super agent

Chapter 208 A Little More Little 3

Chapter 208 There is an extra mistress

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Guan Xin became even more angry, and told the guy to come here earlier, and take her away before the cruise ship, then nothing happened, and now it's so complicated, his father and the Tang family It's a complete loss of face.

"How dare you say, now that the trouble is like this, do I still have the face to go back?" Guan Xinmei stared at Ye Fei viciously and said.

"Uh, if I don't come today, you dare to make headlines for the photo of our bed, why are you afraid of this?"

Ye Fei threw his beard aside in astonishment, then walked to Guan Xin who was sitting with a smile.

"This... can this be the same? And I was just threatening you, you really think I will do that?" Guan Xin subconsciously moved away from Ye Fei. When this guy hugged her just now, the movement below was a bit big, As for her attire at the moment, she thinks that she still has a lot of lethality to men.

Ye Fei shrugged, pulled a stool over to sit next to Guan Xin and smiled, "You're crazy, I really think you'd do that."

Guan Xin immediately glared at Ye Fei, knowing what this guy was talking about.

"Hey, the wedding dress looks pretty good, but it's a pity that I didn't really become a bride, hehe!" Ye Fei moved to Guan Xin's side with a smirk on his face.

"Stay away."

Guan Xin twisted her tender body and dodged to the side.

"Why? You're still playing reserved. I haven't seen any part of your body?"

Ye Fei took a white look at Guan Xin and said, "By the way, what are you planning to do next? Is it going to be difficult to go home?"

"That's right, I forgot, I don't have any ID or bank card!" Guan Xin thought for a while, and quickly realized that she was still wearing a wedding dress, and said to herself, "This is terrible, this is terrible , I was so busy preparing for your business that I even forgot about the next thing..."

"Ha ha!"

Seeing Guan Xin's embarrassment, Ye Fei burst out laughing and said, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"Damn it, it's all your fault."

Guan Xin's face darkened, and he immediately pushed everything to Ye Fei.

"Eh? It's my fault too. You want to do this yourself, right? Who told you not to hide some money before you come out!"

Ye Fei rolled his eyes, suddenly thought of something, then glanced at Guan Xin and said, "Do you want me to support you with some funds?"

"Will you help me?"

Guan Xin's beautiful eyes flashed, and she turned her head to look at Ye Fei in disbelief.

Ye Fei stared at Guan Xin with a smirk on his face and said, "Of course there are conditions. I don't do business at a loss. You also know that I just got [-] million. It should be able to solve many problems for you, right?"

"What conditions?"

Guan Xin stared at Ye Fei, and now he has all the valuable things on his body, only this body, "Do you want me to sleep with you?"

"Are you paying after sleeping?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, he didn't expect Guan Xin to be so straightforward, he smiled and said, "What do you think of yourself?"

"I only have this body that can satisfy you now, and don't you long for a man like you?" Guan Xin glanced at Ye Fei and said in a low voice.

"So direct? Could it be that you still miss me after the last time?" Ye Fei frowned, and then slowly leaned towards Guan Xin, "I've heard a saying that a woman's place leads directly to the soul, especially The man you have the most affection with for the first time, is that true for you?"

"Are you planning to..."

When Ye Fei said this, Guan Xin's pretty face blushed, and she was indeed as Ye Fei said after tasting the forbidden fruit for the first time.

"Being my woman will solve the problem."

Ye Fei stretched his head to Guan Xin's ear and exhaled lightly, and said softly, he could feel that Guan Xin didn't repel him so much, after all, he was her first man.

"To be your woman?"

Guan Xin trembled when he heard Ye Fei's words, but immediately thought of something and said, "You have a wife."

"Hehe, if you have a wife, can't you have other women? Don't you know that there is another kind of woman in this society, known as mistresses and mistresses?"

Ye Fei chuckled, and then said to Guan Xin: "With your current reputation, it should be very difficult to find a man in Zhonghai City. After all, your first time was for me. As a man, I should bear the responsibility." I will still take the responsibility."

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Guan Xin's beautiful eyes twinkled. She regretted it a bit. If she had known about it, she would have married Tang Linjun. It wouldn't be like this. Her reputation in the upper class of Zhonghai City must be very bad. What would others think of a woman who was plundered by pirates and released again?
"Don't think too much, I'm also sorry for today's incident. I just wanted to have fun before, but I didn't expect that the result would be to make your reputation so bad. To make up for it, I will take care of you in the future, right?" Ye Feiyan He stared closely at Guan Xin's eyes and said.

Guan Xin looked at Ye Fei and didn't know how to make a decision for a while. After pondering for ten seconds, she gritted her teeth and said, "What should I do if Yang Manying knows? She is a very powerful woman."

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to beat her? Didn't you say that many mistresses are very powerful, and eventually caused the wife and husband to divorce? You can try it and use your charm to seduce me, haha!" Ye Fei said in a seductive tone. Said.

"It's not like that. Yang Manying is a very powerful woman. I really can't beat her." Obviously, Guan Xin was also a little moved by Ye Fei. Now she still has the right to choose to be with her first man, although Not very bright, but that's the best possible outcome.

"I can say, in fact, my marriage with her was just a fake marriage from the beginning to the end?" Ye Fei said straight to the point, it doesn't matter to tell Guan Xin about it.

"What? You and her are just a fake marriage?"

Guan Xin was startled immediately, with an unbelievable expression on her pretty face.

"I don't need to lie to you with such a thing!" Ye Fei spread his hands and nodded at Guan Xin.

Guan Xin looked at Ye Fei's serious expression, thought for a while, then glanced at Ye Fei, nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll be your woman!"

Now Guan Xin is completely helpless. Of course, this is not the most important reason. The most important reason is just like what Ye Fei said. A woman's place is the place leading to the deepest part of her heart. She faced Ye Fei. Sometimes there is a strange emotion, just like the feeling of first love.

"Don't say I forced you, you really can't do anything now, and you really earn money by being my woman, even though you're just a 'little three', after all, I'm good enough to say that I'm good. Perfection is indeed quite perfect." Ye Fei's eyes lit up after seeing Guan Xin nodding, and then said with a smug face.

"You said you didn't force me. I'm like this now, it's not you..." Guan Xin pursed her lips, looking angrily at Ye Fei's resentful expression.

But before she finished speaking, Ye Fei rushed forward and said with a smile: "Being my woman, do you have to show it first?"

As he spoke, Ye Fei roughly tore off the neckline of Guan Xin's holy white wedding dress.


PS: Today is the fourth update, it’s really not too small, I hope everyone will understand Xiao Zeng, I can’t sit in front of the computer 24 hours a day to write...

 Today is the fourth update, it’s really not too small, I hope everyone will understand Xiao Zeng, I can’t sit in front of the computer 24 hours a day to write...

(End of this chapter)

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