super agent

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
Just when Ye Fei raised his eyebrows to look at Tang Zhengde, Guan Xin's hand reached under Ye Fei's crotch again, pinched hard on the thigh next to his little brother, then turned his head and stared at Ye Fei viciously with beautiful eyes.

"Okay, give [-] million, and then I will take the bride away, so you can be safe." Ye Fei shook his beard in pain, glanced at Guan Xin, then smiled at Tang Zhengde and said.

"One hundred million?!"

Tang Zhengde was stunned for a moment, but he immediately realized that no matter how he changed his face, it was enough to benefit them anyway. After all, taking [-] million is still a bit big, and taking [-] million is still achievable.

"I'll add [-] million, don't take my daughter away!"

Guan Zhenhai, who just got up from the ground, looked at Ye Fei sadly and said.

"Okay, send it back in two days!" Ye Fei brushed Guan Xin's beautiful hair lightly and smiled.


Guan Zhenhai's heart tightened. It seemed that the bearded captain had taken a fancy to his daughter and wanted to play with her. Thinking of this, Guan Zhenhai looked at Guan Xin with a distressed face, and it was useless to say anything now.

"Okay, okay, I'll transfer the money immediately, give me your account!"

Tang Zhengde couldn't control Guan Xin, a slut at this time. He knew that Guan Xin had slept with a strange man before. He was strongly opposed to the marriage, but Tang Linjun insisted and persuaded her to merge Guan's company. he.

However, now his son's life is at stake. Once thrown into the sea, the shark will surely die.

Ye Fei thought for a while, took out his bank card, handed it to Bao Bai next to him and said, "Get it over here."

"Uh, good!"

Bao Bai nodded, and was about to walk over.

"Wait a minute, I didn't bring you here to watch a show. You have supernatural powers. You know what I mean."

Ye Fei yelled Baobai speechlessly, this guy is so cute and stupid, the boss asked you to do something, and he didn't take the opportunity to behave well.

"Oh, yes, Ye... the bearded boss." Bao Bai nodded in response, and almost slipped his mouth. Fortunately, he changed his words quickly. After seeing that Ye Fei didn't care, he threw the bank card number into the sky.

Just when the bank card fell to the ground, it was supposed to fall on the ground according to normal people's thinking, but when the bank card was one meter above the ground, it was suspended in mid-air out of thin air, and then under the amazed eyes of everyone, , swept towards Tang Zhengde at an extremely fast speed.

After all, Bao Bai can even lift a large rock weighing more than ten kilograms, so such a bank card is not a casual thing.


Tang Zhengde was taken aback when he saw the bank card flying towards him at a very high speed. Fortunately, Bao Bai had good control and stopped half a meter in front of Tang Zhengde.

"Ha ha."

Tang Zhengde smiled at Ye Fei with an ugly face, and then glanced at the burly man standing beside him with trembling eyes.

The guests present all looked sideways at Bao Bai. It was clear that he hadn't hung up the line just now, but the bank card actually stopped in mid-air, which was a miracle.

Of course, not to mention them, even the people standing behind Ye Fei looked at Baobai in surprise. They thought that the person Ye Fei brought suddenly was just a person with well-developed limbs, but unexpectedly he also had supernatural powers. exist.

beep ring...

At this time, Ye Fei's mobile phone message rang. He took out his mobile phone and saw a large number of 0, but he was very calm. It was only 1 million yuan, which was nothing to him. He put the mobile phone away while talking. See Tang Zhengde said: "Okay, throw the bank card over here, you put that so-and-so down, the money for your life has been received, and now you are safe."


Immediately, several middle-aged men on the deck of the ship put Tang Linjun down, looked at Ye Fei and the others with joy on their faces, and hoped that they would leave quickly.

After Tang Linjun put it down, he looked at Guan Xin bitterly with a look of lingering fear on his face. Now he is not as stubborn as before. After all, he has just walked around the edge of death, and he has looked away a lot.

"Then let's call it a day and retreat."

After Tang Zhengde threw the bank card back to Ye Fei, Ye Fei took Guan Xin in his arms and walked towards the big boat next to him.

"Don't move, all lay down for me now, we can't get up until our boat is [-] meters away, otherwise, don't blame us for shooting before we leave, and it won't be good if a few people die and see blood "Xiao Zhang shouted at the crowd with a gun.

Immediately, everyone lay down on the deck obediently, the rich
"Captain the bearded man, how on earth are you willing to let my daughter go?" Guan Zhenhai crawled on the ground, raised his head with gloomy eyes and looked at Ye Fei unwillingly.

"Damn, can't I understand what I'm saying?"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhang was furious, shook the gun in his hand, and looked at Guan Zhenhai with a ferocious expression.

"Xiao Zhang is back."

Ye Fei immediately turned his head and shouted at Xiao Zhang, then looked at Guan Zhenhai and said, "Do you want a daughter? Then wait, I like this beautiful bride very much, and I will send it back to you in two days."

After finishing speaking, Ye Fei didn't care about Guan Zhenhai's expression, and walked straight to the boat he came from.

After Ye Fei left, the others followed suit. After all, they were not real pirates. They played with Ye Fei and left when they were done.

Immediately, the 'pirates' brought by Ye Fei boarded their ship one after another, but everyone on the Tang's cruise ship still lay on the ground and dared not get up. Before, Xiao Zhang warned them that anyone who dared to get up would shoot directly.

Then, the big ship driven by Ye Fei and others continued to set sail and headed forward, gradually getting farther and farther away from the cruise ship of the Tang family.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, everyone on the Tang's cruise ship dared to look up, subconsciously glanced ahead one by one, and found that the big ship had disappeared.

"Oh! It's safe!"

Someone suddenly yelled so loudly. Immediately, everyone on the boat came back to their senses and stood up one by one with a somewhat timid mood. Seeing that the big boat was really gone, everyone burst into cheers.

Of course, while everyone was cheering, several people left the cruise ship with their tails between their legs.

At this moment, Tang Zhengde, Tang Linjun and Guan Zhenhai are completely humiliated, especially Tang Linjun, he is the saddest. He originally wanted to have a romantic wedding, but unexpectedly he lost his wife and lost his army in the end. He regretted it to death. I knew it earlier. You shouldn't come to sea to get married.

Thinking of Ye Fei's rugged appearance with a big beard, he could fully imagine what kind of woman Guan Xin would become after falling into the hands of such a person. He no longer had any fantasies about Guan Xin. It's okay for Ye Fei to take it away for the first time, but now it is estimated that thousands of people will ride it and ten thousand people will step on it.


At this time, the big ship that Ye Fei and others drove had already left the Tang family's cruise ship far away. After Ye Fei returned to the big ship and explained to everyone casually, he hugged Guan Xin and found an independent room. cabin.

"You're making too much noise, aren't you?"

It can be said that Guan Xin's nose is crooked today, he really has the feeling of luring a wolf into the house.

"Uh, the wedding snatching is a big deal, right? Luckily, it won't be on the news here. If it's on land, it will definitely be on the news tomorrow!" Ye Fei, who was 'removing makeup' and fiddling with his beard, stopped and looked at Guan Xin speechlessly. road.


PS: The third update today, Xiao Zeng will not say anything, continue to code Chapter 4, friends who support Xiao Zeng, please join the group: 159529220
 Today's third update, Xiao Zeng will not say anything, continue to code Chapter 4, friends who support Xiao Zeng, please join the group: 159529220
(End of this chapter)

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