"Xiaoxin, let's get married later, the situation is a little out of control now!" Tang Linjun felt embarrassed to continue getting married under such circumstances.


Guan Xin nodded.

Just then, the cruise ship stopped.

However, none of the guests at this time thought about running away, because they were very clear about the previous warning, and these pirates were probably just robbing some money.

At this time, the pirate ship had already arrived, and there were twenty or thirty pirates with ferocious faces and large guns standing on the deck, staring at the front with playful expressions.

Immediately, when the two ships were almost close together, the 'pirates' rushed towards Tang's cruise ship with their guns raised.

Soon, twenty or thirty pirates landed on the cruise ship, threatening the guests with guns to stand on a corner of the deck.

At this time, Ye Fei had a big beard and a one-eyed eyepatch on his face. He was holding an old-style revolver in his hand, and he was wearing a skull cap. The appearance of the pirate captain, he was accompanied by Ah Meng and Bao Bai, when they saw other people set foot on the cruise ship, they immediately set foot on the cruise ship, leaving only a few people to guard their ship.

"Hi everyone, I'm the bearded captain!"

Ye Fei came to the crowd, glanced at the crowd, his gaze stayed on Guan Xin in a wedding dress for a moment, and then lowered his voice and said.


At this time, three people walked out of the cockpit in front of the cruise ship, among them was the young man, who was the bartender Xiao Zhang of Santiago. At this time, he was holding two pistols and came to Ye Fei nodded back and forth.

"The bearded captain?"

After Tang Zhengde heard Ye Fei's words, he was taken aback immediately, pondered for a moment, stepped forward and asked, "Captain Big Beard, I have dealt with some pirates on the high seas around me, I wonder who you are?"

The bullets responded to Tang Zhengde.

"Back off!"

Ye Fei put the muzzle of the revolver that was emitting white smoke to his mouth and blew gently, glanced at Tang Zhengde and shouted in a low voice.


Seeing this, Tang Linjun immediately went forward and dragged Tang Zheng back. Then he looked at Ye Fei and said, "Captain the bearded man, I know you are asking for money, and we are willing to compromise."

"Oh? It seems that you young man is quite sensible." Ye Fei stroked his beard and walked to Tang Linjun with a smile on his face, and said, "Then how much do you plan to give?"

Tang Linjun looked at the bearded captain who was one meter away, and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu, especially those eyes, but he didn't dare to think about it at such a moment, so he quickly reacted and smiled, "It's up to you."

After finishing speaking, Tang Linjun glanced at Tang Zhengde, then at Guan Zhenhai and Guan Xin who was beside him, and the two old men immediately nodded.

"One billion!"

Ye Fei thought for a while, glanced at the people present and said.

billion? !
As soon as Ye Fei reported this figure, Tang Linjun and Tang Zhengde were so scared that they almost fell down. This astronomical figure is equivalent to the total assets of their Tang family, and it is not even enough. This is too damn cruel.

"Captain the bearded man, you are too ruthless. Open your mouth and ask for a billion!" Guan Zhenhai glanced at the father and son of the Tang family, and then looked at Ye Fei with a gloomy expression.

Ye Fei shook his head and smiled and said: "It's normal for such a boatload of rich people to ask for one billion. If you don't give it, then we will ask for it one by one. I think it's not difficult to get tens of millions from everyone here." ?”

"Tang Zhengde, we were brought out by your Tang family, so we naturally asked you to pay, so why should we pay ourselves?"

"Yeah, you shouldn't have held a wedding at sea in the first place, and you're still playing romantic games. This will hurt everyone, right?"

"The Tang family and the Guan family are fully responsible, or we will not kill you two when we return to Zhonghai City."

All of a sudden, the guests at the rear started to talk one after another. At first they thought they were going to pay for it, but they didn't expect this bearded captain to be so fair and ask the Tang family for money. When this happened, they naturally The Tang family and the Guan family must be forced to pay.

"Otherwise, if everyone can force the Tang family to pay money today, that's fine. Anyway, you can use whatever method you want, as long as you can get the Tang family to pay you." Ye Fei thought for a while, and looked at Tang Linjun with a faint smile on his face. Said: "There are many methods, I can teach you one, for example: Throw the groom into the sea, I think I should show something as a father?"



PS: Xiao Zeng would like to say, before he said that there are only 10 monthly tickets to be added. Today, some readers in the comment area said that they voted for monthly tickets but did not add more. Then I want you to see how many monthly tickets are now, 68 Monthly tickets, 60 monthly tickets plus update chapters I have updated, I only ask everyone to add 10 monthly tickets, there are very few, no one voted, yesterday I missed a chapter or two because I have something to do, everyone’s opinions are so big , Khan, Xiao Zeng is really disappointed, yesterday there was no recommendation ticket, no reward, no monthly pass, Xiao Zeng has nothing to say, because I only updated three chapters, and I feel sorry for everyone, but you want to say that I deceived readers? Yes, it really makes me feel bad, everyone has something to do, and I explained it very clearly to everyone, I went to get glasses... Forget it, I believe that those who support Xiao Zeng will understand me, today keep writing...

 Xiao Zeng would like to say, before it was said that there are only 10 monthly tickets to be added, and today I saw a reader in the comment area saying that the monthly ticket was not added, so I want you to see how many monthly tickets are now, 68 monthly tickets, I have updated the chapter of 60 monthly tickets plus updates. I only ask everyone to add 10 monthly tickets. There are very few, and no one voted. I missed a chapter or two yesterday because I have something to do. Everyone’s opinions are so big, sweat , Xiao Zeng is really disappointed, yesterday there was no recommendation ticket, no reward, no monthly pass, Xiao Zeng has nothing to say, because I only updated three chapters, and I feel sorry for everyone, but if you want to say that I deceive readers or something, It really makes me feel very uncomfortable, everyone has something to do, and I have explained it clearly to everyone, I am going to get glasses... Forget it, I believe that those who support Xiao Zeng will understand me, continue to go today Write……

(End of this chapter)

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