super agent

Chapter 211

Chapter 211
Bao Bai took the cigarette from Ye Fei, smiled with a simple and honest expression on his face, and said, "Mr. Ye, I can see that you are a very powerful person."

"Well, work hard in the future."

Ye Fei set Bao Bai on fire, then patted Bao Bai on the shoulder and led him outside, "Come on, let me show you the house."

"Okay, Mr. Ye, you are a good person."

Bao Bai smoked a cigarette and went out with Ye Fei, but before going out, he still didn't forget to look back at Yang Manying who was on the sofa in the room and said: "Miss Yang..."

"Don't worry, people get along with each other. You should work hard in the future and let her see your ability." Ye Fei looked back and comforted Baobai.

"Yeah, Mr. Ye, I will work hard."

Bao Bai nodded firmly, took two steps and said suddenly: "By the way, Mr. Ye, can I help Ms. Yang?"

"Yes, if you practice your skills more, it will definitely have a great effect. Of course, you will listen to me when the time comes."

Ye Fei nodded and looked at Bao Bai with a smile, and came to the door of the security room and suddenly said, "Do you dare to kill someone?"


Bao Bai was so frightened that he took two steps back, looked at Ye Fei in astonishment and said, "Mr. Ye can't, I'm an honest person, and killing people is absolutely impossible."

"Didn't you say you came to be a bodyguard? Didn't you say you came to protect my wife? If someone comes to kill her, why don't you stand aside and watch the show?" Ye Fei knew that Bao Bai would have such an expression, an honest man It is indeed too subversive for the rural people to tell him to kill people.

"But... but murder?"

Bao Bai looked at Ye Fei with a blue face.

"It's okay, you will get used to it when you meet in the future, if someone wants to kill you, it's impossible for you not to resist, right?"

Ye Fei waved his hand, he doesn't plan to ask Bao Bai to do anything now, let him get used to it first.

"Ha ha."

Bao Bai smiled uglier than crying.

"Well, the room is not bad. You can live here well in the future. For dinner, you can eat after my wife finishes eating. She doesn't want to sit at the same table with you." Walking into the room, Ye Fei took a glance, Immediately nodded and said to Bao Bai.

"Yeah, okay, Mr. Ye, I'll do what you say!" Bao Bai looked at Ye Fei gratefully and said.

"Okay, then you don't do anything, just get a few blades, or a small flying knife, and practice every day until you can use your mind to... cut off that tree with one knife, and then you can be with me." Bao Bao After Bai settled down, Ye Fei planned to go back to rest, but he still didn't forget to tell Bao Bai, after all, if Bao Bai didn't have real skills, it would be a burden for him to take it out.

"Eh? Mr. Ye, you mean that tree?"

Baobai opened his mouth wide, and looked at the pine tree in the yard with a face full of astonishment. It was at least as thick as a thigh, and it was a relatively tough pine tree.

"Yes, I am optimistic about you. Let me know when you can achieve it. Now you can wait for Wang Ma to help you tidy up, and then have a good rest."

Ye Fei raised his eyebrows and smiled, then walked towards the house.

Bao Bai looked at the back of Ye Fei leaving, and then glanced at the pine tree in the yard, with a firm look in his eyes. His task was quite easy, and he seemed to cut off the tree.

Ye Fei returned to the room, walked straight to the sofa, came to Yang Manying's side, sat down with a smile, and said, "Mrs. Wife, this time seems quite sensible."


After Ye Fei sat over, Yang Manying moved her nose, then frowned and sat aside with a slight change in expression.

"what happened?"

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying in confusion and asked.

"Which woman are you going to fool around with again? After fooling around with women, please take a shower before entering the house, or I will run to the kitchen and get a kitchen knife to cut you up!" Yang Manying's cold expression suddenly changed, and she said indifferently. With a strong vinegar smell.


Ye Fei smelled his clothes right away. Damn it, Guan Xin wore too much perfume on his body. After rolling the sheets, he also got a lot of it on. Now that he smelled it carefully, his body smelled of perfume. He quickly laughed and said: " Hehe, the elevator is crowded."

"You think I'll believe it?"

Yang Manying said in a cold voice, she couldn't make too much of a show when her husband went out to have sex, it felt really sad.

