super agent

Chapter 210 Yang Manying Compromises

Chapter 210 Yang Manying Compromises

Ye Fei felt helpless when he saw Yang Manying. He turned his head to look at Bao Bai standing at the main entrance. This person has been brought back, so we can't let him go to sleep on the street again, right?

"Master, who is this gentleman?"

Wang Ma, who was next to her, was a little puzzled and couldn't figure out the situation.

"He's my new one... a gardener, yes he is a gardener, you see the flowers and trees in our yard need to be taken care of, and he has special skills, he can do anything as a bodyguard." Ye Fei Seeing Wang Ma explaining with a headache on her face, he doesn't know what to do now. Before Yang Manying nodded, he thought she had acquiesced.

"A new bodyguard?"

Wang Ma looked at Bao Bai and nodded. Bao Bai's figure really fits the image of a bodyguard.

"My family doesn't need idlers, if you want, let's go out together." Yang Manying looked at Ye Fei with a cold face and said.

Ye Fei glanced at Wang Ma, then at Bao Bai, and immediately walked forward, came to Yang Manying's side, hugged her rudely, and walked to the side.

"What are you doing? Don't touch your hands, okay?"

Yang Manying was taken aback by this sudden change, and quickly struggled to get rid of Ye Fei, but how could her strength be stronger than Ye Fei's?

After bringing Yang Manying to the bottom of the stairs, Ye Fei let go of Yang Manying and glanced at the door, then stared at Yang Manying and said, "Keep your voice down, do you think it's okay to say that in front of others?"

"What's wrong? I didn't just throw something at him." After Ye Fei let her go, Yang Manying straightened her clothes and looked at Ye Fei coldly.

"Listen to me, okay? Believe me, I can't possibly harm you." Ye Fei said solemnly with his hands on Yang Manying's shoulders.

Yang Manying was startled immediately, her beautiful eyes stared at Ye Fei tightly, she nodded and said, "Tell me, I'll listen, if you can persuade me, I can think about it."

"it is good."

Ye Fei helped Yang Manying, his eyes flickered, and said: "You have many enemies, but for you, of course not all of them, there are also some reasons of my own, which caused my enemies to be many, and they are not ordinary enemies. Not afraid, but what about you? I don't worry about you, but you also know that there will always be times when I am not by your side, so it is necessary to find someone to help you."


Yang Manying stared at Ye Fei with complex eyes, pondered for a moment, then turned her head and pointed at Bao Bai and said, " you think such a stupid man can protect me?"

"He is indeed stupid, but you saw his ability that day. It is not an ordinary ability. What if he did not levitate a coin that day, but a blade?" Ye Fei glanced at Baobai and continued to explain. : "Besides, he is so simple and honest, if we give him a little favor, he must be grateful. Of course, he is here to pay off his father's debt. Such a coolie is not in vain."

After hearing Ye Fei's words, Yang Manying was stunned. What she said was indeed very reasonable. If Bao Bai really used a blade, normal people would definitely be unable to dodge it, and even stronger people might not be able to dodge it. what.

Thinking about it, Yang Manying couldn't help staring at Bao Bai with admiration.

"I really didn't lie to you, you have to believe me!"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying and thought that there should be no big problem.


Yang Manying turned to look at Ye Fei, hesitated for a few seconds and said, "But, I don't want to live under the same roof as him."

"Eh? Then you let people sleep on the street?" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying speechlessly. Could it be that his words were wasted?

"My house is so big, can't it accommodate one person?" Yang Manying asked Ye Fei, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Fei was taken aback, and asked quickly.

"Isn't there a special security room in the courtyard of the villa? That's where the security guards live. If he wants to protect us now, of course he lives there. Otherwise, you think the security guards live in the same building as us?" Yang Manying explained helplessly.

"Ah? Well, I don't usually pay attention to it. I didn't expect that there is a guard room in our house. Oh, is that the smaller house?" Ye Fei was taken aback, then remembered and asked.

"Yeah, the conditions in that place are not bad, but the food is also included?" Yang Manying nodded and said.

"Nonsense, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks for a meal. Could it be that the CEO picks all of this?" Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying speechlessly.

"I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say, I don't want to sit and eat with him." Yang Manying said, for her, it was like a knot in her heart, facing the person who killed her parents, right? There may be some good attitude.

"It's okay. If you eat at that time, let him wait first, but it feels a little unkind." Ye Fei shrugged and smiled, and the matter was settled.

"Then you can eat with him."

Yang Manying glanced at Bai Yefei, then glanced at Bao Bai, and immediately walked to the sofa without paying attention.

"Ha ha."

Ye Fei chuckled calmly, then walked towards Baobai, looked at Wang Ma first and said, "Wang Ma, Manying has already agreed, you go and prepare some necessities for life for Baobai, he will also live in the house in the future." into this house."

"Oh, yes, the crowd is more lively, so I like more people. The family used to be too cold." Wang Ma glanced at Bao Bai and nodded with a smile, and she could tell at a glance that Bao Bai belonged to the kind of simple and honest , The image of a countryman should be pretty good.

"By the way, he lives in the guard room, you can put your things there." Seeing that Wang Ma was about to leave, Ye Fei quickly explained.

"Oh, okay, I'll wait for Baobao... let's get ready for Baobai." Wang Ma turned her head to see Baobai couldn't call out his name.

"Auntie, my name is Bao Bai, you can call me Xiao Bai." Bao Bai quickly scratched the back of his head and said to Wang Ma with a grin.

"Call her Wang Ma, we all call her that."

Ye Fei explained from the side.

"Hehe, yes, Xiaobai will live in this house from now on. If there is anything you need, feel free to mention it!" Wang Ma nodded with a smile, and then walked towards a room next to her.

Seeing Wang Ma walking away, Ye Fei walked up to Bao Bai and said, "Old Bai, do you have any objections to living there?"

With that said, Ye Fei pointed to a small house outside the room near the gate. Although it was a small house, it was nearly [-] square meters.

"Live... in such a nice house?"

Bao Bai glanced at the house outside, and nodded in astonishment, "No, I have no objection, it's a blessing that Miss Yang can take me in, and now I'm still living in such a good house, I'm very grateful."

"Yeah, you're quite old, don't you, ask for a wife sometime, and follow me from now on, I won't treat you badly." Ye Fei took out a cigarette, handed it to Bao Bai and said with a smile.


PS: The second update today, sorry for the lateness, there are too many facts today, only the third update, Xiao Zeng will immediately code Chapter 3, there is nothing to do tomorrow, there must be five chapters, sorry!
 The second update today, sorry for the lateness, there are too many facts today, only the third update, Xiao Zeng will immediately code Chapter 3, there is nothing to do tomorrow, there must be five chapters, sorry!
(End of this chapter)

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