Saying that, Yang Manying didn't have the heart to watch TV anymore, she got up and walked upstairs, but turned around halfway and said coldly to Ye Fei: "The company's new products are going to be launched recently, the company is very busy, don't run around , Miss Qian Songyi wants you to entertain her."

After finishing speaking, Yang Manying went upstairs without looking back. The only thing she could do was to try to restrain Ye Fei with some work, otherwise she really couldn't control Ye Fei. After all, she and Ye Fei were only fake in name. Just get married.

Moreover, as husband and wife, the two have never had physical contact, so their relationship is naturally not that close.

Ye Fei looked at Yang Manying's lonely back, and felt a little ashamed in his heart. After spending time together, he actually developed a lot of feelings for Yang Manying, and he even planned to let the two of them live like this.

"It seems that I still have to be more careful in the future, and I have to wash before returning from Guan Xin."

Immediately, Ye Fei also got up and walked towards his own room to rest.

Silent all night.

The next day, Ye Fei got up at dawn. He hasn't been to the company much recently, so let's go and have a look today.

After washing up, Ye Fei walked out of the room. When he came to the living room, he saw Yang Manying who was eating breakfast. He immediately walked to the dining table with a smile and said hello to Yang Manying, "Baby Manying, it's so early?"

Yang Manying, who was eating breakfast, looked up at Ye Fei, then lowered her head to eat breakfast, but her beautiful eyes looked a little reddish.

"What's wrong? Didn't you sleep well yesterday?" Seeing this, Ye Fei quickly asked with concern.

As soon as Ye Fei finished speaking, Yang Manying put down the tableware in her hand, picked up her bag and left outside.

"Eh? What's the situation?"

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little puzzled, thinking about Yang Manying's expression just now, he reflected for a while, and quickly said to himself: "Did you cry last night? No way? But her husband is playing with women outside, and she can still be so silent , it’s no wonder it’s her fault.”

Thinking about it, Ye Fei also put down the tableware he just picked up.

"Grandpa, let's have breakfast, where's miss?" Wang Ma asked Ye Fei who came out with a big pot of porridge to see Ye Fei who was about to leave.

"Going to work, I'm going to work now too." Ye Fei greeted Wang Ma, and then walked out.

However, as soon as he walked out, he saw Yang Manying leaving in his own car, and Ye Fei immediately drove after him.

The two came to the company one after the other, and when they arrived at the entrance of Baimei International, Yang Manying got out of the car and glanced at Ye Fei behind, then walked quickly into the hall.

"No, I have to ask."

Ye Fei hurriedly opened the door and got off the car, and walked towards the entrance of the hall.


As soon as he arrived at the door, Ye Fei accidentally bumped into someone because he was focusing on Yang Manying in front of him. It was a woman's voice.

Immediately, he came to his senses and quickly turned his head to see that it was Ling Wei who was hit by him.

However, looking at Ling Wei's appearance, it doesn't seem to be very good, with a look of despair, obviously she didn't pay attention just now.

Ye Fei suddenly felt a little speechless, what happened today?
He couldn't figure it out, and he didn't bother to think too much. He lowered his head and said to Ling Wei who was picking up things: "Sister Ling Wei, I'm sorry, I bumped into you just now."

"Ah? It's Xiaoye!" Hearing Ye Fei's voice, Ling Wei reacted and looked up at Ye Fei. Her beautiful eyes were surrounded by dark circles, and her pretty face was pale and bloodless.

"Eh? Sister Ling Wei, did you stay up all night last night?" Ye Fei quickly squatted down to help Ling Wei pick up things, and asked with concern.

"'s fine!"

As soon as Ling Wei heard Ye Fei asking her about this topic, she hurriedly rolled up the document in a panic, stood up holding the document, forced a smile and nodded, "Xiaoye, I'm going to work first."

After finishing speaking, Ling Wei left quickly, as if afraid of being discovered by Ye Fei.


Ye Fei was completely speechless, today is a special day for women?But he could see that something really happened to Ling Wei, and his attitude today was too abnormal.


PS: I'm so tired, there are only three chapters today, Xiao Zeng will definitely write five chapters tomorrow, this time I promise to fulfill it!
 I'm so tired, there are only three chapters today, Xiao Zeng will definitely write five chapters tomorrow, this time I promise to fulfill it!
(End of this chapter)

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